Thursday, September 24, 2009


A GLASS-BOTTOMED BOAT REVEALS UNDER-SEA WONDERS. You are looking at the issues at hand, but from an objective, uninvolved perspective. This may be relative to the fact that the situation is out of your natural environment anyway, so this position is much safer - for you and those you are watching. Being able to see `within' to forms that are not usually observable. Clairvoyance. Being able to connect in with the collective unconscious. Spiritual gifts that enlarge one's perspective. If negative - putting up a barrier of social safety to avoid involvement in the deeper emotions and rewards. SANTA CLAUSE FILLING STOCKINGS FURTIVELY. There are practical rewards coming for your efforts and even though you know they are coming the givers will still try to make it a surprise. Be gracious and let the givers have the pleasure of your reaction. Wishes fulfilled or longing for superficial gratification. Gifts being dispensed. Receiving gifts from unknown sources. If negative - hiding true gestures behind futile pretense. Concealing one's true intentions behind a facade. Trying to get away with something. THE GARDEN OF THE TUILERIES IN PARIS. This is a time to enjoy the rewards of self confidence and authority that you and others have developed and achieved. Remember that this does not make you greater or better than others, but the work you've done simply entitles you to a little luxury. A loving of form and tradition. Cultivation of beautiful forms. Symmetry of form being shown at its best. If negative - behaving in an elitist fashion, being bossy. HOLLY AND MISTLETOE BRING CHRISTMAS SPIRIT TO A HOME. There regularly comes a time when we need to reconnect with loved ones, family, or, in a larger sense, humanity to discover the strengths and joys in the cultural and religious bonds that hold us together. Even though we may live our lives primarily as separate entities, this bond can serve to strengthen each and every participant. Social celebrations of the spirit. Returning to basic joys. If negative - the use of superficial tricks or performance to achieve happiness or meaning. Neglecting family. A RADICAL MAGAZINE, ASKING FOR ACTION, DISPLAYS A SENSATIONAL FRONT PAGE. You are being motivated for change and, although you may not be absolutely sure which direction you will take, you are listening to messages that are around you. Look further within for the change in direction you need. Dramatizing one's situation can lead to overreaction, but doing nothing can lead to inertia. Need for reform. Challenging outlook. Time to break out of constraints. If negative - being argumentative. WORKMEN DRILLING FOR OIL. There's a feeling of wanting to get to the depths of the issue. This entails a certain amount of risk and a need to act in co- operation with others who have skills in such a search. As the rewards of such a search are difficult to find and sometimes unsuccessful, it is perseverance that will bring success. Get used to operating in the dark. Pursuit of material or spiritual wealth. If negative - putting a great deal of effort into risky activities for uncertain returns. AN OLD-FASHIONED WELL. The inner wisdom you seek has been tapped by others long ago. There is always a plentiful supply for all those who draw on the well with sincerity. You are able to access this through your faith and emotive confidence in yourself. You don't need to employ your thoughts as much as your beliefs in this situation. Being supported by all who went before and by your environment. If negative - not trusting advice based on established ideas. Not seeing the depths of others. AROUSED STRIKERS ROUND A FACTORY. You need to stand up for your rights, and possibly for those of a group. You have some support from compatriots, but you have become separated from the general situation and are finding it difficult to use creative solutions. By withdrawing your energies you will see how important you really are in the situation. Bargaining to find more equitable solutions. Demanding better rights and conditions. If negative - becoming obsessed with what is wanted and refusing any compromise. A QUIVER FILLED WITH ARROWS. You need to arm yourself before hunting for what you want. There is no need to rush forward and hope for the best, this will only leave you feeling inadequate when you do find something. Compose yourself for a moment and realise that you have the ammunition and the sure marksmanship. Make a strategy and then hit the target. Getting to the point. If negative - going into battle unprepared. Overconfidence in a mission. AEROPLANE PERFORMING A NOSE-DIVE. Your situation may seem to be heading for disaster, but perhaps you still imagine you are in control and, at the right moment, can save the day. Do you really have the controls? Are you actively working against your own best interests? Plunging into experiences and situations without thought of the ramifications. If you become conscious of what you are doing you may be protected (and saved) at the last moment. Imagine pulling yourself out of a nose dive. If negative - refusing to help yourself even though disaster is imminent. Defying gravity and facings its ramifications. Shake-ups. NEWLY OPENED LANDS OFFER THE PIONEER NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR EXPERIENCE. You are ready to break away from old familiar ground and move out into unknown territory. Fear is the greatest barrier to moving forward, but the familiar must be left behind for new possibilities. Pioneering attitudes bring their own rewards. Going off the beaten track. Coming up with new ideas. New spiritual realisations opening up vistas of experience. Taking opportunities to move on to new realms of being. If negative - clinging to the old and familiar. Restricting growth and change. Not taking new opportunities or moving on. A BLACK SLAVE-GIRL DEMANDS HER RIGHTS OF HER MISTRESS. You want to be taken seriously. You're tired of being treated like the slave or dutiful underling. You have rights and need to spread your wings to improve your situation. Rising above conditioning and limitations. Standing up for one's self. If negative - feeling hard done by and deserving better. Blaming others for the situation. Bucking authority. WORLD FAMOUS PIANIST GIVING A CONCERT PERFORMANCE. In this situation, it is not enough to know that you are highly skilled, or have others say how wonderful you are, the proof is in expressing those skills in the real world and creating something as a result. The rewards can come from being well rehearsed and prepared to share your talent. Smugness versus talent. A validation of social standing. If negative - relying on past success. Not putting in the day to day practice. Feeling the need for applause and acclaim to validate one's existence. TWO PEOPLE, LIVING FAR APART, IN TELEPATHIC COMMUNICATION. It is not always necessary to be physically face-to-face. You have bonds with another (and perhaps many people) that are unaffected by distance or frequency of visits. Let your heart tell you that you are always in their company and there is no need to feel alone. Conquering space and time limitations. Psychic and mental communication. Sharing the same ideas. The `other person' knowing what is felt or thought. If negative - blocking out sensitive awareness for the sake of social needs or expectations. Attempts to manipulate by subtle means. TWO DUTCH CHILDREN TALKING. Old fashioned simplicity. There's a need for clarity and for those of like mind to communicate spontaneous and creative ideas. Sharing of innocence and care-free thoughts and ideals. Exchanging views with like-minded individuals. If negative - failing to communicate in depth. Taking an unsophisticated viewpoint. Excluding others as not worthy. Can be societal or racial prejudice. `Hearing voices' that don't make sense. A WOMAN ACTIVIST IN AN EMOTIONAL SPEECH, DRAMATIZING HER CAUSE. You may feel misunderstood and disadvantaged simply because of who you are in the situation. Even when you stand up for what you feel, you strike resistance, partly due to others' ignorance, but you must press your case or the status quo will remain. If the cause is just and your communications clear, you will be heard by those who are resonant to what you are saying and your influence will spread. Is your cause worthy and just? Stating one's case. Revealing one's social passions. If negative - aggressively pressing opinions on the unwilling and disinterested. THE HEAD OF A ROBUST YOUTH CHANGES INTO THAT OF A MATURE THINKER. There is only so much that one can do with youthful force. Now is the time to use your intuition and intellect to allow your wisdom through. Feeling one's mind-set changing and growing. Time to stop `tearing around' and be more serious about life and its ramifications. Going from reacting with the lower emotional nature to thinking with the higher mind. If negative - suddenly becoming very old and losing innocence and energy OR clinging to the illusions of childhood. TWO CHINESE MEN TALKING CHINESE (IN A WESTERN CROWD). You may feel that you are in new and alien territory. You need to find someone of like mind or feeling that will help you feel more comfortable and secure. A situation where few can understand what you're saying and thinking. Sharing mutual thoughts will help transcend feelings of alienation and can lead to new understandings. If negative - being unprepared to adapt OR being with people who don't share the same philosophies or understandings. Not finding anyone to communicate on your level. A LARGE ARCHAIC VOLUME REVEALS A TRADITIONAL WISDOM. You may be experiencing intuitive wisdom that seems to generate outside of your own experience and potential. This wisdom is inherent in us all and needs merely to be tapped to be understood. Collective knowledge and wisdom coming from ancient sources. Enormous potential to be tapped. Akashic records. Astrology. If negative - being unable to understand the wise messages or advice available OR being caught up in accepting only what tradition dictates. A CAFETERIA WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF CHOICES. There are so many choices, but each has its price. Be careful of your choice. Each will nourish you, but some things are more nourishing than others. Although if you don't like your first choice then you can go back for something else - if you can afford it. Overwhelming alternatives in modern society. Satiation. Everything provided for one's needs. Self-service. If negative - taking everything you can simply because it is available, regardless of needs OR an inability to make decisions. So many choices... things so near, but so far. Inability to satisfy. A TUMULTUOUS LABOR DEMONSTRATION. You may find that emotions take the better of you. There is an injustice that needs righting and a spontaneous group reaction may be what has to be done to wake up those in charge. Pushing for change to the status quo. Feeling hard done by or taken advantage of. Seeking a better share of the profits. Protest about having too much to do. If negative - using the group for a personal agenda. Asking for more than one's share, or not being able to ask for one's share. DANCING COUPLES CROWD THE BARN IN A HARVEST FESTIVAL. There is a need to get back to a simple, conservative level of enjoyment. There's a sense of being in tune with seasonal rhythms. The feeling of a healthy heart and a healthy mind, while taking a break from the struggles of providing. Celebrating the warmth and providence of the Earth. The joy of nature's harvest. Joining with others to celebrate. The reality of rhythmical or seasonal adjustments. If negative - being the wallflower, not participating. Waiting for a special invitation rather than responding to the openness of the situation. THREE FLEDGLINGS IN A NEST HIGH IN A TREE. Although there is a feeling of being left alone and neglected, there is still a sense of safety by isolation. It may be too soon to break out on your own, but, after more nourishment, your time will come. Integration of spirit, soul and body will lead to being able to fly on one's own in good time. Discovering a whole new sense of being. If negative - wanting to leave the nest before one's ready. Psychological immaturity. CHILDREN SKATING ON ICE. You need to make the most of a challenging situation. If you don't acknowledge the changes and adjust accordingly, then you will be at a disadvantage. Adjusting to change can also bring its own secondary level of rewards. Getting around difficult situations by making the most of them (or evading them). Skating over difficulties. Finding creative and seemingly childlike solutions to problems. If negative - rushing out to enjoy the pleasures before checking that it is safe to do so. Living only for momentary pleasures, without thought of the ramifications. Believing that one can get away with things through acting naively and childishly - watch out for the cracks. A GARDENER TRIMMING LARGE PALM TREES. There is a special effort being made to make your creations or situations look their best, even if this leaves them without protection from the lower, basic elements. Trimming off non- essentials to get to the bare reality. Caring for one's possessions. Doing the work simply because it needs to be done. If negative - doing the work because of routine rather than need. WINTER FROST IN THE WOODS. Things are in a dormant stage. There is no point trying to force growth. It is not possible now. Also, energy is being used to reinforce the roots, ready for the coming growth. The calm before the dawn. The silence inherent when making a connection with nature in cold, barren times. If negative - denying the natural flow of the season, trying to rush things. A YOUNG GYPSY EMERGING FROM THE WOODS GAZES AT FAR CITIES. It takes a deal of courage to be something of an outcast and still venture into society. Wanting and trying to participate, even when you don't command respect or acceptance, is difficult, but with success, rewarding. Dreaming of becoming a part of something far-off and larger than one's own sphere. Lessons to be learnt about being street-wise. New perspectives arising from larger realities. If negative - dissatisfaction with your own surroundings and always looking elsewhere. SOCIETY GRANTING BANKRUPTCY TO HIM, A MAN LEAVES THE COURT. There can be collective responsibility for problems that occur for individuals and the collective can allow for a second chance. This is a time to accept such an opportunity. There may be bitter disappointment here, but a relief from burdening pressure. Others may be feeling a sense of abandonment because someone has not lived up to their responsibilities. Protection. Being free to get on with a new life. If negative - feeling let off the hook and able to commit the same mistakes again. THE FIRST MOCKINGBIRD OF SPRING SINGS FROM THE TREE TOP. You are able to take the best of what is available and make it better. There is a great deal of skill involved in this and there are always those who will respond jealously. Enormous creative potential and talent in taking music or sounds and integrating them to find a new melody. Being the first at seeing potentiality. If negative - taking the best from others and claiming the credit. Being noisy. Announcing new possibilities or just sounding off? A PARADE OF BATHING BEAUTIES BEFORE LARGE BEACH CROWDS. You may feel as though you are only being appreciated for your superficial values without appreciation of your deeper purpose. But be aware that you are getting a lot of attention and there is a potential audience. Making superficial judgements. Being on show. Sheer attraction of beauty appreciated. If negative - using superficialities to falsely win support.

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