Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Elements

The four Elements defined in Astrology are the major classifications that define the nature of the Signs. The Elements assign the Signs into Triplicities, groups of three Signs each that reflect the four common types of Signs. The Elements in Astrology are not "made up;" they are the same Elements known by ancient people: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. These four Elements sustain life and enable man's survival, both in ancient times and today. How they combine with each other and in us determine how we deal with the world around us; in Astrology they are an important way for us to come in tune with nature and understand how nature effect us, both within ourselves and in our interactions with each other. They teach us that we are not separate from nature, we are nature. The Elements influence the way we think, and within a horoscope they can be seen as a quick summary of the Planetary influences. The Elements indicate a person's first reaction to what happens to them, how they think, how that individual will respond to what occurs in their life. If you understand what is prominent in your chart and in the charts of others -- if you have a number of Planets in Fire Signs, for example -- you get a very good indication of what motivates and inspires that person. Conversely, the Elements that are lacking in a chart indicate the areas of life in which a person may need additional strength. Each Element reflects a quality of human nature and corresponds with the Suits in both playing cards and the Tarot. Element Keyword Suit Tarot Fire Physical Clubs Wands Earth Practical Diamonds Coins Air Intellectual Spades Swords Water Emotional Hearts Cups The first Element is Fire, which is assigned to Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire rules the first, fifth, and ninth Houses. Man could not survive without Fire; in ancient times is was relied upon for light and heat. Although it seems less important in modern life, it is Fire that generates electricity for warmth and to power light bulbs, and it runs our cars. It is the basic building block of technology. Fire Sign people thus radiate warmth and heat, but they can also get too hot: and if they do, don't touch! Fire Signs can be rash, but they are courageous and creative; they bring enthusiasm, spontaneity, and zeal to the Zodiac. The second Element is Earth, which is assigned to Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Earth rules the second, sixth, and tenth Houses. Earth is what grounds us and supports us; it literally holds us up. In both ancient times and today, it was under our feet, stabilizing us, and providing us with crops and homes; Mother Earth is an appropriate epithet. Earth Sign people are practical and logical in a sometimes illogical world. Earth Signs can be possessive, but they are cautious and conservative; they bring dependability, practicality, and reliability to the Zodiac. The third Element is Air, which is assigned to Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Air rules the third, seventh, and eleventh Houses. Although invisible, Air is all around us; we quite literally could not breathe without it! It transmits sound and light, without which we couldn't communicate. Air Sign people are intellectual and mentally driven. Air Signs can be cold, but they are alert and curious; they bring intellect, perception, and logic to the Zodiac. The fourth Element is Water, which is assigned to Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water rules the fourth, eighth. and twelfth Houses. One needs only look at a map and see the Water that covers most of the Earth to understand its importance. Water is sacred in some cultures, and it purifies and washes away dirt while gently nourishing the crops that need rain to survive. Water Sign people are emotional and nurturing. Water Signs can be easily hurt, but they are receptive and responsive; they bring sensitivity, responsiveness, and emotional depth to the Zodiac. When we think about how to combine the Elements of each Sign, to understand how people of different Elements work together, we think about how they go together in nature. When one Element dominates another, it can throw the partnership off balance. If Fire and Fire are unbalanced, they throw off a lot of sparks and quickly runs out of control. If Fire and Earth are unbalanced, Fire burns the Earth away or is smothered by it. If Fire and Air are unbalanced, Fire turns the Air smoky and consumes it or is blown out. If Fire and Water are unbalanced, Fire boils the Water away or is itself doused by it. If Earth and Earth are unbalanced, they become heavy and unwieldy. If Earth and Air are unbalanced, vision is obscured by the wind-whipped dust. If Earth and Water are unbalanced, it turns to mud. If Air and Air are unbalanced, storms may rage out of control. If Air and Water are unbalanced, they may be whipped together into a frothy foam, devoid of substance. If Water and Water are unbalanced, floods may obliterate everything in their path.

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