Friday, September 25, 2009


UNDER EMOTIONAL STRESS, BLOOD RUSHES TO A MAN'S HEAD. There is almost nothing that can be done at the moment. It is like being immobilised with neither mental or physical control. This will pass, but resistance will just make the situation worse. Difficulty containing emotional reactions. Becoming fired-up about something. If negative - making yourself ill through emotional suppression. AN EPIDEMIC OF MUMPS. There is something affecting everyone that started with just one person. This could be you or someone else in the group, but it is spreading nonetheless. There needs to be a separation or isolation and then time for recovery to halt the spread of infection. Hysteria of feelings or ideas or immunity. If negative - fear of bad health. Hypochondria. Rampaging gossip. A MATURE WOMAN, KEEPING UP WITH THE TIMES, HAVING HER HAIR BOBBED. You cannot become different by changing your appearance, although feeling good about one's image does radiate both inwardly and outwardly. An external change may fool others or make you feel better for a time, but it's your inner self that is the essence of your persona, not the mask you wear. Making an effort to keep up with trends. Asserting one's independence from social constraints. If negative - relying on external fashion to disguise inner emptiness. A MAN FORMALLY DRESSED STANDS NEAR TROPHIES HE BROUGHT BACK FROM A HUNTING EXPEDITION. It is one thing to achieve and another to then display your achievement for all to see. There may be an urge to impress others, but some people will not be pleased with the display, some very impressed and others distinctly unimpressed. Think carefully of the effects before you do anything. Trophies of conquest. Will to prove oneself. Need to prove one's animal instincts for the benefit of society. If negative - trying to dominate the elements of nature with rational power. ROCK FORMATIONS TOWER OVER A DEEP CANYON. You may find that the natural structure of the situation is, on the one hand, carefully developed over time (there is a history here), but on the other hand, it's right on the edge of a deep chasm. There seems to be no going back, forward is the only way out and the solution may just be to `jump into the void'. It may be a lonely journey, but you will find new depths of experience that you could only imagine. The situation may look solid, but time may tell a different story. Old structures and deep hazards. If negative - painting yourself into a corner. There's sometimes a choice: taking chances or standing still. AN OLD FASHIONED `CONSERVATIVE' WOMAN IS CONFRONTED BY AN UP-TO-DATE GIRL. You may find yourself faced with a choice between the established and the innovative. It is most likely that the best qualities of both sides are the proper compromise. Conservative inertia being challenged by changing, energetic forms. Learning to let one's hair down. Issues of age and what one's capable of. If negative - denying the duality within. Being afraid to get out there. THE CONSTELLATIONS OF STARS IN THE SKY. The bigger questions are likely to be in your mind. Even simple issues will be seen against the background of something greater. This all helps to keep life in perspective. Reminders of the patterns, integration and enormity of nature. The big picture. Observing signatures. If negative - ignoring the down-to-earth issues. Missing the small details. A COMMUNIST ACTIVIST SPREADING HIS REVOLUTIONARY IDEALS. You may feel as though you have had enough of the situation and that you have no power. You must enlist the support of others if you wish to succeed and it is through the promise of equality that power will be won. Unwavering and unbending intellect. Burning passions. Revolutionary. If negative - Political brainwashing or finding things to be dissatisfied with. GLASS BLOWERS SHAPE BEAUTIFUL VASES WITH THEIR CONTROLLED BREATHING. Your inner spiritual energies can shape the situation into something worthwhile. It is only with the controlled use of these energies that you will be able to craft the situation correctly. Breathing life into your creations. Being able to create beautiful forms out of nothing. Prana. If negative - failing to take proper care and concentration. Distortions of the truth. EARLY MORNING DEW. After a cold and difficult time, even a dark struggle, you may feel that the end is near. The reward at the moment will be transitory, so enjoy it before you progress into the activity of the new day. Refreshment after a period of `the long night of the soul'. Dawn meditations give inspiration. If negative - not letting go of the situation. Persisting with problems that have been solved. CHILDREN ON A SWING IN A HUGE OAK TREE. You may feel like some relief from responsibility. This is a good time to relax in some play, safe in the knowledge that everything will remain secure. It is good to keep in touch with the innocence and openness of youthful play. Oak trees infer enormous inner strength. Creativity in safe surroundings. If negative - expecting others to take all the responsibility while one just plays. AN EVENING LAWN PARTY OF ADULTS. Give the rigors of the work routine a rest. Relaxation amongst your peers, where there is no need for exuberant pretence can do nothing but good. Enjoy the moment. Rise above superficiality into receptivity and peace with others. If negative - a sense of superficiality where things are known but not said out loud and one's appearance and social standing take on too much importance. Ignoring or evading real and immediate issues. Political correctness. AN OLD SEA CAPTAIN ROCKING ON THE PORCH OF HIS COTTAGE. There is a need for quiet reflection, to look back at your past experiences, especially those times that may have seemed very threatening. Take some time for a little solitude, contemplate the overall picture. When back into the business of life you will be refreshed and have a better idea of the big picture. Retreating into one's inner self and reflecting. Quiet confidence in knowing that one can conquer life's storms and come out wiser. Observing life from afar. If negative - ignoring what is happening now in favour of memories. Inability to get going. CHERUB-LIKE, A HUMAN SOUL WHISPERS, SEEKING TO MANIFEST. There is a deep realisation that may transform your life. The time is not yet right to make the changes, but it is coming soon. Listening to one's inner voice, heeding messages that will lead one on to the next level of life. Spirit is descending, wishing to make itself known - spiritual parts of you wanting to come through into conscious expression. New realizations of one's inner being, new impulses. Seeking to have one's voice heard. If negative - confusing the inner voice with signs of instability or madness. Being concerned that if you don't make yourself heard, you will miss out. A need to be noticed. A PAGEANT MOVING ALONG A STREET PACKED WITH PEOPLE. Some great achievements may have created a desire for a big show to celebrate. People will support you and share in the festivities. Go for it, you've done well and deserve the rewards. Demonstrations of joy. Spectacular and dramatic show of solidarity of feelings or superficial display. If negative - ostentatious displays of egocentric achievements. Blowing your own trumpet. Closing off areas of one's life, overplaying other areas. BRILLIANT SUNSHINE JUST AFTER A STORM. The storm has come through and swept away elements of life that have been clogging up the situation, clearing the air and resolving issues. The worst is over and at last the situation can resolve and recovery begin. There is still work to be done, but for now enjoy the release and the pleasure of new beginnings. The warmth of renewal. If negative - fearing that the storm will soon return. Being stuck in fear. VOLUNTEER CHURCH CHOIR MAKES SOCIAL EVENT OF REHEARSAL. You may feel a need to be with those of like mind. Take the opportunity to share in their expression of spiritual joy and shared faith. Unified voices need to be heard. Making the most out of any situation. Feelings of togetherness enlivening situations. If negative - trivialising the purpose of the gathering. Being afraid or reticent to lift up one's voice, extending oneself, or mixing in with others. Standing in the background because of the belief that one is not `good' enough to join in. A CHEMIST CONDUCTS AN EXPERIMENT FOR HIS STUDENTS. You may find yourself involved in a new discovery in an authoritative and/or observant position. The message for either situation is to pay attention and attend to details. A mix of new ingredients can lead to new creations. Alchemy. If negative - always going `by the rules of the book' leading to inertia and the suppression of creative ideas. A HOUSEBOAT PARTY. Although you are still in a situation of definite structure and form, you may find that it needs to be taken from the normal routine and given to unusual possibilities. Time for lightening up, relaxing and spending time with like-minded creative individuals. Emotive social pleasure. If negative - trapping people into your own idea of pleasure - self indulgence. Make sure that you know `where' this party is going to be - it may not be moored in reality. A feeling of being `unmoored'. AMERICAN INDIANS PERFORM A RITUAL TO THE SUN. You may feel the need to get back to the natural elements of the situation, responding more to your intuitive feelings than rational structure. Look at and revel in the larger picture. Joining with others. Ritual and worship. Return to nature. If negative - egoistic responses to life situations leading to a narrowed response. INTOXICATED CHICKENS DIZZILY FLAP THEIR WINGS TRYING TO FLY. Your first attempts at a new experience may prove less than elegant or skilful. There is possibly an attempt to do too much too soon. Soon things will improve and you can share the amusement others find in these early attempts. Find enjoyment in this intoxication, but remember to come back to earth when the feelings vanish. False courage. Inexperience. If negative - giddiness and light-headedness as the unwanted side-effects of trying too much, too soon. Getting nowhere. A CARRIER PIGEON FULFILLING ITS MISSION. There is a clear sense of purpose and direction, even a sense of some divine guidance. The end is in sight and there is a prize to be won in bringing a message. Bringer of good tidings and messages. Creating lines of communication. If negative - situations of gossip. Messages that are not useful to anyone. A BAREBACK RIDER IN A CIRCUS DISPLAYS HER DANGEROUS SKILL. You may believe passionately in what you are doing, but in order to show others you may put yourself at risk to present your feelings boldly and skilfully. This done correctly can only impress. Defying gravity. Controlling one's animal instincts. Courage and mastery over one's powerful energies. If negative - through `showing off' you could lose this control and fall off. Looking for applause. Fooling with nature's energies. Arousing or controlling passions. TOTALLY CONCENTRATED UPON INNER SPIRITUAL ATTAINMENT, A MAN IS SITTING IN A STATE OF COMPLETE NEGLECT OF HIS BODY. There is a feeling of imbalance at the moment. It is as if aspects of your life can be put on hold in favour of the central issue. This can lead to a loss of holistic balance and misunderstanding by others. Being so committed to spiritual or emotional concerns can lead one to lose touch with more immediate, physical matters. If negative - not paying enough attention to your body and your physical needs. A LARGE CAMEL CROSSING A VAST AND FORBIDDING DESERT. You may find that your situation has already been like an arduous journey, but there is still further to go. Be confident that you have the reserves to survive and the endurance to succeed. You can rely on yourself. Self sufficiency and mental self-control are necessary. Completing the journey while protecting oneself from spiritual `sun-stroke'. Facing the tests of karma. If negative - not preparing properly and running out of reserves before the end. AFTER A HEAVY STORM, A RAINBOW. There may have been difficulties and obstacles, but the end result will be o.k.. For the moment you need to be reassured by a sign of better times coming. Remember, without the storm there would be no possibility of the blessing of a rainbow. Release from stressful situations. The light of spirit returning to infuse one with it's energy. If negative - having selfish thoughts about the rewards inherent in every external sign or `pot of gold'. DAYBREAK - THE LUMINESCENCE OF DAWN IN THE EASTERN SKY. You may feel that there is finally a chance for a new beginning. Things have been sacrificed and there may be a certain emptiness, but now you can see the light and move forward again. This is a transition time of letting go of operating in the dark. New ideas, new opportunities, new perspectives, new realizations are emerging. Gradual realizations of opportunities. New cycles beginning. If negative - being fearful and distrusting of new experiences or situations OR thinking that everything will be O.K. `tomorrow'. MANY LITTLE BIRDS ON THE LIMB OF A LARGE TREE. There seem to be so many possibilities or options now. Although the overall situation is secure and stable there are still some confusions to be resolved. You may be vulnerable to lots of chatter going on in your mind - try to relax and gain some perspective until things become a little more settled. Gathering with people of like mind. Sharing ideas. If negative - being confused or immobilised by too much advice or information. Too many voices. Having trouble hearing the essential truth. A scattering of energies. A MERMAID EMERGES FROM THE OCEAN READY FOR REBIRTH IN HUMAN FORM. You may find that you will be able to make sense of your intuitive or creative thoughts. In finally being able to verbalise these into rational expression, you will be creating a useable reality from your intuitive wisdom. Coming into conscious form. New forms of being. Transformation. Emerging evolution. If negative - focussing on social or rational aspects before being ready. Naivety. AN UNSEALED LETTER. There is a message that you wish to spread and you will be able to do so if you put the message into reality. When this is done anyone can see and benefit from it. Communicating in a trusting, carefree, easy way. Or, are your ideas, thoughts and emotions feeling exposed because you have been too trusting? Wearing your heart on your sleeve. Shared thoughts and feelings. If negative - playing games with information. Pretending to conceal for the purpose of deceit OR blurting things out.

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