Thursday, March 11, 2010


Represents action, passion, drive and determination. It deals with one's sexuality, force, daring, courage, competitive nature, aggression and assertion.


The belief among certain astrologers that some planets, like Mars and Uranus, are destructive, negative influences, while others like Jupiter and Venus are positive and beneficial. See "Benefic."


Medium Coeli. One of the four major angles of a birth chart, this one is at the top of the chart wheel. It is the start of the Tenth House, and it addresses public life and reputation.

Lunar Eclipse:

The point at which the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned with the Earth blocking out the Sun's light from the Moon, making the Moon seem invisible. Occurs during a Full Moon.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Represents luck, philosophy, religion, higher learning, ethical values, expansion, abundance and excesses. It also rules long distance travel, aspirations and judgment


An asteroid named for the Roman goddess Juno, the wife of Jupiter, ruler of all gods. Represents partnerships, soul mates, weddings, marriages and separations.

Intercepted Sign or House:

A House which appears within another House on the chart wheel. Common to those born in far northern or southern latitudes.

Imum Coeli (or I.C.):

One of the four major angles of a birth chart; this one falls at the bottom of the chart wheel. It is the start of the Fourth House and is one of the most personal points of the chart.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The I-Ching, or "Book of Changes," is an ancient Chinese oracle book that deals with philosophy and divination.


The celestial sphere taken as a 360-degree circle divided into twelve sections. These sections are referred to by their numbers, such as 'the First House,' 'the Second House,' etc. Houses are generally numbered counterclockwise from the ascendant (starting at the nine o'clock position), with the House which begins at the ascendant known as 'the First House.' Each House speaks to a particular component of one's life.


In this century, the word 'horoscope' has become synonymous with the daily 20-50 word predictions offered in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet. It literally means the 'marker of time,' and it is a map of the heavens at the time of one's birth (technically speaking, synonymous with 'birth chart').

Horary Astrology:

The branch of Astrology devoted to answering specific questions by means of a chart drawn up for the time the question is asked.

Monday, March 8, 2010


The term for the Aspects describing the relationship between two points, bodies or Signs.

Hard Aspect:

Aspects which create tension and friction. Squares, oppositions and quincunxes are all hard aspects.

Grand Trine:

When three planets, generally of the same Element, meet each other to form a triangle. The energy of this configuration is harmonious.


Plotting the movements of the planets to determine upcoming trends. Grand Cross: A configuration in which four planets form mutual squares. It creates much tension.

Fourth House:

Also known as the House of Home. It describes the residence, real estate, ancestry and the past. It is also speaks to parental influence.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fixed Signs:

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. This Quality represents stubbornness and inflexibility.

First House:

Also known as the House of Self. It describes the outer personality. It is the image we project to the world, our mask.

Fixed Signs:

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. This Quality represents stubbornness and inflexibility. Fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Signs belonging to this Element represent a fiery nature.

First House:

Also known as the House of Self. It describes the outer personality. It is the image we project to the world, our mask.

Fifth House:

Also known as the House of Pleasure. It describes romance, creativity, children, fun and speculation. It also rules the dramatic and one's artistic ability.

Feminine Signs:

The Earth and Water Signs, comprised of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. Indicates passive and receptive energy.