Saturday, June 6, 2009

Relationship Horoscope September 1996

My name is Andrea Mallis and I'm a professional astrologer practicing in Berkeley, California and the creatrix of Virgo in Service at Your Service Astrological Consulting. Welcome to my monthly astrological column that has a specific relationship focus, since one of my specialities is relationship astrology. I do hope that you enjoy reading this column and that you find the information useful and insightful. If you know your rising sign, please read that too. For further information on my astrological services, you can reach me by email at ARIES(Mar21-Apr20) With the Full moon in your sign, early Warriors are really sowing their oats, acting daring, brave and courageous. This can be a fearless month to ask for your hearts desires as Venus and Mars jointly visit your 5th solar house of romance. The me vs. we dichotomy is strengthened at the yearly Fall Equinox. This is the quintessential time of year to balance your quest for independence with your need for others. Remember your limited supply of energy may need more reserves right now. TAURUS(Apr21-May21) Early Bulls find that the Sun and Mercury in your solar 5th suggests play, even a bit of travel. Just be sure to double-check your reservations. Comfort lovers that you are, you donít want to arrive at the bed and breakfast ready for a romantic getaway weekend only to find your reservations misplaced. You can always opt for camping in the great outdoors, as the best things in life are free. GEMINI(May 22-June21) Since you share Mercury as your ruler along with Virgo, you can look forward to similar disorientation and confusion this month. All is not lost, however, as this can be a golden opportunity to catch up on old business and finally finish writing your novel, at least the first installment. Likely topics of discussion revolve around home, family, even early childhood experiences. Have a cup of tea to calm your jangled nerves and be prepared to talk a blue streak. CANCER(June 22-July23) Moonchildren are earning money fast and furiously, brainstorming new ways to boost their earning appeal. A happy Cancer is a secure Cancer. Early Crabs find the full moon making their career house more prominent. During this season of balance try to make family and career a 50/50 proposition. With Jupiter direct in your relationship house, you can be less careful and more carefree in your relationship choices. The lunar eclipse on the 26th has Moonchildren howling a sigh of relief as Mercury goes direct. LEO(July 24-Aug22)With Mars and Venus united in your passionate and dramatic sign, one can bet the chemistry to run at a fever pitch. Plan a special date for the full moon and watch the sparks fly.Love affairs can become compulsively important at this juncture. Guard against overspending on luxury items and possessions. With all your dash, charm and charisma, you may be the likely recipient of unexpected lovely gifts that are bestowed upon you. These riches are well deserved, so enjoy. VIRGO(Aug23-Sept23) Happy Birthday! Take a break from work and all the minute details of life, especially as your ruler Mercury does its thrice yearly tailspin. Mercury rules communication, so double check everything, something that comes naturally to you anyway. Put off signing contracts, car repairs and try and stay calm as misunderstandings with significant others may arise. Retrograde means review, so this can be a very productive time to clean out your closets, both physically and emotionally. New moon on the 12th gives you more vim and vigor. Expect others to take notice of your increased enthusiasm and confidence. LIBRA(Sept24-Oct23) With Mercury wobbling between your 1st and 12th solar houses, be mindful of more vacillation than usual and potential passive aggressive situations. The usually pleasant and agreeable sign can expect to feel less than charming until the Fall Equinox rolls around on September 22, assuring all that another season of balance has begun. As day and night are now equal, we give thought to the balance and flow within our own lives. Celebrate by taking a healing walk in nature, perhaps with a special someone as you rejoice in the harmony of the natural world. SCORPIO(Oct24-Nov22) Eagles are busy parlaying some of the summers heat into the career realm. Believe it or not, Scorpioís are much better off now than they have been, even though Scorps tend to see the darker side of things. Finances continue to be source of transformation, as you intensely question your values, what you do for money, and how you handle it. SAGITTARIUS(Nov23-Dec21) Early Centaurs are busy at work as your benevolent ruler Jupiter, goes direct September 4th. After many months of spinning your wheels, you finally have the go ahead to put your long range plans into Action! Later born Archers need to balance romance with implementing their career plans. It is back to work for the freedom loving gypsy of the zodiac. CAPRICORN(Dec22-Jan20) Happy Cappies:) Early Capricornís should be open to increased opportunities, both materially and spiritually, as Jupiter in your sign finally moves forward. Give yourself permission to play as you actualize your dreams. Later born Goats still grappling with differences of opinions within their relationships, need to be patient as things straighten out after the 26th, so hang in there. Be open to mischievous Pan energies that make certain Capricornís irresistible. AQUARIUS(Jan20-Feb18) Aquarians are finding themselves engaged in hot pursuit of partnerships and vice versa. Venus and Mars join forces in your solar 7th house of relationships, so be prepared for lots of attention to come your way. Later born Eccentrics may find ironing out communication differences calmly and rationally really clears the air, paving the way for a more authentic future and the future is where it is at for Aquarius. PISCES(Feb19-Mar19) The sign that has raised merging with others to an art form, prepares for another opportunity to ensnare others into their otherworldly net, as the Sun transits the 7th solar house of relationships. You find yourself very available for partnerships and just being more sociable in general. With a retrograde Mercury transiting through your house of transformation expect deep discussions that last well into the night. Trust your intuition and pour your heart out to sympathetic ears.

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