Sunday, October 11, 2009


A square is present in a chart when two planets are 90 degrees from each other. The acceptable orb for a square is eight degrees. Another of the major Aspects, squares are generally considered to possess a hard energy. Since squares are roughly three Signs apart (thanks to the 90 degree angle being formed), they are usually Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable in nature. Much like the qualities represented here, a Cardinal square denotes fast action, whereas Fixed squares speak to a more ponderous, measured state. Finally, Mutable squares can go either way, depending on other factors in the horoscope. The essence of a square is friction. Things happen, and they're no small matter. The energy surrounding a square is forceful, intense and power-laden. It's effect on the individual will be to spur them to action, to cause decisions to be made. The risk to the individual influenced by a square is to ignore this Aspect's unmistakable energy. This Aspect will not be managed effectively until its force field and message are addressed. To illustrate the point, an individual with their Sun square Mercury might be expected to have difficulty when speaking. The lesson of this square will be to do the work necessary in order to speak more effectively. A T-square is formed in the heavens when two or more planets are opposing each other and they square a third planet. In this formation, you have two squares present. Drawing a letter 'T' in the Zodiac is the easiest way to grasp this planetary formation. It is the third planet in this formation (the one not in an opposition) which is the focal point and the creator of the greatest tension (and by extension, the greatest opportunities). Lastly, a Grand Cross is formed when two pairs of planets are opposing each other. Think of a big plus sign dividing the Zodiac into four quadrants. In this formation, you see four squares. The tension created by a Grand Cross is quite strong and will surely challenge the individual. If it can be harnessed effectively, strength and success will be the result. Aries-Cancer Taurus-Aquarius Cancer-Libra Libra-Capricorn Aries-Capricorn Gemini-Virgo Leo-Scorpio Scorpio-Aquarius Taurus-Leo Gemini-Pisces Virgo-Sagittarius Sagittarius-Pisces


A sextile occurs in a chart when two planets are 60 degrees from each other. An orb of six degrees is considered acceptable for this aspect. This is one of the major Aspects, and a soft energy is generally ascribed to it. Since sextiles, by virtue of their sixty-degree separation, are usually two Signs apart, we tend to see positive Signs sextiling each other. By extension, negative Signs sextile each other as well. For example, it should be expected that Fire and Air Signs sextile each other, and that the same relationship will correspond between Earth and Water Signs. These relationships aid in the sympathetic energies between the planets involved. Sextiles are about the easy and unencumbered flow of energy between two planets. There is a lack of tension inherent in this aspect which translates to the ability of the individual to accomplish much. Attraction is present, and self-expression is enhanced. It's important to note, however, that while a sextile presents the individual with opportunities, the responsibility is still on them to make things happen. A sextile isn't the answer to everything, but it's certainly a step in the right direction. Again, a sextile is harmonious and engenders cooperation. Aries-Gemini Taurus-Pisces Leo-Libra Scorpio-Capricorn Aries-Aquarius Gemini-Leo Virgo-Scorpio Sagittarius-Aquarius Taurus-Cancer Cancer-Virgo Libra-Sagittarius Capricorn-Pisces


We see a semi-sextile in a chart when two planets are 30 degrees from each other. This is one of a number of minor Aspects and, as a result, an orb of influence of only one to three degrees is acceptable. With the thirty degree separation between the planets in this formation (they are usually but one Sign apart), the semi-sextile is half of a sextile. Even so, this Aspect is not quite as harmonious in tone as a sextile. Further, there tends to be a fated quality to this Aspect. Semi-sextiles tend to create minor tension. It's not the big message or jarring jolt that's brought forth by an opposition or a square. Rather, there is a niggling sense of something going on underneath the surface which can't quite be placed. Unease is the result, and a sense that something should be done (or that if it were done, all would be better). This Aspect also has a karmic tie. When two planets are semi-sextiling each other, we need to know that there is a lesson (albeit a small one) to be dealt with and effectively overcome. This lesson may well come to us from our past. Lastly, with this Aspect, there is always that karmic connection. Something is out there, and while we're not quite sure what it is, we just can't seem to break away from it. Is this yet another lesson from the semi-sextile? Aries-Pisces Gemini-Cancer Virgo-Libra Sagittarius-Capricorn Aries-Taurus Cancer-Leo Libra-Scorpio Capricorn-Aquarius Taurus-Gemini Leo-Virgo Scorpio-Sagittarius Aquarius-Pisces