Saturday, June 6, 2009

Last Quarter on Oct 23 1997 @ 29 Cancer 49’

Having got to this part of the moonth, you're probably either completely wiped out or you have encountered a new richness in human living. The Cancer moon is making hard close aspects to Neptune & what is making a difference is that Saturn is not playing a part. It's like the brutal Parent (of course only doing it for your own good) archetype is out of sight & mind. If you didn't handle the last phases well, you may feel as if you've been locked in your room & something really bad is going to happen to you. You may have to wait for a new cycle to deal with these facets of your psyche. You don't have to get it all right, right now. Saying you have to is the internalized Parent speaking. There are many other opportunities at many other times, so stop beating up on yourself. For those of you who consciously encountered some of your inner divisions & who gave space & time to the little person inside, congratulations. You have been shamed & made wrong too often for you to be really present in the world. Nothing unusual in that. Now you can do something about it. Self protection, self nurturing, expressing what you are feeling. Actually, it's not that hard & the only thing that stops you doing so are the introjected Parental parts. They are useful in protecting you & not useful if they are authoritarianly repressive. So talk to them! Start the Parent/Child dialogue & get what you really want.

Full Moon on Oct 16, 1997 @ 22 Aries 49’

This theme carries along to the Full Moon phase, with a vengeance. Here, the Aries moon conjuncts retrograde Saturn & both oppose the Sun. Neptune squares them all. It may seem as if the demands of the survival world are intolerable. It's like you are being told -- "NO!" --to every need. Grief stricken, gasping for air, you have to keep pushing yourself to participate in the social process. The way you can best serve yourself is to recognize the need to succor your inner child states, to hold him/her & encourage him/her to express their feelings. If this means hiding out in your bedroom & crying for an hour or more, do it. At least you won't keep looking as if a bus ran over you & this may appeal to your vanity or your need to look good. There are deeper levels to this Full Moon phase. A deeper grief comes from the remembrance of the first few months of this lifetime, before language & other boundaries that you now have were created. At a deeper level still, beyond the personal, lives the remembrance of a state of no fear when you weren't separated from the natural world. And beyond that, a remembrance of the Source of your beingness, before incarnation, before a body & personal history. Having experienced such loss, it's no wonder you feel as if you are drowning in an ocean of tears. Difficult to accept the straightjacket of material existence when you also remember what it was like before incarnation. The different worlds have different rules.
First Quarter on Oct 9 1997 @ 16 Capricorn 15’ A very challenging period around this First Quarter. Jupiter stations direct on the 8th, Neptune does the same on the 9th & Uranus does the same on the 10th. So if you feel very strange & the world outside appears to be shifting & dissolving, you don't need glasses or tranquilizers. For those blind & fighting for survival, it's going to be a fearful few days. Also, the Capricorn Moon, with its capacity for feeling control & rigidity, is squaring Saturn as well as the Sun & Mercury. In the big wave of fear generated by the stationary outer planets, the control freaks will avoid their terrified inner child states by dumping on anyone below them on the social tree. People create institutions with stable hierarchies in order to build long term security for themselves. These institutions usually become rigid & unchangeable with time as certain types of personalities are attracted to them. Conformity to certain dress & behaviour standards are slowly imposed until everyone is trapped. Then the only option at a time like this is to deny what's happening & cling to the familiar forms. The result is the projective scapegoating of individuals who are not emotionally repressive. What will this look like in the field. Upsets, colds, flu, allergies, etc. OK dickheads, soldier on by pumping yourselves full of pharmaceuticals, if you want. You are the ones who'll have to pay the personal cost. If you’re smart, take a few days off work while everyone else freaks out. If you're concerned, you may be willing to spend time supporting others who are hurting.

The Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarian Lunations (Moonths) of 1997.

If you're reading & understanding this you have to be Astrologically literate. To find out how strongly you are influenced by any particular moonth, determine how close the New Moon is to any of your natal planets, angles or important midpoints. If it's within a degree, then you will be impacted strongly by the cycle. Even other major phases close to your natal points can strongly impact. The common theme for this period can be seen in the connection of the Uranus/Pluto sextile to the New Moons. To quote one of your astrological authors; Tomkins "Aspects in Astrology 1989", --- almost any disaster’ which involves unexpected crisis, sudden violent death, some sort of shock that jolts & horrifies the collective, invariably has tight contacts involving Uranus & Pluto in the horoscope. Commonly, the Sun (or another important factor) will fall exactly at the midpoint of these two planets. This is about as dramatic a statement as can be made about the Uranus/Pluto effect & too extreme for the changes that are on offer during the last quarter of 1997. However, it does draw attention to the evolutionary power of this combination of archetypes. Jupiter is conjunct Uranus for much of this period, either exaggerating the effect or opening up opportunities for creative use. All of those born during 1965/66, when last Uranus & Pluto were conjunct, are now in their early thirties & are overt or covert agents of social change. As they were born at a time when Uranus & Pluto were also opposite Saturn, they react strongly to authoritarian commands & hierarchical control structures. They are driven to fight social structures that depower the individual. Uranus & Pluto are associated with the collective signs of Scorpio & Aquarius respectively; & zodiacally speaking, the Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarian moonths emphasize group functioning. So there’s nothing personal about all this stuff & you might often feel rather insecure because some of the furnishings of your world view are disappearing in front of you. Neptune is still in Capricorn, dissolving the structures of your grandfathers reality. Pluto, so recently into Sagittarius, is scooping up the horseshit of a bygone age & using it as fertilizer. And Uranus, recently into Aquarius, is laughing at your attachment to relics which just anchor you to the past. All contributions to shaking you loose from historical identity & you interpret this as some form of attack? So difficult, if you know yourself as a rock clinger’ to let go & ride the current. Rather freaky, waking up in the morning & not knowing who you are. No wonder most of you are hiding out, or is it hiding in? When a big surf is pounding the rocks, no-one in their right survival minds would just jump in. Such is the current wave - if you're waving, not drowning.

Belly Boarding the Lunar Waves" by Captain Chaos

Hello again Earthlings, I wish I could say it's nice to be back, but it isn't. Seems like you did some terrible things to each other during the Cancer & Leo moonths. Just when nurturing & caring for each other would have really made a difference to your lives, you resorted to parental punishments of your devalued inner child states, thus ensuring your continued personal insecurity. Stuck in circumstances, stuck on blame, insisting that your view of the world is true & real. Holy Shit! I need a holi-day already. Yea, but this isn't about me, it's about you, for better or worse. So here's rubbing your nose in it kid!

"Belly Boarding the Lunar Waves" by Captain Chaos 1997 Scorpio Lunation

New Moon on Oct 31, 1997 @ 8 Scorpio 01 At this New Moon the lights partile conjunct Chiron, semisquare the Venus/Mars conjunction in Sagittarius & square the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Aquarius. Looks difficult, doesn't it? The Mars semisqure is the closest aspect to the Sun & Moon. Mars making hard aspects to the Moon is the dominant theme that carries all the way through this cycle. Semisquare at the First Quarter & sesquisquare at both the Full Moon & Last Quarter. So in the realm of ordinary Lunar living, the dominant feeling state is going to be anger. As this is a Scorpio moonth, much of this anger will be covert & will seep out in all sorts of unexpected ways. The symptoms of repressed anger are fantasies of revenge for what's been done to you by offending others, real or imagined. Or at least it's your interpretation. Physical symptoms include headaches arising from the tension in your shoulders & neck from visualising punching the offending other out & doing nothing. Grinding your teeth in your sleep because you have never told them how their behaviour offended you. Extreme symptoms are migraines, repetitive strain injuries & chronic fatigue syndrome. The Jones Sabian Symbol for 9 degrees Scorpio is "Dental Work". How appropriate! Let's not get too metaphysical about this. Open wide, this is for your own good, don't say anything, just drown in the pain. So your throat's swollen, your tonsils have been cut out & your teeth are exploding. Must be a lot of tension in there! Got anything to say? Oh! you believe the stories the medical world tells you? Isn't it about time you took sufficient responsibility for your own life & did your own diagnosis? Still giving away your power to doctor, dentist & pharmaceutical company?? I know it's difficult to be assertive & express how you really feel, especially if the offending others are your parents. Your body may contain years of blocked anger in the cell colloids. This moonth is a great (& for some necessary) time for therapeutic anger release. Underneath your biographical anger is a deeper source of rage. Now we get to the Chiron effect! The deepest rage is about the primary split in your psyche, created thousands of years ago in the evolutionary process, when the development of mind required the suppression of instinct Hey, we're talking core Scorpio stuff here, so tune into the archetype. The Scorpio urge to merge in complete union with another(s) often takes sexual form. Yea, Biology! Perhaps this threatened social cohesion to the extent that the spontaneous sex urge had to be vigorously controlled. In human societies, control usually means suppression, requiring dissociation from the offending impulse. So now we live normal lives containing severe internal dissociation, which really pisses us off & we don't even know why. If you think this is deep diving, listen on. If you go deeper still into your psyche, your unconscious (hey! - then it becomes conscious) - phylogenetically back many millions of years, you can become aware of the gender split, the origin of male & female. This is the core disturbance (dis-ease) that the Scorpio impulse is seeking to root out & repair. No wonder it can't get any satisfaction & is constantly picking off the scabs. Venus is conjunct Mars for the whole of this moonth. This simply accentuates all the issues highlighted above. Venus, the planet of love?? Yuk, yuk! In this case it's more likely to manifest as the planet of hate. This moonths gender wars will probably go down in history as one of the greatest bunfights you will ever remember. Sex is off, homicide is on & let's keep it where it belongs -- in the family. Oh! Saint Diana, save us from ourselves. First Quarter on Nov 8th @ 15 Aquarius 31 Now, of course, the Sun squares the Moon & the Venus/Mars conjunction sits in the middle semisquaring them both. The Moon also conjuncts Jupiter, so there could be some big reactions. The urge to confront old patterns becomes extreme. Agitation time in the domain of peer & parental relationships. Much frustration, anger & the spitting of chips. You might wonder at the many angry people around until you look in the mirror. The aggro could show up strongly on the roads; road rage galore. Now the interesting opportunity is that you can drive along, windows wound up, screaming your head off & no-one notices. Or they think you're just grooving to a grunge band. The Moon/Jupiter/Venus interaction could show up as compulsive eating to push down the rising anger. Many people eat excessively so that their body is busy digesting, using up the energy being released. Bulimia rules OK! It's going to be a difficult time for your same sex parent & opposite sex partner if you don't start to own what's going on inside you. Maybe you could create a safe & ritualised space where you can express your resentment of each other rather than wait till it blows in a destructive fashion. It's actually no-ones fault, it's part of the condition of being human. The vegetarians & their ilk will have a field day during this moonth. "You're always so angry because you eat meat!" Really? You sound like a dentist I once knew. Died of anaemia, or was it castration? Didn't have the balls for the job. Full Moon on Nov 15th @ 22 Taurus 15 A Taurus moon will slow the aggro down a bit. In fact, this full moon is the quietest time of this moonth & the high voltage energy of this cycle can be safely used in sensual or sexual pursuits. A time when the hard wired gender roles can be a safeguard & reassurance. You've got a choice, as always; it just takes a bit more consciousness to see what the options are. You can react to old patterns in human history & hate each other because you're different. Or you can put your differences together & start the old lower chakra jiggle. The Great Mother is still angry at you, yet she has a more important priority & that's to continue the species. You don't have to let on that you're avoiding conception. Oh! really, you need to be wooed? So, get romantic if it's one of your addictions. Playing the boy/girl game will really work here & remember it's just a game that you learnt in your teenage years or earlier. Do the dressups, makeups, trim the hairy regions & use some substance to shut your intellect up for a while. If you can tap the instinctual Taurus/Scorpio levels of your being you can ride the wave of erotic pleasure & maybe not even feel guilty about it - well, until the next day, when you're coming down. Or you might even go for a higher goal & get long term satisfaction. Aim for a tantric interaction. Two (or more) becoming one again; the eagle level of a Scorpio experience. However, this might be too much for your little survival minds to contemplate. Just remember I suggested it. You might need some educational literature for this or at least some appropriate video. Last Quarter on Nov 22nd @ 29 Leo 43 This is a double YUK phase, so it's going to hurt. What's a YUK I hear you ask? Well, you've heard of planetary configurations like T-squares, Grand Trines & Yods. When two planets square each other & a third planet falls on their far direct midpoint, it obviously sesquisquares them both. This configuration, by Galactic agreement, is called a YUK, because it's like that. The Sun/Moon & Saturn Yuk & the Moon/Saturn & Venus (plus Mars - widely) also Yuk. So, you see, a double Yuk. This is a good time to stay in bed with the doona over your head. With the moon in Leo, everyone's going to be shouting, "You can't speak to me like that. Do you know who I am?" Injured pride is going to lie on the ground like community toilets after a twister. If you can laugh, you're going to be hysterical. With Saturn, still retrograde, squaring Venus & Mars, you know everyone hates you & that the answer to any request is -- NO! My only advice is to hide out & avoid any human contact because most people will be looking for someone to blame for how they are feeling. "Hello, how are you?" "Fine thank you!" (Thinks - "Piss off Noddy, you prime jerk!) Thanks for sharing. Anyway, this too will end. Thank the creative force that the irresponsible, drug addicted, loveable, puer season of generosity & horseshit is about to arrive. Can't wait to get out of this septic tank & gallop freely down the corrals of the abattoir.

"Belly Boarding the Lunar Waves" by Captain Chaos 1997 Sagittarian Lunation

New Moon on 11.30.97 @ 7 Sagittarius 54 The Jones Sabian Symbol for 8 degrees Sag. is "Rocks". Well, rocks n roll is OK for a Sag but the other doesn't compute, except maybe if it's about the integrity of stone. Rocks is for galloping on, that's about all. Or what Capricorns have for breakfast or Scorpios poop when they're really pissed. Enough of this deep & meaningful. Back to business. This new moon conjuncts Pluto, semisquares Venus in Capricorn & sextiles Uranus in Aquarius. Looks rather transpersonally demanding. The Venus conjunct Mars in Capricorn can easily freeze up so that there's no peer group interaction. This is especially so with Pluto being involved, demanding a depth & intensity of relating that both Capricorn & Sagittarius avoid. So just when you're looking forward to your annual excess of sex, drugs & rock n roll, the cosmos seems to be saying "clean up your stable, scrape out those quaint old beliefs that keep you stuck in the past & go looking for new technologies that will expand your world view". Well, the latter is just great for Saggness & maybe you'll just forget about the former. This is the dilemma of the Uranus/Pluto sextile & this is the moonth that you get your strongest dose. In the broadest symbolic terms, how do you reconcile the square between Scorpio & Aquarius? What's the meeting point between the deep & the sky? Is there something that flies in the sky & dives deep in the water? What? No animistic parallels for this on planet Earth? No wonder you're having difficulty; probably have to go real neocortical abstract. If it doesn't exist outside, you make it up anyway. Like extraterrestrials from the sky that choose to live at the bottom of the ocean. I hear someone made a movie on this about a decade ago. Just mind hooks, you note. First Quarter on 12.7.97 @ 15 Pisces 10 Oh! What a fog out this is going to be. The Moon is conjuncting the South Node in Pisces, Jupiter sextiles the Sun & Venus is conjunct Neptune. The Uranus/Pluto request of this moonth is for a union of height & depth. Now, everything goes out of focus, it all seems too hard, so why not just fall back into the familiar soup of romantic infatuation. The struggle to create new forms is likely to be swept aside by the habituated patterns of looking for saviours in the outer world. Jesus, save us! How long are you human beans going to continue this outmoded pattern of irresponsibility? I know it's a really difficult one, because it's stuck on top of your Parent/Child dilemma. You know - that familiar Cancer/Capricorn stuff. The inner child's still looking for an all wise/knowing parent to tell them how to handle life. Pity all you got was horse shit. The further you look down the steep slope of evolution, the more primitive the thinking, naturally. So Santa Claus, with his pot belly came down the chimney. Oh! it's blocked up ‘cos you've got central heating! It was originally all about a winter solstice festival recognising that the shortest day of the year had been reached & that for the next half year, the strength of the sun would be increasing. The Solar spirit would be warming the Earth, the crops would grow & all would be well for mankind. Until the next winter or the next drought brought famine again. So for those with a northern hemisphere temperate climate consciousness, look for some notion that's more abstract. The ‘return of the Sun' never had much appeal for Arabic cultures. By the way, Mercury stations retrograde at this First Quarter. May add to the confusion if much of your communication is misunderstood. Full Moon on 14.12.97 @ 22 Gemini 08' The main planetary pattern is a "hard opposition". What's this I hear you cry! Well, you know what an ‘easy opposition' is -- a third planet sextiles & trines the opposing planets. In this case, Uranus semisquares the Sun & sesquisquares the Moon. I'm so pleased you're learning so much. You must be highly delighted. Now no-one knows much about these hard oppositions because they haven't been labeled & published hence they don't exist. At least not on this planet until this moment of extraordinary creativity. In the beginning God moved mysteriously upon the waters & lo & behold - a hard opposition was divided from the swamp, wrapped in tissue paper. And it was good to be hard. So sayeth Captain Chaos. Oh! - get on with it. Sorry, sorry, sorry to exist! Just kidding. I was just illustrating the dilemma of notions & language - especially when they're in striped pyjamas. At this Full Moon, the shadows are your misinterpretations of the world. It's all consensus & there's nothing ‘real' in it, except that others support your beliefs. Uranus is going to be shaking the fabric of your intellect & making you feel real uncomfortable. You don't believe in Father Christmas any more? How about in your ability to be generous with your time & energy. Oh? you think it's about giving things. That's OK & may miss the point. It's OK to see the world in a radically different way, just don't expect others to fully understand what you're raving on about. Enjoy being called a space cadet or something similar. Saturn stations direct on the 16th December, so you may feel strapped in a straight jacket at the same time as an overwhelming urge to break free. It's really not an either/or situation, even if your intellect knows only how to categorise its interpretations in this fashion. So do something really intelligent. Experience all this on a feeling level, honour your commitments regarding the body & its needs; and focus your attention on the new ideas, technology & how to liberate yourself from outmoded identity. Last Quarter on 22.12.97 @ 0 Libra 04 At this Sun square Moon, Chiron sits right on their near midpoint. What shall we call this? A mini T-square or T-square x 0.5? It could be painful & you might realise that Mummy & Daddy were/are just ordinary struggling human beings who never had much of a clue. They were just imitating life & doing what seemed right. The ideas, beliefs & notions they had were inherited from their parents. Forgive them my children for they knew not what they said. I have fun throwing in the patriarchal horseshit commands just to see if you bite. If you don't, it could be because you're dead & have just forgotten to lie down. Anyway, the good news is that, because Venus is slowing down prior to going retrograde, Mars has raced up behind & ‘goosed' her. As she is also approaching Uranus, she doesn't mind in the least & looking at the scroll he's carrying down the front of your trousers, declares that he must be really pleased to see her. He excuses his rampant biology & says that he just wants to be friends & have a platonic relationship. Then, 4 days later, on ‘good little christians boxing day', she stations retrograde, slips from his mind grasp & disappears into the wilderness, to spend a celibate 40 days mediating on her lost youth. With Mercury stationing direct on the 27th of December, perhaps at least she'll write to you. So it's adieu to you & merry xmas cheer. I'll lower case my way through cyberspace & revisit you around the capricorn new moon. Is this new fashion about no-one getting taller than anyone else - the new egalitarianism. let me know if you can work it out. captain chaos..

"Belly Boarding the Lunar Waves" by Captain Chaos 1997 Capricorn Lunation

New Moon on Dec 30 97 @ 8 Capricorn 1' At this new moon, the Light's semisquare Jupiter & square Saturn. You've spent what you didn't have, the plastic is sagging & you've got a massive hit of the guilt's. I know, you were just itching to forward the action, wanted to believe that we were headed into a boom year. Not going to happen! Mars, Uranus, Venus & Neptune form a stellium in Aquarius/Capricorn. Restrained Capricornian social behaviour swept by spasms of romantic love & deviant sexual practices. Sounds interesting. Can't you just see all the corporate lemmings cruising around in their business suits, grasping their filofax's, Strained & Earnest. That's their names, not their demeanour. Then after a hit, snort or suck of the appropriate substance, heading off to the Hellfire Club or to canoodle in the flickering candlelight of a trendy restaurant. It ain't going to work, the romantic interlude that is, ‘cos Venus is retrograde. Much projection, especially by her, followed by the inevitable disappointment as he turns out to be only to too human. The white Porsche turns out to be a green VW; that's not so bad, it's his nasal hairs that really get up her nose. New Year resolutions?? About as substantial as last years. You're the King/Queen of false intentions. Seem so real at the time, don't they? Just going round & round in your intellect, run by fear of death & sex, looking good & making the right sounds. The sound of popcorn is deafening, or is that just your dyspepsia? First Quarter Moon on Jan 6 98 @ 15 Aries 3' "Let's go, let's go!" - as some heroic f***wit always bellows in ‘boy's own bull**** movies' from the land of the brave & the free. Action Man pumps up his plastic muscles & sallies forth (his female attachments name is Sally Fifth) to combat his neuroses. The worlds a dangerous place, full of potential terrorists & weirdo's. Someone really should do him a favour & wire both sides of his brain together. With the Moon conjunct Saturn, both quincunxed by Chiron & sextiled by Mars, there should be some exquisitely hurt feelings & severed body parts. Yes, folks, it's accident season again & the pseudo-rambo programmed young males will be burning rubber, diving into rocks & harassing sheep, anything to create the sense of motion, of personal importance, anything rather than face their own emptiness. No fear, no fear is the absurd notion, ejaculated into action, suggested by an older generation of robots, pretending to be human. It'd all be funny if there wasn't so much blood around & their feminine side wasn't so brutalised. Isn't it about time the "Let's pretend we're cannon fodder" game was abolished & something more intelligent invented. Oh! What's the use, I might as well go back to watching beer commercials. Full Moon on Jan 13 98 @ 22 Cancer 18' Retrograde Venus has snuggled right up to Neptune in Capricorn, both opposing the Moon & Mars is docking with Jupiter in Aquarius. The gender divide is widening & extreme sexist behaviour will be showing up in the light of this full moon. The arguments, the shouting, the blaming will almost drown out the siren's of the ambulances & police vehicles. You're meant to be on holiday & it's no Holy Day for anyone. She's still feeling bad from his inconsiderate behaviour of a week ago & wont say anything. Her body's still around but she's left town. He hasn't even really noticed. Perhaps they're just living separate lives, all alone in their heads. Any reconciliation is going to require real sensitivity & the willingness to listen. So biology & cultural phantasy drove you together. What are you going to do about your state now? The only way out is through your willingness to communicate openly & honestly, even if it feels so vulnerable you could die. [Moon sesquisquare Pluto] Please consider, just for a moment, that you could be stuck in old fashioned attitudes that are like your parents values speaking. They have to be killed off! No, not your parents, your memories & behaviours of yesteryear. If you do nothing, nothing will change. This whole cycle is designed to show up your parental/gender programming & make you so uncomfortable that you choose to make some changes in the way you function. Get some professional help if necessary. If there are ‘answers out there', they will be of no use to how you behave in there. You can stay predictably robotic or you can develop some selfhood. Aren't you just thrilled I've told you. Up yours, also! Last Quarter Moon on Jan 21 98 @ 0 Scorpio 33' Not a lot going on at this phase. Or should I say, nothing new is being added. I guess you've got enough to process from the experiences of the last two weeks. If you've been reflective enough to discover some of your belief limitations & realise that there's only mirrors out there, you may be ready to change some of your interpretations of ‘reality'. It never was anyone else's fault nor yours. Prizes for coming first was manipulation so that most of you were losers. Pyramidal propaganda that there was somewhere at the top of the heap where you could enjoy acknowledgement, support, encouragement & unconditional love. Really?? There's one born every second. Did your parents believe this nonsense too?? The penthouses of the slave ships are populated with monied exhausted neurotics promising themselves eternal life. Want a ticket? OK, I'll swap it for your soul. Done!

"Belly Boarding the Lunar Waves" by Captain Chaos 1998 Aquarian Lunation

New Moon on 28.1.98 @ 8 Aquarius 6' A very transpersonally pushy moonth. At this new moon, the Lights partile conjunct Uranus & sextile Pluto. This moonth is the other side of last years Sagittarian cycle, when the Lights conjuncted Pluto & sextiled Uranus. What's been brewing since December is coming to some sort of climax. There's nothing quite as determined & unyielding as an Aquarian moonth, unless it's a Scorpio one. Mad as a hatter, whatever that means. I'm just playing with the language some of you earthlings use. Time to go quite nutty (like squirrels I hear) & make up all sorts of amazing plans that will create new social possibilities & allow you to detach from your limited little human bodies. It's that time of the year when you are most likely to experience freedom from your personal history. What a liberation, because history is societies wealth & every persons curse. The beliefs of your ancestors are what limit your horizons & for the next few weeks, you can have a holiday from them. Can you cope with detaching from all that's so familiar, maybe not recognising yourself when you look in the mirror in the morning. On the 30th January, Neptune slips into Aquarius, where it will remain until late August. Just in time to foster some strange fantasies, which may seep into your dreams & disturb you. Then on the 5th of February, Jupiter splashes into Pisces, pushing you towards temporary omnipotence followed rapidly by addictive impotence. First Quarter Moon on 4.2..98 @ 14 Taurus 55' A testing phase, this one. The unpushable object (Taurus) meets the unstoppable notion (Aquarius). The Sun squares the Moon & Chiron, the latter two opposing. This T-square will reactivate the parent blamed primary Chironic wound, the source of your greatest despair. You may feel split, castrated or internally divided & react as if others were to blame for your state. Also, stationary Venus squares Saturn, so you're going to expect rejection when you look for some personal nurturing from someone of the opposite sex. So whatever happens, this is how you'll interpret the interaction. And Mars squares Pluto, so you may feel so angry that you want to hit out. Fortunately Mars is in Pisces, which softens its action, yet supplies little self control. This is not going to be a nice time. The human need to find relief from your wounds by dumping them onto someone else, is likely to see a lot of bleeding in the home place & on the streets. Visible or invisible, what's the difference. You can either contain this wave or be dumped by it & make the world around you a worse place. Ain't life fun when your swimmers are full of sand & your basal chakra's about to implode. Jupiter semisquares Saturn on the 9th of February, just in time for the full moon. Full Moon on 11.2.98 @ 22 Leo 29' Hooly, dooly! Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of primates. Yes, you guessed it! Free unlimited time, sans accommodation, in the jungles of Rwanda to the lucky viewer who noticed that at this full moon, Chiron T-squares the Lights. Mountain gorilla behaviour is going to seem very gentle & civilised when compared to what the talking primates are doing at this phase. There's nothing like a full moon in Leo in an Aquarian cycle to bring out the worst in people. Much strident personality shouting, dumping & blaming. Personality Difference & Argument Festival time. "Mine's bigger & better than yours!" All the factors mentioned for a week earlier at the First Quarter Moon have matured, blossomed & will present their rotten fruit at this time. Shining in the moonlight! Saturn still squares Venus so the experience of personal rejection is highly likely. There will probably be much socialising, especially in restaurants, clubs & bars. Just don't expect any sharing or real communication as there'll be so much macho one-up-manship & overbearing behaviour that the more sensitive types are likely to go home early feeling sick. Mercury conjuncts Uranus in Aquarius during this period, so do yourself a favour. Use this part of the wave to activate your intuition, so that you'll know what locations & what company to avoid. Last Quarter Moon on 20.2.98 @ 0 Sagittarius 47' What a relief to get into a mutable phase, where life doesn't seem stuck, desperate & loud. Rest & recuperation time; or so clogged with your own resentment that there's no relief from the internal stress. Why is it so, I hear you cry?? Well, little piglets, it's ‘cos the moon is catching up to Pluto & they both square the Sun & Jupiter. Jupiter really pumps up any Plutonic action, so the mental anguish could really be severe as your intellect ricochets around your skull trying to work out what's gone wrong. There are ‘wailing walls' invented for folks like you, so you can rock backwards & forwards like an autistic child until the Messiah comes to tell you that you've been a very naughty boy/girl. Are you still waiting for punishment or forgiveness from your parents or the Parents in the Sky? It would be embarrassing to talk about personal responsibility for your life & the beliefs you were fed in your mothers milk. Just keep banging your head against that wall, ‘cos it'll feel delicious when you stop, which is about the time that you kark it. But I jest, don't I?? Perhaps a better option would be to have life as an ongoing comedy, yet tragedy gives a better financial return. What? Money = Survival? These dualistic simplicities are too much for me. Why didn't we give you better tuned survival mentality in the first place, tools that could handle a range of complex possibilities. Then I'd be out of a job. Oh! the simple black/white minds of children, teenagers, terrorists & religious fundamentalists.

"Belly Boarding the Lunar Waves" by Captain Chaos 1998 Pisces Lunation

[A] Please note that those who are likely to enjoy reading Capt. Chaos will be those who realise that life is too important to be taken seriously; that life is a sexually transmitted disease with 100% mortality; & are those who enjoy playing along the spectrum of identity, consciousness & being. [B] Please note that those individuals who should avoid Capt. Chaos in all instances are those with comfort & niceness as high values; those with an addiction to romantic fantasy; & those who are so attached to outmoded identity that they have no real intention of continued growth & development. If in this latter category, reading the following could be injurious to your health, which is marginal at the best of times. If you are a newcomer to this entertaining series, you may have missed the original introduction, so it's reprod below. You may need this to orient yourself to Capt. Chaos' style, otherwise, if you're in category B, you could fall around frothing at the mouth, as you find yet another opportunity to vent your primal rage on other human beings. Hello Earthlings, Captain Chaos calling! I've been sent to you to help lighten your load. Oh! - you think that I might be another one of your mythical saviours? Sorry, that's another department. We have an outstation near what you call Alpha Centauri, so it's only a hop, skip & jump to your pretty little planet. Interesting experiment going on here. After I was put on assignment, I researched the records & came up with this ancient file entitled "PROJECT MUSHROOM". Simply put - seed a suitable planet, keep all participants in the dark & feed them bulldust. Must have seemed a good idea at the time. Now we owe you something of an apology & explanation. The project designers screwed up! They didn't allow adequately for the harshness of the conditions & the resulting evolution of such powerful survival behaviour. You've overdone it a bit, haven't you? Overpopulation & pollution of the planet, torturing & killing each other indiscriminately, creating social structures to control others, extensive & mandatory brainwashing. Do I need to go on? Actually, it's very embarrassing for the Cosmic Design crew & they don't want it to get around. A culture of Self annihilation is not going to sell very well. So, here I am! Sneaking in the back door so to speak, being channeled by one of your fringe dwellers, an astrologer. Not very popular creatures are you? Your only usefulness is that you do look upwards, or into an Ephemeris, for some understanding of the incoming energy waves. And like the rest of the population, you are afflicted with a bad case of the "Hyper Survival Plague". It's an inevitable result of the Mushroom treatment. Some around here call it KAQ (Kill the Alien Quick - pronounced KAK) or DTS (Don't Talk - Shoot). So as I'm sure you can appreciate, we can't come in the front door carrying flowers & saying we're sorry & won't ever do it again. Such sensory little things, aren't you? So like living in the familiar smell of your cute little bodies. I'm what you'd call a standing wave form, so I don't wear your dilemma of coordinating flatulence & orgasm. I'm going to send information about each of your moonths [Sun/Moon cycles] so that you can, if you choose, start riding the electromagnetic waves a little easier. Like feeding chooks; too little & they'll kill to get it, too much & they get fat & lazy. It's real hands on intuitive stuff, as I'm sure some of you can appreciate. One of the companion diseases to KAQ is SS (Super Seriousness). A rather deadly combination, these two. While you may think you're semi-enlightened, these diseases are endemic to the Astrological community. What a pity all your insights devolve to survival strategies. Enough introduction, let's get on with the instruction. Open wide! New Moon on February 27th @ 7 Pisces 55' At this new moon the Lights partile square Pluto. They also conjunct Jupiter & Mercury. Both the recent Sagittarian & Aquarian moonths connected closely with the current Uranus/Pluto sextile. This meant that they were conduits for transpersonal impulses, unsettling our comfort zones & confronting us with the need to make substantial changes in personal identity. In this current Pisces moonth, the transpersonal influence of Pluto is the dominant evolutionary factor & near the full moon it is going to station retrograde & exactly square Jupiter. So this could be called a fear & greed cycle or "the skull grins in at the banquet". If you are still as attached to your personal history or herstory as you were a few months ago, then this cycle will agitate all your existential fear buttons as Death drives just behind you down the highway of life. You think I'm just pulling your strings again? Probably! Notice how a few little marks on a piece of paper (or a computer screen) can start you twitching. Perhaps now is the time to really take notice of your normally unconscious paranoia. What makes Johnny run, with diahorrea? What makes Mary hot to trot, to the loo? Fear riddles, what's the game, anchored in the childhood name, funny, punny, nixt to fiddles, medical world says asthma's king, must be genetic or some such thing. Oh! I could waffle on something salubrious, but then you'd probably loose interest. I guess what you really want is some good old fashioned entertainment. I've been singing but you probably want some dancing too. Go back to your 1940's & 50's Hollywood movies; that should really keep you stuck in the past. First Quarter Moon on March 5th @ 14 Gemini 34' Now the thot plickens! On the 2nd, Chiron stationed retrograde, vibrating your internal schisms, your good/bad number routines. Then at this first quarter, Venus conjuncts Neptune & they both sextile Mars. Fantasy rules supreme, the lemmings are dressing up, preparing for the bright moonlight when they will shed vast clouds sperm & ova in a mist of oceanic rapture. In their dreams! Must think they're bloody fishes. Welcome to the Casino, oops! - entertainment centre. The Gemini moon opposes Pluto & squares the Sun /Jupiter. Everyone is ‘drop dead' beautiful, the wonderful world of advertising must be the ‘word upon the waters' & everyone lives happily ever after. Reality may bite, as Pluto stations retrograde on the 11th, at the same time as it exactly squares Jupiter. The veils of illusion are blasted usunder, as Kali rides forth from her summer residence, swinging a sword & wearing a stunning ‘skulls off the shoulder" number that Dracula's bride died four. Four & four makes sixteen in exponential land. Just thought you'd like to know how the Universe really ticks. A veritable wordfest to shield you from what's going on, like the Gamelin driving away evil spirits. Full Moon on March 13th @ 22 Virgo 24' The fantasy of Pisces meets the critical scissors of the puritanical Censor. Chop, hack, chop! Private parts litter the ground like autumn leaves after the first brush of delicate snow. With Venus sesquisquaring the Moon & semisquaring the Sun, the dream of union is stabbed a mortal blow by the cruel spectre of jousting gender roles. Films of fine moonlight speckle the ground in colours of grey, grey & grey. And you wanted Technicolor! Still, it starts off being a randy time, with Mars trining Pluto & both of them sextiling Venus. He/she will look so good from a distance, as your biology runs rampant, gonads twitching, forcing the projection of gender stereotypes. The horny little toads will be wooing & strutting through the shopping malls of your consumerised imagination. You'll have a high old ball on the old town tonight, Friday night & all in downtown OZ. Double damn, it'll only be Thor's day in the land of the brave & the free. Have to take a cold shower or two, won't you? So it's biology that makes the world go round? No wonder you're feeling so giddy & you thought it was the booze. Being yanked around by your genitals is certainly one way to inhabit planet Earth. If it ain't bringing you any long term satisfaction & the life style cost is too high, consider the possibility of operating from some other chakra. At the moment, it's probably all too hard, too confusing & you didn't ask to be here. Better find out who made the arrangements. Perhaps you could ask your local time-share corporation. They may be a front for MIB. Last Quarter Moon on March 21st @ 0 Capricorn 29' Enough of this silliness! Time to get serious about life & find some social dungheaps to climb. As I often repeat to myself, it's better to do your time in the penthouse than in a prison. The Equinox has happened, the moon has trudged into Capricorn, the Sun sextiles Neptune & widely trines Pluto. Saturn has been quincunxing Chiron for the last two moonths. The authoritarian cruelty of our ancestors requires some profound apology if reconciliation is going to be possible. Exciting times in OZ with a federal election possible around the Wik/Race issue & the growing swell of a movement towards Republicanism. Those carrying the can of an outmoded traditionalism are going to look very goofy this moonth. Still, I suppose some bunch of lemmings is going to have to play the ugly parts in this neo-colonial drama. A whole new energy wave is being created at this point, so different to that of the last few moonths. You'll have to wait for some highly meaningful comment on my next visit to your pretty little planet. So I'll say adieu to you, & with grace & jam on my face, slide off over the horizon into the sunset & hyperspace.


Feeling blocked, stuck, angry? Getting caught in road rage or snarling secretly at your partner? According to metaphysical principals, if you're not attached to the past in some way then everything will flow for you. Like, life's a current we can just go with, unless we're clinging to rocks in some way. Obviously this belief was made up by some super mutable type without any history, possessions or family. Certainly he/she didn't live on the Mars/Saturn cycle, that is, didn't have any aspects on this cycle, especially a hard one. How's your blood pressure & muscle tone? Are you seizing up, especially in the shoulders & back? Arthritic aches in your finger joints? Love to relax by having a good orgasm yet can't bear to be touched? Tension driving you crazy, yawning tired yet can't even sleep properly & keep getting up to go to the loo? And when you sleep, does your bed sharer tell you later that you were snoring & grinding your teeth in your sleep. These sorts of conditions is probably quite acute, right now, in anyone who has an Aries/Capricorn or Mars/Saturn conflict prominent in their natal chart. So what's going on in the sky to trigger these conditions? It's simply that we earthlings are experiencing a long term Mars opposition Saturn. If we allow an 8 degree orb for this opposition then it is in effect from Dec 17, 96 until Mar 10, 97; & then again from Jul 15, 97 until Aug 12, 97. That's because rotten little Mars has to go retrograde from Feb 6, 97 until April 27, 97. Summing all this up & adding up the days, we have Mars opposition Saturn 47.6% of the time from mid December 96 until mid August 97. So you'd better get used to it or at least learn to live with it. The greatest tension will of course occur when the opposition is applying & comes to exactness on Jan 9, 97; Rx Feb 16, 97; & Jul 29, 97. Probably what increases the tension is that this opposition also falls on the nodal axis for some of this period. So you're feeling that everything you want is being blocked & denied to you. Welcome to the Mars/Saturn club. I have a special going on bumper stickers labeled, "Get out of the F---ing Way". The F--- word is not there just for drama, but to illustrate a major issue in this scenario. While the Planets do not have to compel; & they probably do for those living ordinary unconscious lives, this opposition will surely stir up old memories of wants & desires denied. So let's have a look at the core psychodynamics of the Mars/Saturn cycle. These will certainly be major issues in the lives of children being born at this time. In times of rapid social change, like now, Saturnian control structures become rapidly outmoded. Then they show up mainly as authoritarian parental commands of "don't!" Being born on this cycle means that you have a leaning to hear/see, "Thou shall not be angry, desirous or naturally sexual." The resultant blockage of the Martian energy results in enormous tension which is the root of a whole range of medical conditions. Most extreme is chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which can be totally debilitating. Other symptoms have been mentioned above & repetitive strain injury (RSI) should also be included. Mars is said to rule the muscles & Saturn the bones. If we have subconscious programs that say No! to our wants, when we reach out for what we desire, that action invokes a mental command contracting an opposing sets of muscles. Try it yourself & see. Reach out for a cup or pen & at the same time hold your hand back. It's what Oken ["Complete Astrology" 1988] called "driving a car with the brakes on". Much tension, overheating & after a few decades of this unconscious behaviour, you get diagnosed as having rheumatism or arthritis. In Freudian lingo, this is a classic ID versus SUPEREGO conflict. If there are other supporting factors in your psychology, such as a Pluto emphasis, then the tension can be extreme enough to eventually create RSI or CFS. The good news is that if you know what is going on & are prepared to do something about it, these conditions can be abolished or never appear. Before discussing treatment, let's look at sexual inhibitions. Puritans are brittle uptight control freaks, as exemplified by the American WASP religious Right. Classic Mars/Saturn signature. Coming back to the bumper stickers I jokingly offered earlier, if you live on the Mars/Saturn cycle then as a little kid you were all ears for jokes, comments & subtle vibes condemning sexual expression. Did you ever see that excellent Australian film - "The Devils Playground?" Fascinating story set in a Catholic boys school in the 1950's, exploring the theme of Sex = Sin. While Freuds early work has been nutshelled as an exposition on the neurosis that arises when sexuality is repressed, it was Wilhelm Reich, one of his followers, who took this theme to the extreme. Incidentally, both Freud & Reich have Mars/Saturn hard aspects in their birthcharts. Not surprising! Reich was eccentric, authority phobic & quite brilliant. In typical Sun Aries fashion, he believed that if people could have great & fulfilling orgasms, then fanaticism & Fascism would disappear from human behaviour & politics. It was his antiauthoritarian political stances that got him hounded him out of Germany & Norway & eventually got him imprisoned in the USA where he died. Treatment: Anger release, massage, masturbation & supportive homeopathics. During most of the period when Mars opposed Saturn, transiting Pluto is trining Saturn & sextiling Mars. With this easy opposition, Pluto shows the way around the conflict. The message is that some holistic psychotherapy, such as Breathwork/Rebirthing, is the appropriate modality for releasing the anger & reconfiguring the old memories.

Cancer Lunation

At this New Moon, both Mars & Saturn square the Lights. Just after the Last Quarter Moon of this cycle, on the 29th of July, Mars opposes Saturn exactly. The first exact Mars opposition Saturn of this series occurred at the New Moon in Capricorn on the 9th of January 1997 & the second during the following Aquarian moonth. Cosmic timing is so fascinating. The archetypal conflict we are experiencing here can be languaged & symbolised by Aries squaring Capricorn, a Cardinal standoff of great importance. What is added to this is the fact that Mars is considered to be at its Detriment in Libra & Saturn in its Fall in Aries. Just so we really get the message! Now, in this Cancer moonth, we get to the last exact hit of Mars opposing Saturn & they both square the Lights. Unfair, unfair I hear you complain. Insult added to injury, or so it seems. Poor little Cancer, feeling attacked (Mars) & criticised (Saturn). Everything coming to a head, the completion of a process that has been going on for six moonths, what to do, what to do! Is this too complicated for you? Let me try & simplify, because if we run around in circle crying that it's too difficult, nothing much is going to be achieved. The exercise is about reconciling paradox, providing a motivator that can lead to greater personal integration & this an increase in consciousness. In terms of planetary cycles, think of it as a T-square involving the Moon, Mars & Saturn. At worst, you could find yourself in a lather of anger, frustration & rejection. If you contain sufficient history of not getting your needs & wants met, then this is probably how it will be. So, what can you do about it? Stop doing the Karmic Beatup on yourself (no, it's not a new dance) & start to nurture the "inner child". Seems so simple, yet you've evolved out of such difficult times that self denial seems instinctual. It's not! Could you let yourself be little, needy & apparently weak, for some of the next few weeks. Some women may be able too & probably very few men. Most men have been conditioned into work objects, cannon fodder & other disposable identities. What the Cancer vibration is best at is personal nurturing, caring & loving. So go with the flow, give it to yourself & others. A number of decades ago, Co-counseling was all the rage. People got together in pairs & committed to regularly do a co-counseling session. The basis of all counseling is the creation of safe space where a person can be encouraged to express what they feel. Ask Carl Rogers! This super Capricorn became renown for developing non-directive counseling. It's such a simple, ordinary & natural process; & it doesn't cost anything either, except your time. Use the bright face’ of Saturn in commitment to the process & in the discipline of equal time sharing. The framework of all paired sharing processes. One person shares their feelings for, say, 10 minutes while their partner just listens. No judgement, no intervention, just receptivity. Then change over. How simple can interaction get? And if this isn't sufficient, then you may need the help of an experienced & professional counselor. The protective, defensive controls in some people (especially those with Saturn on an angle or in hard aspect to the Sun or Moon) are so powerful that greater expertise is required to assist them to let go’. If you're able to let go the controls & express your needs, then this cycle augers well. If not, then you're going to have to go through the mill, so read on. First Quarter on July 13th @ 20 Libra 34’ Here's where traditional niceness’ tries to suffocate your feeling expression. Saturn is starting to slow down prior to its stationing so its strength is increasing. Its dark face represents all the parental shoulds & shouldn'ts that have inhibited your existence. If you've been conditioned normally then you'll have a sack full of guilt & shame. Now's your chance to start breaking out. Take the risk of being totally un-nice, which is a big one if you're female. Sugar & spice & all that garbage. Niceness can be a terminal disease if it is more important than your self expression. If your existence has been compromised by living in constant compromise, then it's time to spit the dummy. Anger is necessary to clear space, so that you can tell those uninvited others who invade your space to get lost. What's the worst that can happen? You'll be attacked or outcast from the tribe & then you'll die, or at least that's what your survival intellect will tell you. Sounds rather dramatic to me, but then I don't live inside your skins with all its programming flowing on from past generations. Hey, you're starting to outgrow all that old gender limitation stuff. Yes, yes, humanness shows up as either male of female. Or does it? What about the growing number of humans who don't subscribe to this simple polarity model. Like the gay & lesbian community. This first quarter is like being pinned on a grand cross of the Moon, Venus, Mars & Saturn. Make like a butterfly, sting like a bee. It wasn't your parents fault - forgive them because they knew not what they did unconsciously. Anyway, their biology overpowered them, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Full Moon on July 20th @ 27 Capricorn 28’ Education time for the inner child’ states. What will show up in the light of the full moon will be the memories of all those control freaks who stomped on your feelings & spontaneity. Some of it was necessary to safeguard your physical existence. Some of it was just their hatred of anyone who hadn't put their soul in a straightjacket yet. Probably you've got a lot of processing & re-perceptioning to do. This is certainly a great time to do it. Why not go with the wave rather than fight it? If you're feeling battered & bruised then that's an emotional truth for you. Are you going to validate it & listen to the grief & pain. For those for whom the battering has been physical, then the healing is going to require more intensive treatment than just counseling. This cycle is all about the ongoing Parent/Child conflict inside you. It is unresolvable on the level at which it was created & how it may still be held in your memory. It takes some maturity or a burst of Uranian clarity to actually see those struggling, inadequate, guilty, shameful humans who were your biological parents. It's a big step to distinguish them from the Parental images that live in our psyche. A good wave in which to kill off the false parent images. Some gestalt work, voice dialogue or psychodrama will serve you well in playing out the different parts & uping the exchange between them. Synthesis occurs when they are owned within the view of the third point of the triangle; when the Parent/Child conflict is transcended by the Adult state. This describes the ongoing individuation process, the growth of the integrated Self, the consolidation of decades of centroversion, the appearance of Centauric consciousness. All of this is supported by the easy opposition involving Venus, Mars & Uranus, of this moonth. As well as the easy opposition involving Jupiter, Saturn & Chiron. Last Quarter on July 27th @ 3 Taurus 47’ Now's the crisis in consciousness of this cycle. Either all has gone well & you've cleared some of your old stuff’ or you've gone completely unconscious & now you're stuffing your face to deaden the pain. The opportunity is to consolidate the changes or remain stuck in the patterns of the past. No blame. You all have your individual timing & maybe now wasn't it. There'll be plenty of other opportunities. Like each Cancer & Capricorn moonth, a similar scenario will come up. Maybe not as potent as this one. Because on the 1st of August, Saturn stations retrograde. For the couple of days leading up to this, repressed guilt, blame & dump will feel like such a weight on your soul. Like dragging yourself through life, carrying the accumulated burdens of your family line. What are these burdens? If you can get some seeing of them, then they can be more easily approached in the future. These burdens of the past will be ripening & all ready for their spirit crushing work in the Leo moonth. That's the bad news. What's the good news possibilities? Read next moonths Leo revelations.

"Belly Boarding the Lunar Waves" by Captain Chaos 1997 Sagittarian Lunation

New Moon on 11.30.97 @ 7 Sagittarius 54 The Jones Sabian Symbol for 8 degrees Sag. is "Rocks". Well, rocks n roll is OK for a Sag but the other doesn't compute, except maybe if it's about the integrity of stone. Rocks is for galloping on, that's about all. Or what Capricorns have for breakfast or Scorpios poop when they're really pissed. Enough of this deep & meaningful. Back to business. This new moon conjuncts Pluto, semisquares Venus in Capricorn & sextiles Uranus in Aquarius. Looks rather transpersonally demanding. The Venus conjunct Mars in Capricorn can easily freeze up so that there's no peer group interaction. This is especially so with Pluto being involved, demanding a depth & intensity of relating that both Capricorn & Sagittarius avoid. So just when you're looking forward to your annual excess of sex, drugs & rock n roll, the cosmos seems to be saying "clean up your stable, scrape out those quaint old beliefs that keep you stuck in the past & go looking for new technologies that will expand your world view". Well, the latter is just great for Saggness & maybe you'll just forget about the former. This is the dilemma of the Uranus/Pluto sextile & this is the moonth that you get your strongest dose. In the broadest symbolic terms, how do you reconcile the square between Scorpio & Aquarius? What's the meeting point between the deep & the sky? Is there something that flies in the sky & dives deep in the water? What? No animistic parallels for this on planet Earth? No wonder you're having difficulty; probably have to go real neocortical abstract. If it doesn't exist outside, you make it up anyway. Like extraterrestrials from the sky that choose to live at the bottom of the ocean. I hear someone made a movie on this about a decade ago. Just mind hooks, you note. First Quarter on 12.7.97 @ 15 Pisces 10 Oh! What a fog out this is going to be. The Moon is conjuncting the South Node in Pisces, Jupiter sextiles the Sun & Venus is conjunct Neptune. The Uranus/Pluto request of this moonth is for a union of height & depth. Now, everything goes out of focus, it all seems too hard, so why not just fall back into the familiar soup of romantic infatuation. The struggle to create new forms is likely to be swept aside by the habituated patterns of looking for saviours in the outer world. Jesus, save us! How long are you human beans going to continue this outmoded pattern of irresponsibility? I know it's a really difficult one, because it's stuck on top of your Parent/Child dilemma. You know - that familiar Cancer/Capricorn stuff. The inner child's still looking for an all wise/knowing parent to tell them how to handle life. Pity all you got was horse shit. The further you look down the steep slope of evolution, the more primitive the thinking, naturally. So Santa Claus, with his pot belly came down the chimney. Oh! it's blocked up ‘cos you've got central heating! It was originally all about a winter solstice festival recognising that the shortest day of the year had been reached & that for the next half year, the strength of the sun would be increasing. The Solar spirit would be warming the Earth, the crops would grow & all would be well for mankind. Until the next winter or the next drought brought famine again. So for those with a northern hemisphere temperate climate consciousness, look for some notion that's more abstract. The ‘return of the Sun' never had much appeal for Arabic cultures. By the way, Mercury stations retrograde at this First Quarter. May add to the confusion if much of your communication is misunderstood. Full Moon on 14.12.97 @ 22 Gemini 08' The main planetary pattern is a "hard opposition". What's this I hear you cry! Well, you know what an ‘easy opposition' is -- a third planet sextiles & trines the opposing planets. In this case, Uranus semisquares the Sun & sesquisquares the Moon. I'm so pleased you're learning so much. You must be highly delighted. Now no-one knows much about these hard oppositions because they haven't been labeled & published hence they don't exist. At least not on this planet until this moment of extraordinary creativity. In the beginning God moved mysteriously upon the waters & lo & behold - a hard opposition was divided from the swamp, wrapped in tissue paper. And it was good to be hard. So sayeth Captain Chaos. Oh! - get on with it. Sorry, sorry, sorry to exist! Just kidding. I was just illustrating the dilemma of notions & language - especially when they're in striped pyjamas. At this Full Moon, the shadows are your misinterpretations of the world. It's all consensus & there's nothing ‘real' in it, except that others support your beliefs. Uranus is going to be shaking the fabric of your intellect & making you feel real uncomfortable. You don't believe in Father Christmas any more? How about in your ability to be generous with your time & energy. Oh? you think it's about giving things. That's OK & may miss the point. It's OK to see the world in a radically different way, just don't expect others to fully understand what you're raving on about. Enjoy being called a space cadet or something similar. Saturn stations direct on the 16th December, so you may feel strapped in a straight jacket at the same time as an overwhelming urge to break free. It's really not an either/or situation, even if your intellect knows only how to categorise its interpretations in this fashion. So do something really intelligent. Experience all this on a feeling level, honour your commitments regarding the body & its needs; and focus your attention on the new ideas, technology & how to liberate yourself from outmoded identity. Last Quarter on 22.12.97 @ 0 Libra 04 At this Sun square Moon, Chiron sits right on their near midpoint. What shall we call this? A mini T-square or T-square x 0.5? It could be painful & you might realise that Mummy & Daddy were/are just ordinary struggling human beings who never had much of a clue. They were just imitating life & doing what seemed right. The ideas, beliefs & notions they had were inherited from their parents. Forgive them my children for they knew not what they said. I have fun throwing in the patriarchal horseshit commands just to see if you bite. If you don't, it could be because you're dead & have just forgotten to lie down. Anyway, the good news is that, because Venus is slowing down prior to going retrograde, Mars has raced up behind & ‘goosed' her. As she is also approaching Uranus, she doesn't mind in the least & looking at the scroll he's carrying down the front of your trousers, declares that he must be really pleased to see her. He excuses his rampant biology & says that he just wants to be friends & have a platonic relationship. Then, 4 days later, on ‘good little christians boxing day', she stations retrograde, slips from his mind grasp & disappears into the wilderness, to spend a celibate 40 days mediating on her lost youth. With Mercury stationing direct on the 27th of December, perhaps at least she'll write to you. So it's adieu to you & merry xmas cheer. I'll lower case my way through cyberspace & revisit you around the capricorn new moon. Is this new fashion about no-one getting taller than anyone else - the new egalitarianism. let me know if you can work it out. captain chaos..

Moon Twins

Luck, good fortune or perhaps just plain planning would have it, I have two wonderful daughters, born sixteen years apart. That by itself is not nearly so interesting as the fact that they both have Capricorn moons with one degree of separation. For many years I have wondered just how this unique marker would reveal itself. The eldest daughter has a Pisces rising and Gemini Sun, the youngest a Libra rising and an Aquarian Sun. Already the picture is emerging. The eldest has a tenth house moon, well demonstrated for her love and success in government not to mention her deft hand at catering. The youngest has a third house moon. As a younger child she aspired to be a teacher, now she leans towards the law. As a parent, I have found that the best way to understand a child's needs is to analyze not only their Sun and Ascendant sign and placement but to truly understand their emotional nature it is important to carefully study the moon, it's sign and placement. In addition, it is important to know how the parent's planetary placements complement or contrast to the children's. This comparison is achieved by comparing the complete charts of the parents and children noting the sun, moon and ascendant as well as the moon and mercury aspects. Early on, for both of these children with Capricorn moons, I noticed that they thrived on ritual and regularity. Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, and the Moon as representative of the mother in their life, indicates that a mother figure could be controlling, definitely an earlier trait of mine. A Saturn moon can also indicate a mother who provides a needed structure. As the mother of two children with Capricorn moons, I have also experienced their need for structure and they would remind me when the structure was broken or neglected. Capricorn moon children also teach the parent about parenting, so clear can they be about their needs. For instance, my older daughter and I enjoyed a Saturday morning schedule that rarely varied except when she requested a change. We would shop, go to the same special stores and restaurant. Evenings were similar with endless stories and a snack. The familiarity and regularity was essential for her sense of stability, and in retrospect, mine also. The Aquarian nature in my younger child has allowed for the needed eclectic variation within the stabilizing pattern but she, too, thrives on regularity and ritual. Her ritual is much more important in the evening. For years a fresh fruit snack for the essential evening ritual was accompanied by a card game or shared listening to a tape. Breaking the ritual was tantamount to heresy. Even as a teenager, she still needs the comfort of an adaptable Saturn structure. Children understand communication on an emotional level first. It is only later as they grow older and the emotional component of relations is socially devalued that older children develop the adult form of cognitive communication. It may, at first, be difficult to distinguish between the true lunar nature of an individual seen early in childhood and their adapted and often modified nature in adolescence and adulthood. Emotional and physical interactions with others will be full of clues to this true inner lunar nature. Now, as older children, they have developed their own relationships with one another. One of the unique aspects of their relationship is the fact that the older daughter, in so many ways, has served in a surrogate mother role, in that way the younger daughter has experienced two mothers. Ach!. Understandably, this tends to confound their feelings for one another. As they struggle with this oftimes dual relationship, this mutual struggle has taken on one very interesting dimension. I refer to this bit of astrological trivia as "everyday" astrology. This "everyday" astrology is how these Capricorn Moon Twins physically connect to one another. This bit of trivia gave me the idea for this article. One can well imagine that the Capricorn moon's strong competition for ascendancy is evident between one another. When they are feeling competitive, they can not really hug one another, that would not be consistent with their Saturnian natures. Instead, they give one another what they refer to as the "armless hug", a sort of perfunctory gesture of sorority. From an observers vantage point, it looks like two mountain goats, the symbol of Capricorn, butting up against one another!!! And of course, the competition is for the affection and attention of the mother. They both report that this behavior, markedly different from their usual relationship of confidants and friends, only occurs in mother's presence. One can only hope that with time, this competitive tendency will find cooperative, sororal, avenues for expression. Both daughters report that their rapport is best when alone together. It is then that they can be free of their lunar agenda and have wonderful times. My younger daughter often visits her older sister's home after school. Her home away from home. How symbolic this is for them both. My sense is that when the younger daughter is older and independent she and her sister will have a very different relationship with one another, more like supportive sisters and sympathetic moon twins instead of Capricorn competitors. This pattern has developed over several years. I know that neither one of them knows how significant this bit of astro trivia may be, but I was quite excited to see astrology at work in such a visible manner. We have since discussed their "armless hug" and its astrological as well as personal significance. It is such an interesting and visible way to introduce simple astrological ideas to the children who can then begin to appreciate themselves and their relationship tensions in a very different way. The girls express these Capricorn traits: the younger daughter likes to visit cemeteries, loves the basement, old churches, has occasional eczema, and can be hypochondriacal (this is due to the fact that the Saturn quality of the Moon makes it difficult to express emotions). The older daughter is a born politician (she has worked in state and national political positions), government service, loves gardens, and is now in an executive sales position with an international company. They both have ambition, determination and a strong work ethic. They share these lunar traits: the same mother, both have worn glasses since early childhood, are gourmands and excellent bakers, tend to an easy depression, neither digest milk or milk products well, have sensitive digestive tracts, painful menstrual cycles, honors (they have received many awards and recognition's since childhood), are very good athletes with similar knee difficulties, love to shop, take LONG showers, often feel isolated from peers (usually because of their strong leadership qualities), deep sleepers, and are practical mystics.

Relationship Horoscope June 1997

My name is Andrea Mallis and I'm a professional astrologer practicing in Berkeley, California and the creatrix of Virgo in Service at Your Service Astrological Consulting. Welcome to my monthly astrological column that has a specific relationship focus, since one of my specialities is relationship astrology. I do hope that you enjoy reading this column and that you find the information useful and insightful. If you know your rising sign, please read that too. For further information on my astrological services, you can reach me by email at Aries (Mar21-Apr20) Look for the pace of your communications to pick up dramatically, especially between you and your siblings, co-workers and people in your community. Venus in your 4th house of home and family asks you to spend more time at home with loved ones, strengthening bonds with those closest to you. Find creative ways to show love and support to those who have provided you with a stable foundation. Jupiter and Uranus in your solar 11th, assist you in revising your goals for the future. Taurus (Apr21-May21) In typical Taurus fashion, finances are top priority and excellent opportunities abound. This is basically a career and finance month for you, yet do take time to stop and smell the roses. With Venus transiting your 3rd house, you may fall in love with your work. With Mars in your solar 5th house of romance till the 19th, remember all work and no play can make for a very dull day. Soothing walks in nature can help maintain a sense of balance. Gemini (May22-Jun21) New Moon in your loquacious sign has you abuzz with new contacts and bright ideas. Publishing, learning, education and traveling are all significant for you now. New projects and hobbies are tempting as well, just don't spread yourself too thin. The Full Moon shines a jovial light upon partnerships. Your vitality and self-esteem are strong, and with Mercury in your sign, ideas are pouring forth easily and effortlessly. Cancer (Jun22-Jul23) Although this can be a rather introverted time for you, Venus in your sign can help bring you out of your shell. Your maternal love nature is in full manifestation, as is your sentimentality. Summer Solstice shines its inspiring light on June 21st, requesting you to set your goals for the coming year and visualize them coming true. Look for your vitality to increase, and your oversensitivity to decrease. The powers of your imagination are strong, go within and you will indeed reap the harvest. Leo (Jul24-Aug23) The Sun in your solar 11th house focuses your attention on friendships and group activities. Your creative urges are powerful and socializing is accentuated now. You may be asked to share the spotlight, yet you won't really mind. Others are receptive to your ideas, especially when Venus roars into your dramatic sign on the 28th. After the 21st, you are a little less social, and may seek out spiritual and charitable activities, as you get more in touch with your inner essence. Virgo (Aug24-Sep23) Mars in your solar 1st house until the 19th, provides you with a much needed boost of energy and vitality. Business and career still dominate, and there is a good chance that you will receive a raise, gain or promotion. After the 21st, when the Sun moves into your 11th house, you will be more inclined to get out there and socialize. Not only can your friends be a source of support and inspiration, they may also become a powerful resource in helping you improve your love life. Libra (Sep24-Oct23) Travel, education, and philosophical illumination are accented with the Sun, Mercury and Venus visiting your 9th house. Romances may be connected to travel, school, or places of worship. With Jupiter and Uranus in your solar 5th, entertaining, socializing and vacationing are highlighted. Think of this time as a "Cosmic Holiday" for yourself. After the 19th, Mars moves into your own sign, and you may feel more like dieting, exercising and fulfilling your sensual fantasies. Scorpio (Oct24-Nov22) With the Sun and Mercury in your solar 8th house, the natural house of Scorpio, now is an opportune time to be reviewing and re-evaluating your personal goals. This is a outstanding month to regenerate your image and personality, to reinvent yourself and transform into the person you want to be. Your access to other people resources increase, and dealing with Realtors and bankers are favored now. Mars in your 11th house indicates friendships can be instrumental to your personal progress. Sagittarius (Nov23-Dec21) Partnerships and teamwork are emphasized with the Sun in your solar 7th house till the 21st. The Full Moon in your self-assured sign is marvelous for enjoying special moments. Communicating with your partners, and sharing your deepest thoughts, are asked of you now. Allow time to deal with your emotional needs and to explore your inner self. After the 19th, Mars is in your solar 11th house, so be prepared for increased activities with friends, and in some cases, confrontations with friends. Jupiter, your expansive ruler, goes retrograde on the 9th, offering a window of opportunity to review your personal goals and projects. Capricorn (Dec22-Jan20) June promises to be a serious work-oriented month for you, what else in new? With the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your solar 6th house, you can expect more activity with co-workers, and employment matters demanding more of your precious time and energy. Learning about your physical needs and making an assessment of your current health is consequential for you now. Relationship matters come to the fore when the Sun enters your 7th house on the 21st. Your are in the mood for relationships and just being more sociable in general. Aquarius (Jan21-Feb19) A fun filled creative month is in store for you as the Sun transits your 5th house. Creativity is at an all time high. Say yes to attending entertainment events and social gatherings. Optimism and self-confidence are strong as romance sparkles and shines. You may want to take a vacation or just partake in fun leisure activities. With Mars in the 8th until the 19th, this is the time for fulfilling sensual and personal pleasures. Hedonism is a strong temptation for you this month. Pisces (Feb20-Mar20) With Venus influencing your solar 5th house on the 3rd, you are ready for romance, big time. Love is more nurturing this month, as your solar 4th house of home and family is also activated. Mars in your solar 7th house still has you re-evaluating your needs in relationships. After Mars enters your 8th house on the 19th, situations may escalate, in terms of power play tactics. Meditate on positive affirmations, focus and listen to your Higher Self for guidance.

Relationship Horoscope August 1997

My name is Andrea Mallis and I'm a professional astrologer practicing in Berkeley, California and the creatrix of Virgo in Service at Your Service Astrological Consulting. Welcome to my monthly astrological column that has a specific relationship focus, since one of my specialities is relationship astrology. I do hope that you enjoy reading this column and that you find the information useful and insightful. If you know your rising sign, please read that too. For further information on my astrological services, you can reach me by email at Aries (Mar21-Apr20) The Full Moon in Aquarius lands in your house of friendship this month so now is a good time to review all your friendships, associates and the relationships you share. Disagreements with partners may feel like the last straw, but don't jump to conclusions, especially with Mercury retrograde. Sports friends are fun to work out with as your Mars ruler enters Scorpio on the 14th. Passion soars and you could be calling the shots before this eventful month is over. Taurus (Apr21-May21) Look for your usually mellow and placid demeanor to change as Mars transits through your 7th house of relationships. With work no longer a major preoccupation, expressing yourself through relationships takes top priority. Yet, you may feel constantly challenged by others, even annoyed. Partnerships are definitely in a state of flux as you hash out new agreements. Remember change usually means progress, even in the midst of turmoil. Gemini (May22-Jun21) Your ruler Mercury goes retrograde on the 17th, be sure and double check all communications and expect last minute delays. Try to prioritize and not scatter your resources. Chances are you will be on the go a lot this month, and quite restless. Donít do anything rash and impulsive, especially around the Full Moon. Getting back in touch with friends and family can be positive for all. Cancer (Jun22-Jul23) The Full Moon illuminates your financial situation for better or worse. Take advantage of Mercury retrograde and go over your bookkeeping. Be cautious and consider the consequences of overspending. The New Moon on the 3rd may have you feeling extravagant. Choose quality over quantity in all you do. Clarify your needs and feelings as friction at home may appear. Leo (Jul24-Aug22) Happy birthday lions--its your turn to bask in the spotlight and be as dramatic as you wish. The New Moon in your creative sign imbues you with optimism and confidence, yet the Full Moon on the 19th reminds you to be attentive to your partners needs as well. Great time for a spruce up of body, mind and spirit, as admiration pours forth. This is a fresh start for you, your own personal astrological New Year, so go out and make the most of it. Virgo (Aug23-Sep23) Your ruler Mercury begins its thrice yearly tailspin, so be careful to avoid any errors. Mercury is in Virgo also, adding fuel to an already busy fire. Give yourself permission to not be perfect and give others the benefit as well. Mars, now in your solar 3rd house of neighbors, relatives and communications, keeps you at a frenetic pace, just don't burn yourself out and take good care of yourself. Libra (Sep24-Oct23) Venus, goddess of love and beauty in your lovely sign on the 17th has you even more charming and alluring. Creativity radiates form almost everything you come in contact with. A busy month on the social scene is in store for you. With Mars in your 2nd solar house, extra funds may suddenly appear, just don't overspend on luxury items. All in all, a great month for both love and money. Scorpio (Oct24-Nov22) With Mars in your intense sign on the 14th, expect extra energy and determination. You can accomplish any thing you set your mind to. Just avoid getting into power struggles with others who may have a different point of view. Especially with Mercury being retrograde, be mindful of miscommunications among friends which can escalate beyond all reason. Sagittarius (Nov23-Dec21) Strive for clarity in all you do this month and be mindful of overreaching. Lost mail and crossed wires, courtesy of Mercury retrograde may create relationship headaches. Blunt comments can back fire and you may find yourself disappointed in a relationship with a friend, as you discover that you no longer have much in common. Capricorn (Dec22-Jan20) Your serious ruler Saturn goes retrograde leading off this month. A good opportunity to reassess your projects. The New Moon in Leo has love and passion in the air, so give equal time to your not so serious side. Business like Capricorn's may be wise to postpone making new investments, with Mercury being retrograde till September 10th. You may even want to cut back on expenses for a while. Aquarius (Jan21-Feb19) New Moon in your 7th focuses on get-togethers, relationships and for agreeable contracts of all kinds. Plant the seeds for the spirit of cooperation among co-workers and friends. Also, a new and different way of approaching partnerships is revealed to you now. With Mercury retrograde take special heed of financial miscalculations, especially with property divisions and settlements. You may feel especially sensitive around the Full Moon yet this is a good time to talk about your feelings with a partner or good friend. Pisces (Feb20-Mar20) The New Moon in Leo aids in any self improvement programs you may be thinking of starting. Your intuitive powers are strong, go with your first inclinations. Get to the core of your innermost feelings on the Full Moon and rise above the petty issues that seem to bog you down. Mercury retrograding in your opposite sign can leave you feeling confused and overwhelmed, so keep it simple. Be wary of the usual travel and communication mix-ups, and somewhat gullible Pisces, please don't believe everything that you hear.

Relationship Horoscope September 1997

My name is Andrea Mallis and I'm a professional astrologer practicing in Berkeley, California and the creatrix of Virgo in Service at Your Service Astrological Consulting. Welcome to my monthly astrological column that has a specific relationship focus, since one of my specialities is relationship astrology. I do hope that you enjoy reading this column and that you find the information useful and insightful. If you know your rising sign, please read that too. For further information on my astrological services, you can reach me by email at Aries (Mar21-Apr20) The Sun enters your solar 7th house of relationships on the 22nd, accenting relationships, marriage and partnerships. Venus also there until the 11th sweetens the deal. The Lunar Eclipse on the 1st shows a possible change in employment, as well as a different approach to managing your health. With Mercury retrograde till the 9th, now is a good time to slow down and be more deliberate about things. Taurus (Apr21-May21) Both Mars and Venus will be transiting through your house of relationships this month. This definitely intensifies your love, making it more passionate and unwavering. You are on the prowl, and Mars in Scorpio lends persistence in the pursuit of your prey. After the 12th, when Venus enters you 7th, you can become more mellow in the pursuit of your desires. Gemini (May22-June21) Opportunities to attend a lot of parties and entertainment events this month abound. With your ruler Mercury going direct, everything previously put on hold in now full speed ahead. The Solar Eclipse on the 1st, draws your attention to family matters. You may feel torn between your obligations and your desire to escape and be free as a bird. Cancer (Jun22-Jul23) Most of the planets are in the lower half of your horoscope this month suggesting you deal with home, family and domestic issues. Build and strengthen your home base this month and get more in touch with your feelings, especially after the 22nd. Fiery Mars enters your 5th house of romance highlighting your love life and creative pursuits. Leo (Jul24-Aug23) Mars transits your solar 4th house until the 28th, stirs up action on the homefront, steer clear of power struggles in the family sector. The Solar eclipse shakes up your financial situation, then after Mercury goes direct, some semblance of normalcy returns. When the Sun moves into your solar 3rd house, you may find more romantic opportunities, especially in the immediate neighborhood or with neighbors. Virgo (Aug24-Sep23) With your ruler Mercury going direct on the 9th, you are back to your clearheaded self. With the Sun transiting your solar 1st house, now is the time to be more enthusiastic, outgoing, expressive and self-confident. The New Moon eclipse in your sign opens the doorway for new beginnings. Issues can be brought into the open, then you can consider reconfirming your commitments. Libra (Sep24-Oct23) After the Sun moves into your solar 1st house on the 22nd, you will feel more energetic, and with Venus there until the 12th, you will once again be circulating upon the social scene. Prior to that, self-analysis, meditation and retreat may suit your needs best. The New Moon focuses your attention on private and inner concerns, and is a great time to integrate the spiritual into your everyday habits, including relation ships. Scorpio (Oct24-Nov22) You are busy as a bee as the Sun transits your 11th house of friendship, filling up your social calendar all this month. Mars invigorates your solar 1st house, increasing your already notable charisma, energy and drive. With the Solar Eclipse on the 1st falling in your house of friendships, a crisis with a close friend may be revealed. The lunar eclipse occurs in your 5th house creating important changes in a current love affair. Your sex appeal is at an all time high, as Venus moves into Scorpio as well. Sagitarrius (Nov23-Dec21) The Lunar eclipse of the 16th focuses on your 4th house of home and family. Concentrate on creating a more stable and secure emotional space. Its time to do a little nesting and hang up those traveling shoes for a while. Parental concerns may become more prevalent during this time as well. Not to be overshadowed, business, career interests and worldly ambitions vie for their place in your already busy life. Maybe a change in career equals a change in home environment. Capricorn (Dec22-Jan20) Friendships can become a source of inspiration and hope as Mars transits your 11th house. Friends, gatherings and group ties may ask more from you at this interval. A love relationship can deepen especially if your friendship has grown. Unconditional love is the way to go right now and your ability to accept yourself and others can be a great gift. During the lunar eclipse on the 16th, make time to share romantic travel, you will be glad you did. Aquarius (Jan21-Feb19) As the Sun transits your 8th house of sensuality, transformation, and resources from others, the income of your partner may change dramatically. Joint resources may also be a source of tensions and difficulty. A good time to release unnecessary attachments is before you. The Solar Eclipse on the 1st may initiate a crisis in a close relationship particularly if you have been ignoring your deeper feelings. After the 23rd, your attitudes become more playful. Pisces (Feb20-Mar20) The Sun in your solar 7th house emphasizes close relationships and partnerships, both business and personal. Heart to heart talks are favored during the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 1st. Blend what you experience through your relationships to your sense of who you are. With Mercury in your relationship house, exceptional mental rapport, even telepathy, with your closest companions is possible. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse on the 16th, marks an extraordinary period for some soul-searching. Clear the decks for a time of renewal and healing, and some calm after the storm.

Relationship Horoscope October 1997

My name is Andrea Mallis and I'm a professional astrologer practicing in Berkeley, California and the creatrix of Virgo in Service at Your Service Astrological Consulting. Welcome to my monthly astrological column that has a specific relationship focus, since one of my specialities is relationship astrology. I do hope that you enjoy reading this column and that you find the information useful and insightful. If you know your rising sign, please read that too. For further information on my astrological services, you can reach me by email at Aries (Mar21-Apr20) Look for a fast paced month of action, optimism, personal growth and romance. 90% of the planets move forward by the middle of this month. Expect love to blossom as the Sun and Mercury visit your 7th h ouse of relationship. The October 1st New Moon is a great time to share your visions with your partner, whose energy and support are very much available to you. Taurus (Apr21-May21) Your relationships with others are intensified thanks to Venus transiting your 7th house of relationships, followed by Mercury there on the 19th and the Sun on the 23rd. Sensuous urges are strong th is month. Mars and Venus in your 8th house of transformation, signals its time to release attachments to the past and heal feelings of resentment. Gemini (May22-Jun21) With the sun transiting through your 5th house of pleasures love and romance, now is the time to enjoy socializing and entertaining. Feel free to participate in sports and hobbies, especially with ch ildren. After Venus enters your 7th house on the 8th, joining Pluto and Mars there, opportunities for marriage and partnerships may arise. Expect to assume the lead in partnerships. Lots of planets in air strengthen your creativity and idea generating powers. Cancer (Jun22-Jul22) Home and family issues continue to be significant until the 23rd. This is a great time to get in touch with your true feelings and create more domestic harmony. With few planets in water signs this m onth, you may feel a bit ìout of your elementî. After the 23rd, you will feel more at home in the realms of watery depth. The New Moon on the 1st initiates favorable emphasis on family matters and property concerns. Afte r the 23rd, when the Sun enters your 5th house, spending on entertainment and children are highlighted. Leo (Jul23-Aug22) Thoughts of the perfect romantic adventure beckon to you, as Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, transits your 5th house on the 8th. Your love life is moving forward, a new relationship may start to progress. New friends come into the picture as well. The New Moon on the 31st, the second new moon of the month, focuses your attention on family matters and emotional harmony. Remember your home is the support system whi ch makes outer achievement possible. Virgo (Aug23-Sep23) Financial interests are highlighted this month. You may want to design a new budget. Your family may need extra attention and you will likely spend more time at home. When Venus moves into your 4th s olar house, buying and beautifying for the home is definitely on your list. This is a great time for redecorating, renovating or even moving. The asteroid Ceres, the great earth mother, is direct this month, and that shou ld help push situations in a positive direction. Libra (Sep24-Oct23) The New Moon in your harmonious sign keeps the contact close and cozy with your significant others. New beginnings are favored on all levels. Increased poise and confidence become you, as does leaders hip and drive. Your love life should be in full swing after the 14th. Serious thoughts about commitments arise during the Full Moon on the 15th, when exchanging or renewing vows may be on your mind. Scorpio (Oct24-Nov22) Introspection and self-analysis dominate most of the month until the Sun enters your 1st house on the 23rd, following Mercury there on the 19th. Then you can expect to feel more outgoing and demonst rative. Venus joins Mars and Pluto in your 2nd house of money and possessions suggesting a change in values and how you handle money. Transformations in home life are still occurring, domestic and family matters move forw ard after the 14th. Happy All Hallows Eve as the Scorpio New Moon on the 31st begins a new phase in all your relationships. Sagittarius (Nov23-Dec21) With Venus and Mars in your fun loving sign, you are enthusiastic, optimistic and more confident about expressing your desires and taking action. Now is the perfect time to incorporate more mirt h into your life, donít overdo the wild partying though. A number of chance encounters may even have a fated quality to them. The New Moon on the 1st contacts your 11th house, look forward to starting new friendships and strengthening bonds with favorite associations. Capricorn (Dec22-Jan20) Career takes top priority once again, yet try and balance home and family life with work responsibilities. Youíll be inclined to get out there and network, once the Sun and Mercury move into your 11th house later this month. Group efforts and projects are popular for you now. Unexpected developments may occur in connection with either family or finances. Aquarius (Jan21-Feb19) The emphasis is on travel, education and philosophy. Formulating long range plans come easy to you these days. The New Moon places a definite accent on travel and long distance concerns. Friendships become tools for learning and enhancing your future, and the loyalty of friends is important to you now. Youíll also be successful at selling yourself or your ideas. Your eccentric ruler Uranus goes direct on Oct. 14th, things move forward quickly, say good bye to the status quo. Pisces (Feb20-Mar20) The emphasis this month is on your 8th house of sensuality, rebirth and transformation, until the 23rd. Crisis or peak experiences may precipitate a need to go inward. Joint finances, inheritances an d sexuality can all become emotional issues. Psychic perceptions abound, trust your intuitions. Significant psychological transformations and turmoil is quite likely, you may have an encounter with someone who produces th e need for deep psychological self-inquiry or will create very powerful changes in your life.

Relationship Horoscope November 1997

My name is Andrea Mallis and I'm a professional astrologer practicing in Berkeley, California and the creatrix of Virgo in Service at Your Service Astrological Consulting. Welcome to my monthly astrological column that has a specific relationship focus, since one of my specialities is relationship astrology. I do hope that you enjoy reading this column and that you find the information useful and insightful. If you know your rising sign, please read that too. Taurus (Apr21-May21) With the Sun transiting your 7th solar house of relationships and partnerships you can expect fortunate opportunities to come your way. You are more sociable in general and have many chances to learn more about your relationships, and become less habit-bound. Mercury transiting thorough your 7th house until the 7th promises harmonious communication, then it hints of prosperity and cooperation. The Full Moon in your sign may leave you a bit restless, wanting to travel far and near. Gemini (May22-Jun21) With Pluto, the planet of transformation already in your 7th house, joined by Mercury there now, the dimension of digging out the roots of old problems and transmuting them is up for you now. When the Sun moves into your solar 7th house of relationships on the 22nd, marriage and partnerships are highlighted. Prior to that, its work, work, work, and a good time to improve your health so you can meet relationships challenges head on. Try and keep your changeable emotions in check. Cancer (Jun22-Jul22) The Sun transits your solar 5th house of love and romance, so be prepared for your popularity to increase. On November 5th lovely Venus graces your 7th house of relationships with her presence. Mars follows suit on the 9th, pushing you to actively seek partnerships. This is no time to hide your light under a bushel. The Full Moon on the 14th shines its light upon nurturing your friendships with your maternal energy. Leo (Jul23-Aug22) November starts with the Sun transiting your 4th house of home and family so look for an increase in family get-togethers and a yen to redecorate and beautify your surroundings. On the 22nd, the Sun enters your solar 5th house where it emphasizes romance, and creative self-expression. You will feel enthusiastic and infused with purpose. Music and meditation can affirm you power at the same time. Virgo (Aug23-Sep23) Increased communication, short journeys, and dealing with the relatives are all on your November bill. When the Sun enters your 4th house of home and family after the 22nd, domestic feelings run high. Love is in the air, as Venus enters your 5th house, increasing opportunities for romantic and creative fulfillment. Mars charges along after the 9th, adding intensity and aggressiveness to your love life. Leave the fault finding behind and derive joy from others. Libra (Sept24-Oct23) Finances are a big concern right now, you may find yourself needing to pull the reins in on extravagances. Domestic interests are top priorities as well, thanks to Venus visiting your 4th house. With Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune still in your 5th solar house of romance, you are motivated to improve all types of relationships, including, but not limited to romantic ones. Scorpio (Oct24-Nov22) Happy Birthday Scorpions. Things are likely to be intensified as all eyes are upon you now. This is an auspicious time for putting yourself out there with renewed power and courage. The Full Moon in your 7th house suggests successful negotiations and simpatico feelings with a special someone. Trust your intuition and focus your transformative energy on healing and regenerating relationships. Sagittarius (Nov23-Dec21) Time to say good-bye to an old cycle. Take advantage of this opportunity to clear the decks of what no longer suits your highest good, and make room for the new, improved you. After the Sun moves into your Solar 1st house, on the 22nd, you will feel more like your outgoing self. Mercury in your expansive sign all month you can help make a fresh start. New Moon in confident Sag on the 29th is a wonderful time to plant seeds for your new hopes and dreams. Capricorn (Dec22-Jan20) With Venus and Mars both transiting your solar 1st house, glamour and excitement are yours for the asking. You are more energetic and people are attracted to your uplifted spirit. Your social calendar is packed and new romantic encounters beckon. Additionally, with the Sun transiting your solar 11th house of friendships, activities with friends and groups increase, be open to meeting new friends as well. Aquarius (Jan21-Feb19) Career and business opportunities present themselves to you as the Sun transits your solar 10th house. You may find yourself keeping a high profile socially. When the Sun enters your Solar 11th house of friendship, you may be reminded to "make new friends, keep the old, one is silver, the other gold". Younger friends may entice you, when Mercury transits your 11th house of friendship. Or perhaps travel with friends will be an original thing to do. Pisces (Feb20-Mar20) Religion and philosophy and spirituality keep your mind occupied. The Full Moon on the 14th places a positive emphasis on travel and communications with others. Use your fertile imagination to tap into cosmic consciousness and honor your urge to merge, creating new friendships. The Full Moon in Taurus focuses on parents and siblings. Stay centered and don't let emotional issues cloud your thinking. Communicate your needs and be especially tactful when dealing with authority figures.