Saturday, January 16, 2010


Virgo is the sixth Sign of the Zodiac, to be exact, and that's the way Virgos like it: exacting. Those born under this Sign are forever the butt of jokes for being so picky and critical (and they can be), but their 'attention to detail' is for a reason: to help others. Virgos, more than any other Sign, were born to serve, and it gives them great joy. They are also tailor-made for the job, since they are industrious, methodical and efficient. The sense of duty borne by these folks is considerable, and it ensures that they will always work for the greater good. Virgo is represented in modern Astrology by the Virgin, although this association should not be taken literally. Rather, Virgos tend to take on some of the qualities of a Virgin, things like modesty and humanity. Some might consider them repressed, although Virgins would argue that it's a noble quality, as opposed to a negative one. Most of all, Virgos enjoy indulging their practical and logical side and poring over their projects to the nth degree. To say these folks are good at fact-finding almost understates the case, since Virgos revel in their exacting (some would argue pedantic) behavior and are a whiz with minutiae. Virgins are an asset in the workplace as they can be counted on to get things right the first time, every time -- and no detail will be overlooked. They are also balanced and fair in their assessments in keeping with the Mutable Quality assigned to this Sign. Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury, and as portrayed in ancient Roman mythology, Mercury wasn't one to sit still for long. This swift-footed god was a bundle of energy, both physically and mentally, and that pretty much sums up the Virgin's makeup. A Virgo's brain is in overdrive most of the time, which is why these folks get so much done. Those born under this Sign are also able communicators and use their mental acuity to maximum advantage. All of this brainpower can make Virgins prone to skepticism, and can even lead to the kind of overthink which surely leads to overkill. Thankfully, though, Virgos are also a studious lot and can temper their worst impulses with a bit of careful analysis. Virgos enjoy studying a situation in great detail, whether it's a work project or a friendship. Virgins are truly interested in understanding things. The bane of many Virgos is the perfectionism which can get in the way of their usual clear thinking. 'I'm not a perfectionist; I'm discriminating!' a Virgo would say, happy in the knowledge that their taste is unparalleled. Along those lines, Virgos are also neat and clean, save for the occasional sloppy Virgin (they do exist). Virgins are also reliable and practical and oh-so-useful to have around. The Element associated with Virgo is Earth, and in keeping with that, most Virgos are grounded, salt-of-the-earth types. The flash and dash can go to others, since Virgos would much rather be humble and easy-going. That said, Virgins do enjoy material possessions and are (dare we say?) picky about what they bring into their lives. Some might even go as far as calling them self-centered, but it's really more of a desire to surround themselves with what's right -- for them. This knack for discernment also serves Virgins well in business, where their decisions are usually dead-on. Those born under this Sign are eminently sensible and use their critical eye well. While Virgins can be worrywarts, they do their best to temper these impulses. However, if this nervousness goes unchecked, it can lead to hypochondria, that ugly skeleton in the Virgo's closet. For that reason, Virgos are extremely health conscious, to the point of being storehouses of information on diet and hygiene. Many Virgos even choose a health or medical career so they won't miss a beat. Working out is elemental for Virgins, if only so they know intellectually that they're helping themselves physically. See, the benefits of exercise are far more important to Virgos than the process itself. That's why Virgos are likely to time themselves on their runs and get in those 300 sit-ups every day. When it comes to the game of love, Virgos are able to loosen up somewhat and are devoted to their lovers, even if they can be a bit jealous. Since Virgo rules the intestines, worried Virgins need to be wary of bowel upsets. Soothing relief often comes in the way of earth tones, which is why Virgins like to be surrounded by shades of tan and a warm yellow. The great strength of the Virgo-born is in their practicality, sharp mind and attention to detail. When merged with their willingness to serve, Virgos become essential helpmates. They can be picky -- so what?


Leo is the fifth Sign of the Zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss, since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that these folks are also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else. It's quite common to see a Leo on stage or in Hollywood, since these folks never shy away from the limelight. They are also supremely talented and have a flair for the dramatic. Warmth and enthusiasm seems to seep from every Leo pore, making these folks a pleasure to be around. They do love pleasure! It's the Lion which symbolizes Leos, and the king (or queen) of the jungle is a most appropriate mascot, since these folks consider themselves the rulers of their universe (and the Zodiac at that). Like Lions, Leos tend to be dignified and strong, and it is this sense of their power which allows them to get things done. A Leo on your team is a good thing, since Lions are eager to see their projects through to completion. Putting these folks at the helm is a good thing, too, since the Leo-born are natural leaders. They may ruffle a few feathers along the way, however, since they can also be overbearing and somewhat autocratic. This may be in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign -- Lions are indeed opinionated and set in their ways. That said, they are well organized, idealistic and have a knack for inspiring others. Leo is ruled by the Sun, the center of the universe and the fuel for our being. In much the same way, Leos consider themselves indispensable and the center of the universe, and those who would tell them otherwise had better look out! Lions are outgoing, self-assured and have a tremendous zest for life. So what if the world revolves around them? There are worse role models, for sure. The Lion's enthusiasm is boundless, and along with that comes generosity of spirit and the determination to succeed. That focus may be construed as vanity and even bossiness at times, but Lions would say 'No way!' and continue along their regal path. Regardless of appearance, those born under this Sign can be counted on for their loyalty and sense of honor. They are also decisive, intensely proud and wonderfully romantic. The Element associated with Leo is Fire. Everything about the Lion's personality is hot, hot, hot. Those born under this Sign are fearless and strong, which may be why Lions plunge in head first and let the chips fall where they may. Thankfully, Leos are dignified enough not to commit too many pratfalls. It's the Lion's unswerving courage that wins so many folks over. If you need someone to lead the charge, call a Leo -- and the bigger the project, the better, since these folks love an expansive stage (and the audience that comes with it). While some would take to calling Lions status-conscious, these folks are truly warmhearted and want everyone to be happy. Hey, it's their kingdom, and happy campers make for a perfect peace. Further, it's the great gift of the Leo-born to be dynamic, forward-thinking and self-confident. These attributes certainly catch the attention of others, making Leos sought after by both friends and lovers. The Lion's charms extend to all, even to the children they dearly love. Yes, the pleasure principle is paramount to the Lion, and along those lines, Leos are great at spending money. Lions can't fathom an uncomfortable throne. Leos also enjoy trying their luck at the tables, so expect to find them living it up in Las Vegas. Come play time, Leos are at their best. Those born under this Sign enjoy fun and games both outdoors and in (and with a group), so expect to find them playing softball, hockey or a game of cards. Lions are also a natural at the gym, where they can show their stuff to a crowd. When the lights are low, the essential Lion comes to the fore, since this beast is 90% fun and 100% romantic. The Leo lover is devoted, creative and almost too hot to handle! Since Leo rules the heart and back, however, overzealous Lions may have to take a deep breath and slow down a bit. You can bet that the Lion's home will be swaddled in royal purple and gold. The great strengths of the Leo-born are their creativity, idealism and leadership. Lions don't lack for ambition, either, so they're likely to accomplish a lot -- and have fun while they're at it. Their warmth and loyalty ensures that others will enjoy the ride as well.


Cancer, the fourth Sign of the Zodiac, is all about home. Those born under this Sign are 'roots' kinds of people and take great pleasure in the comforts of home and family. Cancers are maternal, domestic and love to nurture others. More than likely, their family will be large, too -- the more, the merrier! Cancers will certainly be merry if their home life is serene and harmonious. Traditions are upheld with great zest in a Cancer's household, since these folks prize family history and love communal activities. They also tend to be patriotic, waving the flag whenever possible. A Cancer's good memory is the basis for stories told around the dinner table, and don't be surprised if these folks get emotional about things. Those born under this Sign wear their heart on their sleeve, which is just fine by them. The mascot of Cancerians is the Crab, and much like this shelled little critter, Cancerians are quick to retreat into their shells if it suits their mood. No wonder these folks are called crabby! For Cancer, it's not that big of a deal, though, since they consider this 'shell' a second home (and they do love home). The flip side of this hiding is that shell-bound Crabs are often quite moody. Further, in keeping with their difficulty in sharing their innermost feelings, it can become a Herculean task to pry a Crab out of its secret hiding place. What to do? Give the Crab time -- eventually these folks will come out to play again. When they do, they'll be the first to say so, in keeping with the Cardinal Quality attached to this Sign. It's said that Crabs are first to laugh and first to cry, so you can bet they'll fill you in. That shell, by the way, isn't the only tough thing about Crabs. These folks are tenacious and strong-willed and like to get their way. If their well-documented kindness and gentleness doesn't do the trick, however, they're not above using emotional manipulation to make things happen. If that still doesn't work, they'll just go back to their shell and sulk, or find a way to get back at the source of their pain, since Crabs can be rather vindictive. That said, any self-respecting Crab would tell you that they are ultimately motivated by protecting their home and loved ones, a most noble goal. Cancerians are ruled by the Moon, the Great Mother of the heavens in ancient times. Here on Earth, this is manifested in the Crab's maternal instincts and desire to protect home and hearth. This may appear smothering at times, but that's the Crab for you. The Moon is associated with fertility, too, a quality which is most pleasing to Cancerians. The Moon is also the ruler of moods, and Cancers have plenty of those. These folks can cry you a river if they're so inclined, and they usually are. They can be overly sensitive, easily hurt and prone to brooding. Even so, Crabs find it easy to be sympathetic to others and are quick to show their affection. Their intuition is also a great help to them, especially in times of stress. The Element associated with Cancer is Water. Like the rolling waves of the sea, the Crab's emotions can make quite a splash. These folks tend to pick up on things and bring them in, with the outward result ranging from sentimentality to possessiveness. Crabs need to resist the temptation to become selfish or to feel sorry for themselves, since this behavior won't help. On the bright side, Cancers are good with money (although some consider them too thrifty), probably because they value a sense of security. Crabs are also quick to help others and tend to avoid confrontation. In keeping with their nurturing bent, those born under this Sign are a whiz with food. A hearty picnic in the park is heaven on earth to most Crabs. Cancers often find that a robust workout session is just the tonic for their touchy feelings. Team sports are always nice, since they offer a sense of community; water polo should be elemental to aquatic Crabs. What are their team colors? The Moon is silver and white. Since Cancerians have a tendency to be lazy, however, they may need someone to push them out the door. When it comes to the game of love, eager Crabs are devoted, romantic and able to get things going on their own. Crabs are wise to listen to their gut, since this Sign rules the stomach. The great strength of the Cancer-born is the tenacity with which they protect their loved ones. These folks don't ask for much, either: a comfortable home and sense of peace about sums it up. It's that nurturing instinct which makes Cancerians a pleasure to be with.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Gemini is the third Sign of the Zodiac, and those born under this Sign will be quick to tell you all about it. That's because they love to talk! It's not just idle chatter with these folks, either. The driving force behind a Gemini's conversation is their mind. The Gemini-born are intellectually inclined, forever probing people and places in search of information. The more information a Gemini collects, the better. Sharing that information later on with those they love is also a lot of fun, for Geminis are supremely interested in developing their relationships. Dalliances with these folks are always enjoyable, since Geminis are bright, quick-witted and the proverbial life of the party. Even though their intellectual minds can rationalize forever and a day, Geminis also have a surplus of imagination waiting to be tapped. Can a Gemini be boring? Never! Since Geminis are a mix of the yin and the yang, they are represented perfectly by the Twins. The Gemini-born can easily see both sides of an issue, a wonderfully practical quality. Less practical is the fact that you're not sure which Twin will show up half the time. Geminis may not know who's showing up either, which can prompt others to consider them fickle and restless. They can be wishy-washy, too, changing their mood on a simple whim. It's this characteristic which readily suggests the Mutable Quality assigned to this Sign. Mutable folks are flexible and go with the flow. Further, the Twins are adaptable and dexterous and can tackle many things at once. It's a good thing, too, when you consider their myriad interests. The downside of such a curious mind, however, can be a lack of follow-through. How much can any one person do, anyway?


The Bull, as befits an Earth sign, is a grounded and devoted sort, but that should never be construed as boring. Remember that Bulls can charge! Taurus generally wants a harmonious and beautiful relationship, given as they are to a fondness for pretty things. Whether it's a sweet serenade or silky sheets, Taurus loves anything luxurious and anyone who can bring that aspect into their lives. Does this make the Bull all style and no substance? Not at all: Taureans are sentimental, romantic and possessed of a dogged determination which virtually assures that they will get what they want. Keeping the Bull feeling good is the best guarantee of a considerate lover, one who will work hard on a relationship filled with sensual pleasures. Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus, a lovely gal who didn't deny herself many things. In ancient Roman mythology, Venus was the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Pleasure, and Taureans have pretty much taken up where she left off. Bulls are fond of all things pretty, whether it's in their home, at a museum or on the stage. Life as one sweet pas de deux is how the Taurean-born like it. To onlookers, this may look like so much materialism and blessed excess, but Bulls really aren't interested in living without beauty in their lives. Beauty to the Bull also comes in the way of a happy home life, one which includes a partner and a stable relationship. Taureans value harmony in their personal lives, so they'll work hard on keeping their mate happy. The Bull's penchant for sensual pleasures, of course, can only help things along! Bulls can also be the sappiest of sentimentalists. Will all this overweening attention to their mate turn a Bull into a possessive mess? Probably not, although these folks do have to manage their tendency to latch on a bit tight. At the end of the day, however, the Taurean-born are true romantics and loyal to the core. The Element associated with Taurus is Earth. No pie-in-the-sky for these practical folks, since they'd much rather be on terra firma. Bulls tend toward conservatism, and this is often seen in their day-to-day behavior. No far-out schemes (that's Air) or shrieking ultimatums (more like Fire) here. Taureans far prefer to take each day slowly and steadily and work toward their ultimate goal. Along these lines, those born under this Sign are happy to stick with their projects until they have reached a successful conclusion. They are also extremely patient and dependable along the way. Does that sound earthy enough? The only kink in this well-oiled chain is the heckler in the gallery that tries to upbraid the Bull. These folks may not have a hair-trigger temper, but it's short enough. Bulls in a hissy fit can get pretty argumentative, but eventually they'll calm down and come back to center, since these folks would much rather be Zen. The Earth in this Sign does tend to act as a balancing mechanism so that things never get truly out of hand. For every one person who considers the Bull a pain, there are two who will say 'No way!' and happily take the Taurean's gentle charms any day. Seeing as how Bulls are generally strong and well-built, it's no surprise that these folks enjoy testing their strength on the field of play. Expect to find a Bull engaged in a spirited game of hoops or mountain climbing. Hiking is also a favorite pastime, since it keeps Taureans close to their beloved earth. Indoor adventures are also favored by Bulls, which is why the opera or ballet is right up a Taurean's alley. When it comes to love, the Taurus-born are devoted, romantic and somewhat possessive. Their sensual nature has a way of erasing any mistakes! Since Taurus rules the neck and throat, Bulls would be wise to keep a silky scarf at hand, ideally in a warm (and soothing) earth tone. The great strength of the Taurean-born is in their stability, loyalty and dogged determination. Bulls want to get the job done, and they will. What better way to get the riches they so fervently crave?


Aries is the first Sign of the Zodiac, and that's pretty much how those born under this Sign see themselves: first. Aries are the leaders of the pack, first in line to get things going. Whether or not everything gets done is another question altogether, for Ariess far prefer to initiate than to complete. Do you have a project needing a kick-start? Call an Aries, by all means. The leadership displayed by Aries is most impressive, so don't be surprised if they can rally the troops against seemingly insurmountable odds -- they have that kind of personal magnetism. Aries don't shy away from new ground, either. Those born under this Sign are often called the pioneers of the Zodiac, and it's their fearless trek into the unknown which often wins the day. Aries are a bundle of energy and dynamism and the Pied Piper of their people. The dawning of a new day, and all its possibilities, is pure bliss to an Aries. It's the Ram which symbolizes Aries, and that's both good and bad news. Impulsive Aries (and there are more than a few) might be tempted to ram their ideas down someone else's throat. If things get done for the greater good, that might even be okay. It's those times when an idea is force-fed by an Aries for no apparent reason that we wish this Sign's symbol were a more subdued creature. No go, since these folks are blunt and to the point. Along with those qualities comes the sheer force of Aries being that can accomplish a great deal. Much of this drive to the finish line has to do with the Cardinal Quality assigned to Aries. Cardinal Signs love to get things going, and Aries exemplify this better than the rest. The Element associated with Aries is Fire. Think action, enthusiasm and a burning desire to play the game. Aries love physicality, so they won't sit on the sidelines for long, if at all. They'll jump into the fray full force and will contribute much in the process. Talk about eager beavers! Sure, some of their decisions may later prove to have been hasty, but you'll never find an Aries who regretted taking a shot. Making things happen is what it's all about to these folks. Aries are also unafraid of stepping onto new terrain. The challenge inherent in taking on the unknown is heaven on Earth for Rams. Sure, they may appear arrogant when they take on the world, but they'll be quick to tell you it's the only way to go. While a common Aries refrain might well be 'me first,' there's no point in arguing with them since, in their minds, they are first. Is this unbridled ego? Maybe, but that might be what it takes to blaze a new trail. Oh, and on the subject of arguing, it's the Ram who will have the last word, so save your breath. Aries seem to play as hard as they work. These folks are happiest in a spirited soccer match or engaging in the martial arts. In the game of love, the Ram's ardor is unquestioned, although Aries can also be playful and romantic with their mate. With Aries ruling the head, face and brain, those born under this Sign need to be on the lookout for headaches and are well-served to take the occasional deep breath. The Ram's color is bright red, a sure sign of the fire that breathes within. The great strength of the Aries-born is in their initiative, courage and determination. These folks love to get things going and are fearless along the way. Their dynamism and competitive spirit add considerably any of their endeavors.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pisces Technology Profile

Public passwords are spread all around when it comes to working with Pisceans. Your easygoing attitude enhances the interactive experience for anyone involved, whether it's on or off-line. An incredible ability to sense people's feelings makes even text-based communication intriguing. You'll be able to work across all types of computers and applications. You know how to go beyond the traditional computer color of beige and spice it up without breaking down any big barriers. Guided by intuition, your initial impressions give you a gut reaction to all of the sites that you surf. You understand that sites on the Internet need to start turning a profit, but you are partial to content that is charitable.

Aquarius Technology Profile

The Aquarian craves the community that exists on the Web. You are likely to be the first to post your opinion on a message board or the one to spark a debate through email, all just to get the ideas flowing. Designing a Web site for a non-profit organization may be where you end up as you conquer your online learning curve. You could catalyze a social movement with the aid of email. Your visionary abilities mean that combining your desires to positively impact the world with the temptation of technology makes for a powerful mix. Spreading the word for your cause becomes a collaborative effort as you meet people who hold your same views through cyberchats. Quick fixes are what you are known for and they'll get you through all of the obstacles that you encounter.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Capricorn Technology Profile

Capricorns are the producers of their own lives, so the Web world better watch out! You'll be able to take the pieces of the puzzle and fit them in their proper place. Your inclination to stay on the safe side and protect yourself with passwords will serve you well. The actual computer may be more compelling to you than all of the fancy applications it houses. If you find yourself frustrated, your ability to bounce back from adversity allows you to persist until you achieve success. Having the patience to wait for Web pages to load allows you to reap the rewards. The detail orientation of Capricorns ensures that your efficiency applies to your online experience. Partiality toward conventionalism means that a practical, older computer system with frequent upgrades is likely to be your tool of the trade.

Sagittarius Technology Profile

As a Sagittarius, you tend to have your own style which means that in the computer world, you hold the user's manual to your own system. Quests for information will lead you to love the Web, and you'll delve in to define your own wild style of surfing. Frustration is no boundary for the Sag seeking truth. Your intuition about what works on the Web will lead you in the right direction. Storing information is your uncanny ability and means that it is easy for you to keep your computer system, as well as the other systems in your life, running smoothly. Exploring the bits and pieces of the computer intrigues you as a Sag, but you are also adept at seeing how it all fits into the flow of the digital revolution.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Scorpio Technology Profile

Scorpios are driven to find a purpose to their actions and a bottom line level of profitability or gain. This does not differ online. Your intuition is keen enough that you are likely to discover the magical mix. You are already one step ahead and thinking about where the next link may bring you. Visions of value are placed securely in your own storage. No one will be able to guess your password. Your systems run smoothly because you have created a style of computer interaction that works for you perfectly. Even if you had your own user's manual, it wouldn't make much sense to anyone else. Resourcefulness allows Scorpios to create shortcuts that work well, so utilizing your computer to make your life easier is a great option. Although your monitor is in color, the issues you see shine through in black and white.

Scorpio Technology Profile

Scorpios are driven to find a purpose to their actions and a bottom line level of profitability or gain. This does not differ online. Your intuition is keen enough that you are likely to discover the magical mix. You are already one step ahead and thinking about where the next link may bring you. Visions of value are placed securely in your own storage. No one will be able to guess your password. Your systems run smoothly because you have created a style of computer interaction that works for you perfectly. Even if you had your own user's manual, it wouldn't make much sense to anyone else. Resourcefulness allows Scorpios to create shortcuts that work well, so utilizing your computer to make your life easier is a great option. Although your monitor is in color, the issues you see shine through in black and white.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Libra Technology Profile

Librans are the sort of players you want to have on any tech team. You are quite in your element networking in the real world, and the online world is no different. Your quest will be finding the best balance between the two. An uncanny ability to look beyond the small screens and see the big picture on any size monitor allows you to get the best overall picture. Chat rooms and mailing lists are exciting to Librans as you thrive in a community setting. The Scales, though, are not likely to be found tucked away in the Internet world for long periods of time. Loneliness sets in easily. If you find yourself frustrated, your desire to avoid any type of conflict helps resolve the situation smoothly. Email adds a whole new dimension to your craving for communication.

Virgo Technology Profile

Virgos are often the foundations upon which plans are built, so jump into the online world full force. You may leave your tutor by the wayside as you take off to explore all of the elements. The exacting nature of Virgos ensures that you'll receive all of the data and see the Web page pictures promptly. You can edit any site or run the figures in any spreadsheet without expending much memory at all. Backing up your system and noticing all of the nuances of the Web are the type of tasks that get your attention. Your practical nature keeps your experience simple. Fact-finding expeditions encourage you to consult any and all of the experts available on the Web.

Leo Technology Profile

As you jump online, you may find the experience to be a little frustrating, as Leos love being center stage, and it's hard to stand out on the Web. Your light at the end of the tunnel is that you have the ability to backup your performances with a depth of understanding that is uncanny. After you sweep through a Web site, the format may seem a little funky, since you are not afraid to leave a strong impression. Your ambition and ability to multi-task are likely to be evident through the number of computer applications that you have open on your desktop at any one time. Leos can organize almost as well as an electronic datebook, and you can be sure when you are in control everything will eventually run smoothly. Your idealistic views of the Internet have the potential to inspire creative products or even a business plan.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cancer Technology Profile

If you have your preference, you'll be accessing the Web from home. As a Cancer, you are most comfortable in cozy surroundings that are familiar. This may make your first online experience a little disconcerting, but it won't be long until you find the perfect place on the Web. Home pages are a great fit. Most comfortable in your own digital digs, you seek out the security of familiar features. Cancers have the uncanny ability to use their memories as the magic that moves them, so that the potential of what a computer can store is extremely exciting to you. No need for fancy technological components. Being a purist at heart ensures that you only need the basics. You are able to experience emotions that go far beyond the text faces of colons and brackets :-) and are adamant about keeping in perspective that there are people behind the computers.

Gemini Technology Profile

Craving conversation makes Geminis the ideal addition to any online community. Your intellectual inclination makes the Internet a perfect tool for exploration. A probing nature is to be expected, which means that the components that make up your computer experience will leave you intrigued. Using search engines suits you well, since they get you the information you need quickly. Geminis have a wit as quick as a mouse click, and because in life you easily go with the flow, your interaction with computers is bound to be positive. Your uncanny ability to find the common element between the numbers and the pictures means that you'll get the gist of the full process.