Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Return of The Force The Navigator for March 1997

After seeing Star Wars last week, I felt everything I've been writing about the astrology of winter 1997 light up in neon. George Lucas makes it beautifully simple: The Force is not just something you have the option to "believe in," but rather, something that you either work with, or you don't. If it's not totally obvious, The Force is God, the all-pervasive energy that links all minds and all living things even more efficiently than Central Hudson. It is a consistently present and available intelligence emanating from and surrounding the universe. I know, given our experiences here on Earth, it's the "intelligence" part that can really throw you, but anyway. By changing its name, Lucas erased all the old-man and granny-goes-to-church imagery that the concept of "god" is so loaded with. But I'm not talking about the concept of "god," I'm talking about the real thing ‹ The Force. Luke Skywalker learns about The Force from his mentor, Obi-wan Kenobi. Like most peoples' encounters with their teachers, it is through a series of coincidences that Luke encounters Obi-wan, who has heard of the rebellion's plea for help and he decides to go back to work for the Force and help in the struggle against evil. He needs Luke's help, but does not coerce him into the service of light side, because coercion is a tool of darkness and used car salesmen. When Luke makes his own decision to serve and learn the ways of The Force, it's an act of free will.

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