Friday, May 29, 2009

Welcome to Money.Astrology.Net's

Are you a spender or a saver? Do your stars favor an unexpected windfall or a slow, steady gain? Find out about your relationship to money and work in Money.Astrology.Net, and get a better understanding of yourself. More often than not, money depends on work rather than luck. What does your Sun Sign tell you about your work skills? The Career Section provides insight on this as well as your communication abilities and challenges, and advice on how to deal with your boss. The Money Section is your guide to understanding your earning and saving potential. Get insight into your own attitudes to money, as well as how astrology can or can't be used with the stock market and gambling. Don't miss the profiles of the lives of the rich and famous, and how they got where they are. The Business Section gives you insight into picking a date to start a business or even a new job, the astrology behind different corporate cultures, and how to find employees that will thrive in your company's atmosphere. You can also find out what kind of business person you are! If you are in school or thinking about it, the Education Section is for you. Find out what kind of mind you have, what you excel at and where hard work will be required. Don't forget to try a free, personalized astrology reading for the ultimate insight into yourself. The Career Shop also features a personalized career reading!

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