Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Does Your Horoscope Tell You?

Astrology is about you. It is not an obscure science meant to be understood by a select few. Rather, it's a tool for greater self understanding, allowing you to move through life with a clearer perspective on your experiences and those of the people around you. Real astrology goes far beyond the "Star Sign" astrology that is so prevalent in newspapers and magazines worldwide. Such astrology is far too general to be of any real use to specific people, and it does not do real astrology justice. It is used mainly for entertainment purposes. Astrology is, in fact, based on all of the Planets and the Moon, not just the Sun. A horoscope is a map of the heavens at the exact moment of your birth; it is like a photograph of the sky with all the Celestial Bodies -- the Sun, Moon, and Planets -- in their respective positions. In real astrology, everything is taken into account: the positions of the planets within the Zodiac, as well as their relation to each other and to the Sun and Moon. All of these energies affect you, and in some cases the combined energy of several Bodies can be more powerful than the Sun's position alone and even outweigh its influence. Additionally, no two horoscopes are identical, even for twins; your horoscope is as unique to you as are your fingerprints. Many people are afraid of purchasing a horoscope full of arcane astrological jargon too difficult to understand without a great deal of study or professional help. But a well-written horoscope will explain technical terms in detail providing a clear, plain-English analysis of the chart. True comprehension of your horoscope requires that you understand how the astrological interpretation applies to you! Horoscopes can serve many purposes in your life, whether you believe in them or are more skeptical. Horoscopes can provide personal insight. Reflecting on their meaning, you can learn more about yourself through self-analysis. Horoscopes help you to understand your tendencies, strengths and weaknesses. Skeptics and believers alike can use the horoscope as a jumping-off point for deeper exploration of the Self, examining each point of the horoscope with respect to the truth of what your horoscope claims. Horoscopes have great entertainment value, providing hours of juicy information to talk about with friends, lovers and relatives -- whether you believe it or not! Many people appreciate them as gifts, especially for significant birthdays, weddings, and the birth of children. Horoscopes are useful not only for people; they can shed light on businesses, political events, even pets

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