Sunday, September 27, 2009


RETIRED ARMY VETERANS GATHER TO REAWAKEN OLD MEMORIES. You may find that you are drawn to those who have shared your struggle. A reunion can ignite old feelings of camaraderie and great passions. In going over the memories of `old battles' you may find the clues for current ones. Masculine domain. Understanding the individual within an idealistic struggle. If negative - not being able to let go of the past. Exaggerating past successes to justify current strategies. THE OCEAN COVERED WITH WHITECAPS. You may find that surface emotions have been whipped up and this has led to a concern that is disproportionate to the depth of the issue. Things have a deeper sense of strength and permanence than they seem. Get below the surface where things are calmer and more stable. Mobilisation of energy and emotions. Safety in the deeper, more secure emotions. If negative - getting fussed and irritable over nothing or at least very little. Nervousness. TWO MEN PLAYING CHESS. You may find that in the current situation there's a need to be more thoughtful and cautious, taking into account the wider picture. Impulsive acts with no forward planning will be risky. Strategies are needed. Strategic competition. Seeing the picture several moves ahead. If negative - depending on pure luck. Underestimating the opponent's skill or strategy. A LITTLE CHILD LEARNING TO WALK. You may find that you are moving into a new phase of learning that, despite all your previous experience, is surprisingly difficult. Patience and step-by-step progress is needed now. There may be those around you that don't take your difficulties seriously, but your struggles will pay off. Genuine progress. Instinctive determination. If negative - relying on skills that are not mastered or not taking the initiative. Putting yourself at risk rather than accepting help. AN OLD OWL UP IN A TREE. You may feel a need to consult with aged wisdom, either within yourself or from without. The `wise owl' sees all, seeing what others miss, and keeps very quiet whilst digesting all that is going on. Emulating this behaviour will bring a certain solitude, but this may be just what is needed. Can sometimes indicate a degree of insomnia caused by thinking too much at bedtime. Wisdom and strength. Evening contemplation. If negative - smug denial of available wisdom. A GAME OF CRICKET. This is a time when it is not the game that is important, but how it is played. You may find that your integrity is vital in this situation and your honesty will give you just rewards, even if there is some initial sacrifice. Careful team work is needed to stop things getting through the gaps. Although the situation may take some time, everyone must keep on their toes. Playing by the rules. Stiff upperlip responses. If negative - difficulty in showing one's true feelings and emotions. CUPID KNOCKING AT THE DOOR OF A HUMAN HEART. Cupid is asking to be let in. Barriers and defences around your heart may be keeping him from getting in, but how long will you be able to resist? Opening your heart and opening the door will lead to new opportunities and realisations about relationships. Allow your heart chakra to open when you are in caring company. Respectful invitation of love. Fear of commitment. If negative - waiting instead of taking the initiative. Rejecting emotion for fear of losing independence. DEEP WITHIN THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH, NEW ELEMENTS ARE BEING FORMED. You may find that there are new responses to life coming from deep within your mind and soul. This creation of new and essential levels of awareness is a part of the natural result of inner changes. Deep elemental processes and change. Shifting of conservative values. If negative - moving forward while elements are still forming. A MOTHER LEADS HER SMALL CHILD STEP BY STEP UP THE STAIRS. This pictures a situation where someone needs to assist those less experienced or indeed, less evolved, to overcome difficulties and rise up to learn to cope, to learn or to understand. You may find yourself in this situation as either the experienced or the inexperienced or possibly finding the mother within you guiding your own inner child. The inner child. If negative - future vision and hope obscured. Exhausted by parental obligation. Not getting, or giving, the help that one needs. A THEATRICAL REPRESENTATION OF A GOLDEN HAIRED "GODDESS OF OPPORTUNITY". You may find that there is an offer too good to refuse which is only a reasonable reward for your efforts. Acting out impulses. Dramatizations. Opportunities that seem too good to resist. Distinguishing reality from theatre. Feeling that the `world is your stage'. Playing out a story. If negative - propaganda. Constantly chasing `things' that come to nothing. THE LAMP OF PHYSICAL ENLIGHTENMENT AT THE LEFT TEMPLE. This pictures a need for linking the spirit and the body. Logic is not involved in this equation, it speaks of emotions, spirit and physicality. Sometimes we need to remember to be `in our bodies' and this shows the reward that can come from regarding our body as our temple. Connecting the left and right sides. If negative - rationalising intuitive thought until it is rejected. A FLAG THAT TURNS INTO AN EAGLE THAT CROWS. This is a time when our highest ideals can be expressed proudly and as an expression of spiritual purity. You may find that you are moved to burst forth with your higher self. Any issue that is really worthwhile and `centred' will be seen and heard in the clear light of day. Declared idealism. If negative - assuming right only because of might or power. A WIDOW'S PAST IS BROUGHT TO LIGHT. You may find that your past catches up with you at this time. Although you are in a reasonably sympathetic position in the eyes of those around you, you may not like what is being revealed. Unveiling and exposing - or creating a new and vibrant beginning. Getting rid of yesterday's darknesses. Looking back to revision attitudes. Leaving oneself free for new opportunities. If negative - old stories that should be forgotten. THE PYRAMIDS AND THE SPHINX. At this time you may find a need to rely on traditional and archetypal knowledge. You may need a tour guide and you can find this through inner wisdom, rather than logic, this will guide you through. There may be a need to establish some type of monument. Power of the past coming through and affecting people in today's world. Spiritual ancestry. If negative - great treasures robbed by the greedy. THE GROUND HOG LOOKING FOR ITS SHADOW ON GROUND HOG DAY. You may feel that you need some sign to give you insight into the future. By looking at your past experience, you may well find the sign you need. The solution to your question is very close by and easy to perceive and is based in your normal relationships. Don't try to read too much into the situation. Look back, read the signs. Divination. If negative - scared to act without some message of confirmation. People (or society) looking for someone to blame. Relying on the same solution without consideration. SEA GULLS FLY AROUND A SHIP LOOKING FOR FOOD. This pictures a situation of dependence and sometimes co- dependence. Don't look to others or have others look to you for opportunities and nourishment, for you may miss your chance of being creative and independent. Who's looking for scraps? Are they worth it? Diminishing your essential worth while trying to please a specific need. Losing sight of alternative possibilities. If negative - waiting for scraps that may not even be worth it or may not ever come. AN EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE. This is a time of spiritual rebirth where you can rise above the failings of the past into a new beginning. Coming out of doubt and despair. There's unwavering faith in communal spiritual values. Perform any deeds with reverence. If negative - obsession with the ceremony rather than the purpose or ideal. TINY CHILDREN IN SUNBONNETS. You may feel that you are being overprotected at the moment, but it is most likely for your own good. Don't be distracted by efforts being made on your behalf, sometimes we need to be shielded by others from harmful elements. Protection or blinkering. If negative - over-protection by institutionalized procedures that can lead to not being able to see the whole picture. Infantile behaviour. PELICANS, DISTURBED BY THE GARBAGE OF PEOPLE MOVE THEIR YOUNG TO A NEW HABITAT. You may feel that conditions are changing and you and your family (sometimes friends) don't feel safe. You may need to move to a new situation which will provide more nourishment and less danger. This can refer to an inner withdrawal. Concerns with survival. If negative - not being prepared to compromise or co-habit. IN WINTER PEOPLE CUTTING ICE FROM A FROZEN POND, FOR SUMMER USE. This speaks of planning ahead, you'll have what you need if you allow for shifts in time and seasonal variations. Also, you may feel that you have lost touch with your emotions by creating a barrier. This barrier can be overcome without great difficulty, just a little planning and action. Overcoming. If negative - stoic acceptance of difficulties. A CHILD AND A DOG WEARING BORROWED EYEGLASSES. This pictures a situation of pretending to be something that one isn't. Perhaps someone is pretending to be in control or to be smarter than they are. Sometimes, though, this can work to make a consciousness shift. Emulation often leads one to actualization. The rewards sometimes inherent in make- believe. If negative - deliberately fooling others with false impressions. CHINESE LAUNDRY. You may find that you are not taken seriously and are expected to perform in a stereotypical way. You may also have closed your own mind to other options. Be careful not to shut yourself away. This can also picture a situation where a few people are working closely together, speaking the same language, although even in this situation, there can be alienation and loneliness. Restrictive expectations. If negative - giving in to prejudice. Self-inflicted sense of inferiority. IMMIGRANTS ENTERING A NEW COUNTRY. This is a time of possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life. You may find that you are prepared to venture into new territory for the promise it offers. There may need to be adjustments about the way one communicates one's thoughts and ideas - be receptive to this new way of life and you'll learn much. Reorientation of self-hood. If negative - entering into new situations with inflexible traditions. Throwing away the known in pursuit of the unknown. A BLUEBIRD STANDING AT THE DOOR OF THE HOUSE. You feel that you are in a time of natural, positive, good will. There is a clear omen of good fortune at your door. Respond to your higher moral hopes and you will be able to move forward unhindered. Calmness and rewards. Promise of happiness. If negative - denying happiness or good news from entering. A CHUBBY BOY ON A HOBBYHORSE. You may feel that you are doing what is necessary, but it is not quite the real thing. This is more like a training situation and will lead on to greater ability in the future. Imaginative experiences. Keep up the practice and the play, one day you're going to have to prove yourself in a more rigorous, demanding situation. Protected practice. If negative - spoilt and shallow. A FLAG-BEARER IN A BATTLE. You may feel that there have been achievements that need to be acknowledged. Responsibilities have been piling up on you lately, and the struggle has not been easy. Don't worry, though, although everyone around you is busy, they are noticing your leadership abilities. You are the linchpin of the whole situation. Courage of convictions. If negative - the sacrificial lamb. Overzealous idealism. Empty shows of courage. THE SCULPTOR'S VISION IS TAKING FORM. You may find yourself in a situation where you are able to manipulate events into something of value and lasting integrity. Slow, painstaking work. Being able to project shape and form onto materials to have a desired outcome. Concrete creative manifestation. If negative - disregard of others' needs. Unnatural focus on goal. Being one-eyed about the goal. AN OLD BRIDGE OVER A BEAUTIFUL STREAM IN CONSTANT USE. You may feel a need to bridge the fresh and energetic emotions with constructive thought and activity. Traditional ways of approaching things can lead to the best solutions. Enduring elements from past traditions providing a link with the modern day. Reverence for things of worth that stand as reminders of yesterday. Linking people, places and things with clarity. If negative - sticking with old and possibly outworn methods, with no new ideas to resolve the situation. A FAT BOY MOWING THE LAWN. You may find that you are paying more attention to appearances than you are to the finer details or those things that others can't see. Many people are fooled by appearances, but there is usually an unsettling feeling that everything is not quite right. Superficial show. If negative - pushing social respectability, avoiding something. THE POPE BLESSING THE FAITHFUL. The blessings that can come from worshipping a higher power with people of like mind. Dispensing the rewards of faith upon people who are eager to receive. A spokesperson who will be heard by the collective. Recognising the source of enormous inner riches. Rituals. If negative - sublimating political ritual. Lust for power. Negating, projecting and transferring one's shadow and negativity outside oneself. Not taking responsibility for one's actions.

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