Sunday, December 27, 2009
George Clooney: Confirmed bachelor or just hasn’t met his match?
George Clooney’s latest drama-comedy, Up In The Air, gets nationwide release today. As you may know, it’s about confirmed bachelor Ryan Bingham, who lives a cherished anonymous lifestyle as a corporate down-sizer. When faced with his own firing, he reexamines his choices and philosophies.
Obviously, Hollywood loves its parallel plotlines, as this film adds fuel to speculation of Clooney’s own confirmed bachelordom and makes us wonder: Is George really a confirmed bachelor or is it that he’s just not met his match? The stars tell all …
Star stats:
Birthday: May 6, 1961
Sun (basic personality): Taurus
Ascendant (social persona): Pisces
Moon (emotions): Capricorn
Midheaven (aspiration): Sagittarius
Mercury (communication): Taurus
Venus (pleasure): Aries
Mars (ambition): Leo
Verdict: Confirmed Bachelor
George loves love, is driven by it and can’t get enough of it -- but likes it new and fresh, like a delicious dinner. It’s something he indulges himself in like any leisure activity he enjoys, but it never becomes part of him, as freedom and independence are paramount to his idea of success.
The Year of the Metal Tiger is predicted to be tumultuous! How will you fare?

New You in the New Year for dave and jo-anne.

Sunday, October 11, 2009
A square is present in a chart when two planets are 90 degrees from each other. The acceptable orb for a square is eight degrees. Another of the major Aspects, squares are generally considered to possess a hard energy.
Since squares are roughly three Signs apart (thanks to the 90 degree angle being formed), they are usually Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable in nature. Much like the qualities represented here, a Cardinal square denotes fast action, whereas Fixed squares speak to a more ponderous, measured state. Finally, Mutable squares can go either way, depending on other factors in the horoscope.
The essence of a square is friction. Things happen, and they're no small matter. The energy surrounding a square is forceful, intense and power-laden. It's effect on the individual will be to spur them to action, to cause decisions to be made. The risk to the individual influenced by a square is to ignore this Aspect's unmistakable energy. This Aspect will not be managed effectively until its force field and message are addressed. To illustrate the point, an individual with their Sun square Mercury might be expected to have difficulty when speaking. The lesson of this square will be to do the work necessary in order to speak more effectively.
A T-square is formed in the heavens when two or more planets are opposing each other and they square a third planet. In this formation, you have two squares present. Drawing a letter 'T' in the Zodiac is the easiest way to grasp this planetary formation. It is the third planet in this formation (the one not in an opposition) which is the focal point and the creator of the greatest tension (and by extension, the greatest opportunities). Lastly, a Grand Cross is formed when two pairs of planets are opposing each other. Think of a big plus sign dividing the Zodiac into four quadrants. In this formation, you see four squares. The tension created by a Grand Cross is quite strong and will surely challenge the individual. If it can be harnessed effectively, strength and success will be the result.
Aries-Cancer Taurus-Aquarius
Cancer-Libra Libra-Capricorn
Aries-Capricorn Gemini-Virgo
Leo-Scorpio Scorpio-Aquarius
Taurus-Leo Gemini-Pisces
Virgo-Sagittarius Sagittarius-Pisces
A sextile occurs in a chart when two planets are 60 degrees from each other. An orb of six degrees is considered acceptable for this aspect. This is one of the major Aspects, and a soft energy is generally ascribed to it.
Since sextiles, by virtue of their sixty-degree separation, are usually two Signs apart, we tend to see positive Signs sextiling each other. By extension, negative Signs sextile each other as well. For example, it should be expected that Fire and Air Signs sextile each other, and that the same relationship will correspond between Earth and Water Signs. These relationships aid in the sympathetic energies between the planets involved.
Sextiles are about the easy and unencumbered flow of energy between two planets. There is a lack of tension inherent in this aspect which translates to the ability of the individual to accomplish much. Attraction is present, and self-expression is enhanced. It's important to note, however, that while a sextile presents the individual with opportunities, the responsibility is still on them to make things happen. A sextile isn't the answer to everything, but it's certainly a step in the right direction. Again, a sextile is harmonious and engenders cooperation.
Aries-Gemini Taurus-Pisces
Leo-Libra Scorpio-Capricorn
Aries-Aquarius Gemini-Leo
Virgo-Scorpio Sagittarius-Aquarius
Taurus-Cancer Cancer-Virgo
Libra-Sagittarius Capricorn-Pisces
We see a semi-sextile in a chart when two planets are 30 degrees from each other. This is one of a number of minor Aspects and, as a result, an orb of influence of only one to three degrees is acceptable.
With the thirty degree separation between the planets in this formation (they are usually but one Sign apart), the semi-sextile is half of a sextile. Even so, this Aspect is not quite as harmonious in tone as a sextile. Further, there tends to be a fated quality to this Aspect.
Semi-sextiles tend to create minor tension. It's not the big message or jarring jolt that's brought forth by an opposition or a square. Rather, there is a niggling sense of something going on underneath the surface which can't quite be placed. Unease is the result, and a sense that something should be done (or that if it were done, all would be better).
This Aspect also has a karmic tie. When two planets are semi-sextiling each other, we need to know that there is a lesson (albeit a small one) to be dealt with and effectively overcome. This lesson may well come to us from our past. Lastly, with this Aspect, there is always that karmic connection. Something is out there, and while we're not quite sure what it is, we just can't seem to break away from it. Is this yet another lesson from the semi-sextile?
Aries-Pisces Gemini-Cancer
Virgo-Libra Sagittarius-Capricorn
Aries-Taurus Cancer-Leo
Libra-Scorpio Capricorn-Aquarius
Taurus-Gemini Leo-Virgo
Scorpio-Sagittarius Aquarius-Pisces
Friday, October 9, 2009
A conjunction is easy to spot in a chart: It is two or more planets situated closely together, generally within an orb of eight degrees. It is one of the major Aspects; neither a hard nor soft energy is specifically ascribed to it.
While conjunctions are often found within the same Sign, they can also fall within adjacent Signs. For example, Mars at 27 degrees Gemini is conjunct Venus at 1 degree Cancer. Here we see an orb of influence of 4 degrees. As with all Aspects, the more exact the angular measurement, or specificity of the orb, the more intense the energy. Therefore, a conjunction at 0 or 1 degrees would be much more powerful than one at 4 degrees.
Conjunctions tend to add great emphasis to the planets and Sign(s) involved. There is no mistaking the effects of a conjunction, for they are palpable and often in full view. Pluto conjunct the Sun can give great intensity and power to the individual, while Mars conjunct Venus can point to an assertive lover. The House in which a conjunction rests is also affected by the presence of neighborly planets. Were the Mars/Venus conjunction noted above in the Fourth House of Home, it could presage domestic battle (or even bliss) between a couple.
The energy of a conjunction can be either favorable or unfavorable, depending on the planets involved. What is important to remember when considering a conjunction is that the tenor of the planets will be enhanced, magnified. This is not likely to be subtle energy.
When three or more planets are in conjunction, a stellium is formed. Again, these planets may fall in the same or adjacent Signs. A stellium has an energy all its own and also greatly influences the Sign and House where it resides.
Along with the Signs and Houses of the Zodiac, the Aspects are key to our interpretation of a horoscope. Aspects address the angular relationship between planets and points in the Zodiac. To keep it simple, assume that the circle of the Zodiac is divided into twelve equal pie-shaped slices (which, in fact, it is, for the Signs). Since a circle is 360 degrees, each slice of pie (or Sign) is 30 degrees. Using the Earth as the center of the horoscope, we can make the following statement: if Venus is at 1 degree Aries and Mars is at 1 degree Cancer, these planets are 90 degrees apart and therefore making a mathematical square angle, or for our purposes, a square , to each other. Taking this a step further, if Mercury is at 1 degree Libra in the above horoscope, it will find itself 180 degrees away from Venus, or in a direct opposition aspect to that planet.
The major Aspects are conjunctions (at 0 degrees, or planets which are right next to each other), sextiles (60 degrees apart), squares (a 90 degree separation), trines (120 degrees in distance), and oppositions (180 degrees apart). Squares and oppositions are also known as hard Aspects in that the energy from these Aspects generally represents challenges to be overcome or a balance that needs to be found. Sextiles and trines are considered soft Aspects in that their energy is generally harmonious and beneficent. The energy resulting from a conjunction can be either positive or negative, depending on the planets involved and other Aspects, and factors, in the horoscope.
Minor Aspects which are often considered when viewing a horoscope are semi-sextiles (a 30 degree separation between planets) and quincunxes (a 150 degree distance). Other minor Aspects are addressed only if their angle is very precise.
Speaking of precision, Aspects between planets are usually not at the exact angular distances listed above. In order to calculate Aspects, Astrologers adhere to an orb of influence, or a set number of degrees within which a specific aspect is effective. For example, two planets which are 86 degrees apart may well form a square to each other even though they are not at a precise 90 degree square angle. It's safe to say, however, that the closer the planets are to each other, the stronger the aspect's energy. Most Astrologers are comfortable using an orb of 8 degrees for major Aspects, or 8 degrees on either side of the angle (Aspects) being referenced (again, for a square, this would mean an orb beginning at 82 degrees and ending at 98 degrees). For minor Aspects, an orb of between 1 and 3 degrees is considered reasonable.
Aspects and orbs are both subject to interpretation as to their energy and distance, respectively. Lastly, Astrologers are quick to use the entire horoscope as an aid in gleaning the message of the various Aspects.
It is a matter of personal opinion and experience in deciding whether or not two planets can be considered within the orb of a specific aspect. The following is a quick guide for orbs and aspects.
Degrees Orb
Conjunction 0 10
Semi-Sextile 30 2
Sextile 60 6
Square 90 8
Trine 120 8
Qunicunx 150 2
Opposition 180 10
The Astrological Houses
The First House is also known as the House of Self as well as the Ascendant or Rising Sign. It describes your outer personality and physical attributes. It is the image we project to the world, our mask and outward behaviour. It represents the head and face and is ruled by the sign Aries and the planet Mars .
The Second House is also known as the House of Possessions . It describes your material assets, monetary income, and the potential ways it may be earned. It also indicates what you value throughout life. This is the house of personal finance. It represents the neck, nose and throat and is ruled by the sign Taurus and the planet Venus .
The Third House is also known as the House of Communication . It is the way which we express ourselves (through speech, written etc...) and think on an intellectual level. It also describes siblings, neighbors and our local environment as well as early education, mechanical dexterity, and short trips.It represents the hands, shoulders and lungs and is ruled by the sign Gemini and the planet Mercury .
The Fourth House is also known as the House of Home . It describes your residence, real estate, domestic environment, ancestry, heritage and roots as well as the past. It also indicates one's Mother. It represents the breasts and digestion and is ruled by the sign Cancer and the Moon .
The Fifth House is also known as the House of Pleasure . It describes romance, creativity, children, fun, talent, gambling, and enjoyment. It also rules the dramatic, and one's artistic ability. It represents the heart and back and is ruled by the sign Leo and the Sun .
The Sixth House is also known as the House of Health . It is your job, routine, daily responsibilities, diet, employees, pets, and physical fitness. It also describes fulfilling your duty and obligations, and the conscious mind. It represents the stomach and intestines and is ruled by the sign Virgo and the planet Mercury .
The Seventh House is also known as the House of Partnership . It describes marriage, joint partnership or ventures, and business partnerships. It also rules divorce, legalities, open confrontations, contracts, lawsuits, and negotiations. It represents the kidneys and is ruled by the sign Libra and the planet Venus .
The Eighth House is also known as the House of Sex . It describes shared resources, inheritance, alimony, taxes, support one receives from others, and surgery. It is also the house of sexual behaviour, procreation, regeneration, death, and reincarnation. It represents the sex organs and is ruled by the sign Scorpio and the planets Mars and Pluto .
The Ninth House is also known as the House of Philosophy . It describes religion, travel and foreign countries, in-laws, higher education, publishing, import/export and ethics. It represents the hips and thighs and is ruled by the sign Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter .
10th HOUSE
The Tenth House is also known as the House of Social Status . It describes one's vocation, career, profession, ambition, reputation, authority, prestige, one's achievements and governmentand. As well as one's father and his influence. It represents the skin, teeth, bones and shins. It is ruled by the sign Capricorn and the planet Saturn .
11th HOUSE
The Eleventh House is also known as the House of Friends . It describes friendships and acquaintances, as well as hopes and wishes. It rules groups, organizations, associations, humanitarianism and philanthropic attitudes, and one's originality. It represents the ankles and is ruled by the sign Aquarius and the planets Saturn and Uranus .
12th HOUSE
The Twelfth House is also known as the House of the Unconscious . It describes the hidden or unknown, the subconscious mind, the intangible, sleep, dreams, sympathy, karma and spiritual debt. It rules solitude, confinement, fears, sorrow, secrets, hidden enemies, non-reality, drugs, institutions, public welfare and charity. It represents the feet and is ruled by the sign Pisces and the planets Jupiter and Neptune .
The 12 Star Signs:

A quick astrological reference guide
The following table was designed to help you understand each sign of the zodiac easily. Find your sign and read across. If you can't see the whole grid please scroll or expand your window.
sign symbol keyword house Body element quality day/night ruling planet
Aries ram self 1 head,face fire cardinal day Mars
Taurus bull possessions 2 neck,throat earth fixed night Venus
Gemini twins communication 3 lungs,arms air mutable day Mercury
Cancer crab home 4 breasts, digestion water cardinal night Moon
Leo lion pleasure 5 heart, back fire fixed day Sun
Virgo virgin health 6 stomach, intestines earth mutable night Mercury
Libra scales partner 7 kidneys air cardinal day Venus
Scorpio scorpion sex 8 sex organs water fixed night Mars/Pluto
Sagittarius archer philosophy 9 hips, thighs fire mutable day Jupiter
Capricorn seagoat social status 10 skin, teeth, bones earth cardinal night Saturn
Aquarius water-bearer friends 11 ankles air fixed day Saturn/Uranus
Pisces fish unconscious 12 feet water mutable night Jupiter/Neptune
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Qualities
The three Qualities defined in Astrology are, after the Elements, the second major classification that defines the nature of the Signs. The Qualities assign the Signs into Quadruplicities, groups of four Signs each that reflect the three common modes of Signs.
Signs that are 90 degrees apart or opposite each other -- 180 degrees, also known as Signs in Polarity -- have the same quality. The Signs that belong to the same quality generally do not function smoothly together despite their likeness -- or perhaps because of them. They are often uneasy with each other, but those in polarity complement each other even though tension sometimes exists between them.
Within a horoscope, the Quality describes a person's attitudes in life and they way they approach projects. The three Qualities are Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable.
The Cardinal Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. These four Signs are the initiators of the Zodiac. Their common characteristics include action and drive; they have initiative and strong motivation. On a team, Cardinal Signs are the people who come up with ideas and get the project moving, but they are not very good at completion and follow-through. The Cardinal Houses are 1, 4, 7, and 10; if a chart has a number of Planets in these Houses, the horoscope is weighted toward Cardinal energy.
The Fixed Signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. These four Signs are the members of the Zodiac who dedicate themselves to seeing projects through to completion. Their common characteristics include determination and persistence; they are stable and self-reliant. On a team, Fixed Signs are the people who keep a project going and see it through to the end, but they can also be stubborn and inflexible. The Fixed Houses are 2, 5, 8, and 11; if a chart has a number of Planets in these Houses, the horoscope is weighted toward Fixed energy.
The Mutable Signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. These four Signs are the flexible members of the Zodiac, happy to fill an assigned role. Their common characteristics include adaptability and changeability; they are flexible and versatile. On a team, Mutable Signs adapt easily to changing conditions, and they don't have a particular agenda, but they can be wishy-washy or inconsistent. The Mutable Houses are 3, 6, 9, and 12; if a chart has a number of Planets in these Houses, the horoscope is weighted toward Mutable energy.
Many people don't realize how important the Elements and Qualities are in true Astrology. It's the combination of Elements and Qualities that makes the Signs what they are; they combine in twelve distinct ways, one for each Sign.
Sign Quality Element
Aries Cardinal Fire
Taurus Fixed Earth
Gemini Mutable Air
Cancer Cardinal Water
Leo Fixed Fire
Virgo Mutable Earth
Sign Quality Element
Libra Cardinal Air
Scorpio Fixed Water
Sagittarius Mutable Fire
Capricorn Cardinal Earth
Aquarius Fixed Air
Pisces Mutable Water
Learning the Elements and Qualities can help you a great deal when you read a chart. In fact, the Elements and Qualities form the basis of chart reading, enabling you to understand what motivates a person. Together they are a quick reference for Astrology.
The Elements
The four Elements defined in Astrology are the major classifications that define the nature of the Signs. The Elements assign the Signs into Triplicities, groups of three Signs each that reflect the four common types of Signs.
The Elements in Astrology are not "made up;" they are the same Elements known by ancient people: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. These four Elements sustain life and enable man's survival, both in ancient times and today. How they combine with each other and in us determine how we deal with the world around us; in Astrology they are an important way for us to come in tune with nature and understand how nature effect us, both within ourselves and in our interactions with each other. They teach us that we are not separate from nature, we are nature.
The Elements influence the way we think, and within a horoscope they can be seen as a quick summary of the Planetary influences. The Elements indicate a person's first reaction to what happens to them, how they think, how that individual will respond to what occurs in their life. If you understand what is prominent in your chart and in the charts of others -- if you have a number of Planets in Fire Signs, for example -- you get a very good indication of what motivates and inspires that person. Conversely, the Elements that are lacking in a chart indicate the areas of life in which a person may need additional strength.
Each Element reflects a quality of human nature and corresponds with the Suits in both playing cards and the Tarot.
Element Keyword Suit Tarot
Fire Physical Clubs Wands
Earth Practical Diamonds Coins
Air Intellectual Spades Swords
Water Emotional Hearts Cups
The first Element is Fire, which is assigned to Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire rules the first, fifth, and ninth Houses. Man could not survive without Fire; in ancient times is was relied upon for light and heat. Although it seems less important in modern life, it is Fire that generates electricity for warmth and to power light bulbs, and it runs our cars. It is the basic building block of technology. Fire Sign people thus radiate warmth and heat, but they can also get too hot: and if they do, don't touch! Fire Signs can be rash, but they are courageous and creative; they bring enthusiasm, spontaneity, and zeal to the Zodiac.
The second Element is Earth, which is assigned to Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Earth rules the second, sixth, and tenth Houses. Earth is what grounds us and supports us; it literally holds us up. In both ancient times and today, it was under our feet, stabilizing us, and providing us with crops and homes; Mother Earth is an appropriate epithet. Earth Sign people are practical and logical in a sometimes illogical world. Earth Signs can be possessive, but they are cautious and conservative; they bring dependability, practicality, and reliability to the Zodiac.
The third Element is Air, which is assigned to Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Air rules the third, seventh, and eleventh Houses. Although invisible, Air is all around us; we quite literally could not breathe without it! It transmits sound and light, without which we couldn't communicate. Air Sign people are intellectual and mentally driven. Air Signs can be cold, but they are alert and curious; they bring intellect, perception, and logic to the Zodiac.
The fourth Element is Water, which is assigned to Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water rules the fourth, eighth. and twelfth Houses. One needs only look at a map and see the Water that covers most of the Earth to understand its importance. Water is sacred in some cultures, and it purifies and washes away dirt while gently nourishing the crops that need rain to survive. Water Sign people are emotional and nurturing. Water Signs can be easily hurt, but they are receptive and responsive; they bring sensitivity, responsiveness, and emotional depth to the Zodiac.
When we think about how to combine the Elements of each Sign, to understand how people of different Elements work together, we think about how they go together in nature. When one Element dominates another, it can throw the partnership off balance.
If Fire and Fire are unbalanced, they throw off a lot of sparks and quickly runs out of control. If Fire and Earth are unbalanced, Fire burns the Earth away or is smothered by it. If Fire and Air are unbalanced, Fire turns the Air smoky and consumes it or is blown out. If Fire and Water are unbalanced, Fire boils the Water away or is itself doused by it. If Earth and Earth are unbalanced, they become heavy and unwieldy. If Earth and Air are unbalanced, vision is obscured by the wind-whipped dust. If Earth and Water are unbalanced, it turns to mud. If Air and Air are unbalanced, storms may rage out of control. If Air and Water are unbalanced, they may be whipped together into a frothy foam, devoid of substance. If Water and Water are unbalanced, floods may obliterate everything in their path.
About Astrology
Astrology is one of those subjects which is easy to learn but can take a lifetime to master. Most people are familiar with the most basic aspect of Astrology, their Star Sign (or Sun Sign), and usually they can name at least one common trait of their Sign. Star Signs are popularized in daily newspaper columns, magazines, and other media. Unfortunately, many people think that their Star Sign is all there is to Astrology. While it is a good place to start, there is a lot more to Astrology than the Sun's position alone!
Nor is Astrology a modern invention dating back only a few years, decades, or even centuries. Astrology has been studied for millennia, and it dates back as far as recorded history. The original Astrologers were priests and scholars, and they were looked up to as doctors and learned men. According to modern speculation, the Three Wise Men of Christian belief were Astrologers! At this time, Astrology was the same science as Astronomy and Psychology, whose modern descendants arose from Astrology.
In ancient times, the Greeks and Romans based their system of Gods on what they believed was up in the sky. Zeus, who was equated with Jupiter, and the other Gods and Goddesses were based on the Planets visible to the ancients. Astrology was similarly popular in Babylon and Egypt, and it also rose in the Middle East, India, and China.
Modern Astrology has changed with the discovery of new Planets: first Uranus in 1781, the Neptune and Pluto, and also the Asteroids. These three Planets have a stronger effect on generations as a whole rather than individuals, but they still have an important place in modern Astrology.
Astrology is about the interaction between the Planets (including the Sun and Moon) and the Signs. The relationships between them and their interactions are mathematically based, and Astrology studies these mathematical cycles. Each Sign represents a different aspect of the whole human; Aries starts the cycle, representing the Self, and Pisces completes it, representing the mass unconscious of all mankind. In between, each other Sign carries the energy of a different phase of man's evolution within the universe.
In some ways, the forces between the Planets involved in Astrology can be simplified into one word: gravity. The Sun has the greatest gravity and the strongest effect in Astrology, followed by the Moon, the Earth's satellite. The other Planets are not truly satellites of the Earth, but they nonetheless have gravity and thus effect the Earth as well. The Sun controls the Earth's motion and the Moon controls its tides, but the other Planets have their own effects on the Earth -- and on the people who live here. Sometimes their influence can be so strong that they outweigh the Sun's energy!
Astrology can be understood as a philosophy that helps to explain life, rather than as a predictive tool. Rather than discussing what the Planets do to us, we can explain ourselves based on Planetary indications. The Signs work the same way: each of the twelve Signs is a unique combination of one of the four Elements and one of the three Qualities. The importance of Elements and Qualities in our lives is their demonstration that we are all part of the environment. There is a connection between all living things and all matter on this Planet. Astrology ties humans together: we are all faced with the same Planetary interactions, and we are all part of the same cycles.
But despite all these connections, Astrology does not tie you into being a certain way and it doesn't not predict everything about you. Astrology explains the energy in your life and its potential challenges and possibilities, but you can evolve from your chart. Astrology is about you, in what you can learn from it can help you make a choice between free will and destiny.
In addition, Astrology does not have to affect or change people's religious beliefs. In fact, religion has a nearly universal belief that the way you live your life affects whether you will go to heaven or hell (or a similar idea) when you die. Astrology is talking about the same thing when it speaks of karma: what you do in this lifetime determines what will happen to you in your next lifetime. The philosophies are the same; they are just said in different ways.
There are many different categories of Astrology. Medical, business, and stock market Astrology are often practiced for health or financial reasons. Weather Astrology is popular in some areas. Mundane Astrology is the study of politics amd world events, while Electional Astrology helps people find favorable times or days to get married, start a business, begin a new job, and so on. Horary Astrology is predictive, studying questions based upon the specific moment they arise. But the most popular type of Astrology is Natal, which analyzes people based on their time and place of birth.
There are two major types of Astrology practiced today in the Western World: Tropical and Siderial. Tropical Astrology assigns the Signs based on their position in relation to the Spring Equinox, which marks the Astrological New Year and is usually March 21. The Equinox represents 0 degrees Aries. Siderial Astrology assigns positions based on constellations, rather than in relation to the Equinox. At present, Siderial Astrology is 24 degrees behind Tropical Astrology, so a person born under 23 degrees Libra in Tropical Astrology is born at 29 degrees Virgo in Siderial Astrology.
The Age of Aquarius is now upon us! This means technology is progressing forward, society's attitudes and values are changing and perhaps will slant more toward the radical. Astrology will become more accepted and even mainstream! By creating this site and providing information about Astrology which is both informative and entertaining I hope to move the perception of Astrology past "light entertainment" to a more valuable tool for people to use on a personal basis both with themselves and others. Enjoy!
Friday, October 2, 2009
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Besides the short free sample which stimulates sales, report prices vary from $2 to $20 (average transaction is $15), and are 10-20 pages in length. Astrology.Net currently features over 20 different reports in categories such as love, money, career, personal, family, forecast, new age, women, men and more. We also feature foreign-language versions of these reports. These reports are very popular on our site and on partner sites. We are currently running over 12,000 free and paid reports a day. Each affiliate's referral sales are tracked in the Chartshop to enable accurate, pay-per-sale revenue sharing.
Referral Commission
Astrology.Net will pay AstroAffiliates a referral commission on eligible purchases according to commission schedules to be established by Astrology.Net from time to time. Under the current commission schedule, the referral commission for eligible purchases is 10 percent for first $1,000 of sales per month and 20 percent thereafter. Referral commissions will be paid to AstroAffiliates (less any taxes that Astrology.Net is required by law to withhold) approximately 45 days after the end of each calendar month. Higher commissions can be negotiated if the affiliate shares the ad revenue for their astrology pages with Astrology.Net.
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Astrology.Net provides affiliates with a URL that carries their unique affiliate ID. Affiliates will use this URL for all promotional links into Chartshop. The ChartShop will recognize visitors you send using this referring URL, and once a user tries or buys a report, we will tag that user's email address with your ID. So, whether a purchase is made on the first visit or on a later visit, your account code will identify the sale as yours. Currently, affiliate sales reports are emailed on a monthly basis and detail the gross sales made by the affiliate, the number of free reports run through the affiliate's link, the number of paid reports and the affiliate's commission. Astrology.Net is currently working on a real-time, online sales report which, when finished, will replace this system.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
AstroAffiliate Commission Information
The difference between a Standard AstroAffiliate and Custom and Advertising AstroAffiliates is that the latter two share in Astrology.Net reading revenues. Astrology.Net has developed "ChartMaster" - a complete sales, "manufacturing" and delivery system offering Internet users instant access to professional-quality, personalized astrology readings. In just a few seconds, ChartMaster produces personalized reports that range in price from $5 to $20. Each custom and advertising affiliate's referral sales can be tracked in the ChartMaster to enable accurate, pay-per-sale revenue sharing.
What We Do
* Supply content and/or advertising banners to you in a plug-and-play format;
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* Manage all customer questions and requests;
* Bill the customer;
* Pay affiliates their referral commission.
Referral Commission
Astrology.Net will pay AstroAffiliates a referral commission on eligible purchases according to commission schedules to be established by Astrology.Net from time to time. Under the current commission schedule, the referral commission for eligible purchases is 10 percent for first $1000 of sales and 20 percent thereafter. Referral commissions will be paid to AstroAffiliates (less any taxes that Astrology.Net is required by law to withhold) approximately 60 days after the end of each calendar month. Higher commissions can be negotiated if the affiliate shares the ad revenue for their astrology pages with Astrology.Net.
Tracking your Success
Astrology.Net will provide a specific URL (website address) to use in linking to Astrology.Net's ChartMaster system. That URL not only transports users from your site to Astrology.Net - it carries a unique account code, that identifies where the visitor came from. When one of your visitors follows a link to ChartMaster, the account code will identify your site as the "referrer". ChartMaster's backend system tracks each customer via their email address. So, whether a purchase is made on the first visit or the visitor simply tries a free sample and returns later to purchase, your account code will identify the sale as generated by the referrer. In addition, you can track your success in real-time via an online sales report. AstroAffiliates will be given a unique URL that will display your referral sales live.
The Planets
The Sun spends about one month in each sign and takes one year to complete its journey through the zodiac. The Sun is the most widely used "planet" in Astrology. Almost everyone is familiar with their Sun sign or Star sign due to daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes published in popular magazines and newspapers throughout the world. The Sun is a masculine energy and ruled by Leo and the 5th House . It represents the ego, self, willpower, your uniqueness and individuality. It is your identity. It also represents the father and male influence in one's life generally.
The Moon spends about two and a half days in each sign and takes 28 days to complete it's journey through the zodiac. The Moon is a feminine energy and ruled by Cancer and the 4th House . It is the Earth's satellite and controls the tides. It represents Mother and women in your life, nurturing, your ancestry and roots, immediate environment, emotions, instincts and your memory and daily functions. It also represents how you emotionally respond to situations and experiences.
Mercury takes about 88 days to complete its orbit around the Sun. Due to its retrograde motion (appearance of traveling backward) the cycle is complete in about one year. Mercury is never more than 28 degrees away from the Sun. It is not considered masculine or feminine and assumes the gender of the sign it is in. It is ruled by both Gemini and Virgo and the 3rd and 6th Houses . It represents communication (email, telephone, speaking, writing etc...), intellect, consciousness, transportation, dexterity and the mind.
Venus takes about 225 days to complete its orbit through the zodiac. It is never more than 47 degrees away from the Sun. It is a feminine sign and ruled by both Taurus and Libra and the 2nd and 7th Houses . It represents love, romance, beauty, culture, aesthetics, affection, one's social appeal and acceptability, good taste, harmony and values.
Mars takes about 2 years to complete its orbit through the zodiac. It is a masculine sign and ruled by both Aries and Scorpio as well as the 1st and 8th Houses . Mars represents action, passion, drive, determination and spirit. It deals with one's sexuality, force, determination, daring, courage, power, competitive nature, aggression and assertion. In ancient times, Mars was the God of War and all its associations.
Jupiter takes about 12 years to complete its orbit through the zodiac and averages about one sign per year. It is a masculine sign and is ruled by both Sagittarius and Pisces as well as the 9th and 12th Houses . Jupiter represents luck, philosophy, religion, higher learning, ethical and moral values, expansion and abundance as well as excesses. It also rules long distance travel, aspirations, and judgement. In ancient times Jupiter was the chief God and better known as Zeus or Apollo.
Saturn takes 28-30 years to complete its orbit through the zodiac. It is a masculine sign and ruled by both Capricorn and Aquarius as well as the 10th and 11th Houses . Saturn represents discipline, responsibility, ambition, restriction, confinement, limitation, and delays. It also rules older people, tradition, authority, obedience, structure, patience and wisdom through perseverance and age. It teaches us our lessons in life. In ancient times Saturn was known as Kronos, the father of Zeus.
Uranus takes 84 years to complete its orbit through the zodiac and 7 years to pass through one sign. It is an androgynous planet and is ruled by Aquarius and the 11th House . Uranus is an outer planet which was discovered in 1781 and has more of a generational effect rather than an individual influence. Uranus represents the erratic, the bizarre, and the different. It rules freedom, inventions, originality, computers, technology, science, electricity, the future, humanitarianism, revolution, rebellion and change. Uranus breaks through barriers and tradition. It is also known as a higher octave of Mercury.
Neptune takes 165 years to complete its orbit through the zodiac and 14 years to pass through one sign. It is a feminine planet and is ruled by Pisces and the 12th House . Neptune is an outer planet and was discovered in 1846. It has more of a generational effect rather than an individual influence. Neptune rules music, television, movies, fashion, glamour, dreams, illusion, drugs, the intangible, and the elusive. It also represents abstract thought, drugs, alcohol, the universal subconscious, the oceans of the Earth, and the mysterious. It is also known as a higher octave of Venus.
Pluto takes approximately 248 years to complete its orbit through the zodiac. Due to its eccentricity of its orbit it takes between 12 years and 31 years to pass through a sign. It is ruled by Scorpio and the 8th House . Pluto is the furthest planet from the Sun and was discovered in 1930. It has more of a generational effect rather than an individual influence. Pluto rules transformation, regeneration, rebirth, destruction, annihilation, power, and elimination. It also represents atomic power, intensity, crime, death, and the underworld. It is also known as a higher octave of Mars.
About Astrology
About Astrology
Astrology is one of those subjects which is easy to learn but can take a lifetime to master. Most people are familiar with the most basic aspect of Astrology, their Star Sign (or Sun Sign), and usually they can name at least one common trait of their Sign. Star Signs are popularized in daily newspaper columns, magazines, and other media. Unfortunately, many people think that their Star Sign is all there is to Astrology. While it is a good place to start, there is a lot more to Astrology than the Sun's position alone!
Nor is Astrology a modern invention dating back only a few years, decades, or even centuries. Astrology has been studied for millennia, and it dates back as far as recorded history. The original Astrologers were priests and scholars, and they were looked up to as doctors and learned men. According to modern speculation, the Three Wise Men of Christian belief were Astrologers! At this time, Astrology was the same science as Astronomy and Psychology, whose modern descendants arose from Astrology.
In ancient times, the Greeks and Romans based their system of Gods on what they believed was up in the sky. Zeus, who was equated with Jupiter, and the other Gods and Goddesses were based on the Planets visible to the ancients. Astrology was similarly popular in Babylon and Egypt, and it also rose in the Middle East, India, and China.
Modern Astrology has changed with the discovery of new Planets: first Uranus in 1781, the Neptune and Pluto, and also the Asteroids. These three Planets have a stronger effect on generations as a whole rather than individuals, but they still have an important place in modern Astrology.
Astrology is about the interaction between the Planets (including the Sun and Moon) and the Signs. The relationships between them and their interactions are mathematically based, and Astrology studies these mathematical cycles. Each Sign represents a different aspect of the whole human; Aries starts the cycle, representing the Self, and Pisces completes it, representing the mass unconscious of all mankind. In between, each other Sign carries the energy of a different phase of man's evolution within the universe.
In some ways, the forces between the Planets involved in Astrology can be simplified into one word: gravity. The Sun has the greatest gravity and the strongest effect in Astrology, followed by the Moon, the Earth's satellite. The other Planets are not truly satellites of the Earth, but they nonetheless have gravity and thus effect the Earth as well. The Sun controls the Earth's motion and the Moon controls its tides, but the other Planets have their own effects on the Earth -- and on the people who live here. Sometimes their influence can be so strong that they outweigh the Sun's energy!
Astrology can be understood as a philosophy that helps to explain life, rather than as a predictive tool. Rather than discussing what the Planets do to us, we can explain ourselves based on Planetary indications. The Signs work the same way: each of the twelve Signs is a unique combination of one of the four Elements and one of the three Qualities. The importance of Elements and Qualities in our lives is their demonstration that we are all part of the environment. There is a connection between all living things and all matter on this Planet. Astrology ties humans together: we are all faced with the same Planetary interactions, and we are all part of the same cycles.
But despite all these connections, Astrology does not tie you into being a certain way and it doesn't not predict everything about you. Astrology explains the energy in your life and its potential challenges and possibilities, but you can evolve from your chart. Astrology is about you, in what you can learn from it can help you make a choice between free will and destiny.
In addition, Astrology does not have to affect or change people's religious beliefs. In fact, religion has a nearly universal belief that the way you live your life affects whether you will go to heaven or hell (or a similar idea) when you die. Astrology is talking about the same thing when it speaks of karma: what you do in this lifetime determines what will happen to you in your next lifetime. The philosophies are the same; they are just said in different ways.
There are many different categories of Astrology. Medical, business, and stock market Astrology are often practiced for health or financial reasons. Weather Astrology is popular in some areas. Mundane Astrology is the study of politics, while Electional Astrology helps people find favorable times or days to get married, start a business, begin a new job, and so on. Horary Astrology is predictive, studying questions based upon the specific moment they arise. But the most popular type of Astrology is Natal, which analyzes people based on their time and place of birth.
There are two major types of Astrology practiced today in the Western World: Tropical and Siderial. Tropical Astrology assigns the Signs based on their position in relation to the Spring Equinox, which marks the Astrological New Year and is usually March 21. The Equinox represents 0 degrees Aries. Siderial Astrology assigns positions based on constellations, rather than in relation to the Equinox. At present, Siderial Astrology is 24 degrees behind Tropical Astrology, so a person born under 23 degrees Libra in Tropical Astrology is born at 29 degrees Virgo in Siderial Astrology.
The Age of Aquarius is now upon us! This means technology is progressing forward, society's attitudes and values are changing and perhaps will slant more toward the radical, such as, same sex marriages. Astrology will become more accepted and even mainstream! By creating this site and providing information about Astrology which is both informative and entertaining I hope to move the perception of Astrology past "light entertainment" to a more valuable tool for people to use on a personal basis both with themselves and others. Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009


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