Saturday, May 30, 2009

Aries Career Profile

Do you want an Aries on your team? You bet. Those born under this Sign are competitive and love the game, whether it's business or life. They hate to lose, which means they'll probably win. And when the "contest" is in full swing, the only speed they know is full steam ahead -- think battering Ram, if you will, and clear out the lanes! Aries like being the leader and aren't as comfortable in a subordinate role. This isn't usually a problem, since -- thanks to their cocksure belief in themselves -- they like to start projects and blaze the trail for colleagues. True to a Fire Sign, Aries can be combustible at times. At least they're always ready to rumble! Even if they aren't always diplomatic, Aries are considerate of their colleagues and display great energy and courage in the field of battle -- umm, make that the workplace. As long as Rams can stay within themselves, they are likely to be successful. One thing the Ram craves is adventure. Preachy staff meetings are a snore, since Aries would much rather be out in the field closing a key client. New challenges need to come at a fast and furious pace for those born under this sign or else it's "NEXT!" as in next job. A safety net for the hard-charging Ram? Not! Retirement is for everyone else -- the Ram will stay in the game forever, changing the rules along the way so as to keep it interesting (but still legit). The Aries office is likely to be spare, with only a few token trophies and emblems of success as reminders of past victories. Rams will likely cruise the streets in the flashiest sports car going (leased, of course), and they would trade in a three-martini lunch for a few beers and a game of liar's dice. Aries is well-suited to become a firefighter, surgeon, mechanic, dentist (watch that drill!), professional athlete and, most of all, entrepreneurs.

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