Wednesday, September 23, 2009


A WOMAN HAS RISEN OUT OF THE OCEAN, A SEAL IS EMBRACING HER. New understandings and awareness are coming to light. Something new is emerging and it needs to be welcomed and nurtured. This is the beginning of a whole new impulse, creative and responsive. Emergence of a whole new potentiality. Beginnings. Emergence of the feminine into concrete manifestation. If negative - using the masculine drive to overshadow the emotions. Refusing to move into a new state of being because one is held back by previous life conditions. A COMEDIAN ENTERTAINING THE GROUP. Objective awareness of oneself and others can bring some light relief to your situation. See the humour in situations around you, there can be escape through seeing the funny side. Group cohesion and joy through sharing fun. Perhaps there's a situation where somebody is not taking life seriously enough? Seeing the light side. If negative - being trivial to avoid reality and still gain acceptance. A CAMEO PROFILE OF A MAN IN THE OUTLINE OF HIS COUNTRY. There is a growing, objective awareness of how you fit into the larger picture. You may find you are participating in or have a more important role than you previously thought. Imprinting one's mark. Becoming an exemplar of one's tradition and culture. Try not to become too identified with externals or seeking recognition from the people around you. Observing one's limitations. Living a transpersonal life. If negative - blindly following the dogma of government or officials. Stereotyping one's self or others. TWO LOVERS STROLLING THROUGH A SECLUDED WALK. You are able to escape the realities of the world and touch the deeper feelings of your heart, without fear of being criticised. Be with someone you love and enjoy their presence without rush or pressure - even if this means being with that part of you that you never seem to have time for. Try to find some time for quiet romance. Walking love's path. Secret love affairs. Being undisturbed. If negative - being `selfish', keeping their partner to themselves. Jealousy when others are around. A TRIANGLE WITH WINGS. Lift yourself above the ordinary, using your natural gifts to find a new perspective - an uplifted view - to expand your awareness. This can picture an eagerness for spiritual integration or a capacity to escape from reality. Try to ground the vision. Inspiration and zeal. If negative - not noticing your own down-to-earth needs or of those around you. A SQUARE BRIGHTLY LIGHTED ON ONE SIDE. Don't become too concerned with one side of issues in the material world. You may feel boxed in with no way out. Simply look around, with a more objective eye and apply simple, active solutions. There IS a way out of your dilemma. Try not to surrender to frustrations. Illuminated solutions. If negative - surrendering, feeling trapped, seeing only one side of a situation. A MAN SUCCESSFULLY EXPRESSING HIMSELF IN TWO REALMS AT ONCE. Your life may seem divided, but you can be fully expressive in each aspect of your life if you give each aspect value and look for each part's individual importance. Shifting of focus from one thing to another when it is useful. Creative versatility and duality. Try not to scatter your energies. Integrating the spiritual with the material. If negative - fooling yourself that you can be all things to different people and eventually failing one or both. A WOMAN'S HAT WITH STREAMERS BLOWN BY THE EAST WIND. Allow traditional wisdom to lead you to new and different solutions, but be wary of acting superficially. In deeper, spiritual messages you are afforded protection from the more disturbing elements of the situation. It can be having to adjust one's self continually to outside forces. Try not to get blown off-course. Attuning oneself through Eastern philosophies. Protective guidance. If negative - only accepting solutions that satisfy selfish or social needs. Can be insincere. A CRYSTAL GAZER. The whole picture is there in front of you, but you need to interpret its meaning. With a little concentrated effort, you will be able to see things very clearly. There is the ability to observe things that others may miss. Looking ahead to see the signs. Flashes of inspiration. Try really tuning in and looking within for answers. Creative, inner visualization. Aura readings. If negative - being confused by the literal meaning instead of understanding the symbolic message. Always looking this way and that, but not at the center, for the answers. Getting lost in the big picture. A TEACHER GIVES NEW SYMBOLIC FORMS TO TRADITIONAL IMAGES. You are holding back your ideas because you think it has all been done before, but it is yet to be done your way. Bring out something new and it will revitalise those around you. Looking at things in a different light. Revisioning old thought forms with new. Reinterpretation. Try to find new solutions to old ideas. New dimensions of consciousness breaking through old thought forms. Quantum science. If negative - rejecting old ideas because they are old, instead of reforming them. THE RULER OF A NATION. It's time to take charge, to expand your base of operations and to show that you have the integrity and the necessary energy to get things done. Recognition. It's also a great time to bring a sense of order and discipline into your life - physically, spiritually or emotionally. Develop willpower. Find your sense of inner power. If negative - taking control, lording it over everyone and being overbearing. A FLOCK OF WILD GEESE. Take your cue from the wild geese. When they fly in formation, they take turns in leading the way, when one gets tired or sick, another takes the lead. Spread your wings and seek freedom, taking note of `seasonal' variations around you. Just remember to be mindful of your responsibilities. Aquarian ideals of brotherhood. Attunement to planetary rhythms. Spirit liberated from matter. If negative - following the leader without knowing where you are going. A BOMB WHICH FAILED TO EXPLODE IS NOW SAFELY CONCEALED. Explosive elements will need discharging. Pressure cooker energy needs to be released, slowly. Luck has it that the situation hasn't got out of hand yet. Take the opportunity to defuse some of these elements. An explosion often damages more than is expected. Tantrums and frustrations. If negative - suppressing stress or illness that others may think inappropriate and thinking that your secret is safe. Repressing one's emotions. Undefined anger. A SERPENT COILING NEAR A MAN AND A WOMAN. There is a lot of tense emotion around relationships. There is a confusion of tension, fear and passion. Something or someone may be trying to come between you and a beloved. Maybe you need to let go and find new depths to your ways of relating and relationships. Enticement. Allurement. The revelation of archetypal knowledge that may not be `socially acceptable'. If negative - feeling guilty about being afraid to express your feelings. Basic instincts and sexual energy. AN INDIAN WEAVING A BLANKET. The traditional skills of life can symbolise the story of both the past and present. Take time out to create something that is not only useful, but contains the symbols of your story. Also, some things need doing, just because they need to be done. Weaving security and independence. If negative - underestimating skills of self-expression in comparison with intellectual skills or allowing dull routines to overcome you. BROWNIES DANCING IN THE SETTING SUN. Your intuitive powers are at a real high but your physical energy may not be. Open your mind to possibilities and listen to the messages from within. There's invisible assistance in accomplishing one's work. You are being guided and protected. Revelling in nature. Faeries and nature spirits. If negative - self-delusions, not getting a true picture of what's happening in the `real-world'. Losing the plot. TWO PRIM SPINSTERS SITTING TOGETHER IN SILENCE. Quiet withdrawal might be just what you need now, but it is easy to become isolated in conservative, albeit moral, ideas. You may find that there is only a select, restricted group with whom you wish to associate - just beware that this false sense of security doesn't isolate you from change and growth. Look for opportunities to open up other possibilities. Loosen up emotional blockages. Holding onto one's original identity, not wanting to compromise because of social expectations. If negative - emotional insulation. Refusing to accept relationship. Pretending to be something that one is not. Disapproval of younger, more vital energies. Being so fussy and judgemental that it precludes one from relationships. AN EMPTY HAMMOCK. Take some time out to relax. You are being too hard on yourself. It is no crime to stop to regain strength. You needn't sacrifice your opportunity to rest for someone else. Everyone is entitled to their share of peace and pleasure. Detachment. If negative - deliberately pushing yourself when in need of rest or not involving yourself in life's complexities. THE MAGIC CARPET OF ORIENTAL IMAGERY. Transcend worry and strife by using your imagination to lift your level of understanding into the mystic, fantastic realm. Be wary not to underestimate the potential power in the most mundane things. Vehicle for transcendence. Elevated view. Transcending problems. Astral travel. If negative - self defeating detachment from the normal world. Losing yourself in flights of fancy. The longing for escape - the lure of the exotic. A YOUNG GIRL FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTER. Someone is in need of help, someone who may even be the cause of their own problems. There are those that stubbornly resist moving on or changing their habits, even if it is to their detriment. Non-judgemental innocence can move you to help and lead others to trust. Nurturing innocence. Feeding energy to situations that feel cold, hopeless and lost. Small efforts bringing their own rewards. If negative - trying to win approval. Creating a reliance that has to be maintained. A PUGILIST (BOXER) ENTERING THE RING. It may be time to fight, but it needs to be with dignity and regulation. There are rules to follow and it's often others who will be the judge of the outcome. Make sure you have the skills and the training to have earned the right to defend what you believe. Remember that sometimes you need to back off if you're not winning the contest. Physical or psychological self- assertion and determination. Is this a situation of attack or defence? Being prepared to fight for one's emotional, psychological or physical space. If negative - using power to dominate people or those who challenge you. THE GATE TO THE GARDEN OF ALL FULFILLED DESIRES. You have brought yourself right to the point of what you want, but there is still one more obstacle. You must make the deliberate action of opening the gate, admitting that this is what you want. Perhaps you may need to knock first (showing your intention of wanting in). It has come time for the gate to open. Craving for happiness. Maybe you need to realise that you have everything that you need, look around. If negative - denying yourself the right to receive just rewards or wild `goose-chases' that lead to nothing. A WOMAN IN PASTEL COLORS CARRYING A HEAVY AND VALUABLE BUT VEILED LOAD. You are going to a great deal of effort to conceal from others something very important. You feel that you have succeeded, but in fact it is apparent to everyone by the way the burden of your secret is affecting your behaviour. It may be time to share the load. Are you truly participating in life? Privacy. Quiet determination to get on with the job. If negative - trying to cover up distrust and greed. Keeping one's thoughts and emotions locked in can create dis-ease. AN OPEN WINDOW AND A NET CURTAIN BLOWING INTO A CORNUCOPIA. Your mind is open to possibilities that are being `blown' in from the realm of spirit. There is an abundance coming that will be self-sustaining. Look for out of the ordinary opportunities. Imagination. Keep your options open. A promise of fruition. The breath of life filling oneself with inspiration. Realizing that in one's everyday life, one has it all. If negative - relying on your spiritual ideas to provide material sustenance, thinking that good luck will just `blow in'. A DOUBLE PROMISE REVEALS ITS INNER AND OUTER MEANINGS. Look back to promises that were made. Simple promises can be more complicated than first thought. The rational and emotive responses can conflict, however, they need not be mutually exclusive, but the way in which we should view things. Also indicates the choice that arises - of the heart and of social obligation. There may be a reward involved. Realise the implications of any such reward. If negative - indicates fickleness, insincerity and two-facedness in human relationships. A MAN POSSESSED OF MORE GIFTS THAN HE CAN HOLD. Recognise that you are surrounded by abundance, but you are unable to experience it all at once. If you don't feel you have the ability to cope then look in your `storehouse' and you will be surprised at what talents you have never even used. Potent-iality. If negative - can indicate not being able to focus on one issue at a time, or ideas of real worth, therefore not really achieving anything. Inability to gain or contain everything that is desired. Ambition that knows no bounds. THROUGH IMAGINATION, A LOST OPPORTUNITY IS REGAINED. Use your inner creative energy to revitalise an idea or opportunity that seems lost. You need to believe that it is possible and create a new image in your mind, then you will succeed. The energy to recapture something that seemed to be lost. Creative imagination and visualisation. Hope renewed. Second chances. If negative - relying on self pity which denies using the imagination to recover the situation. A LARGE DISAPPOINTED AUDIENCE. You might feel as though you (or someone else) have failed and left everyone wanting. But how much is this because too much was expected in the first place? The audience only remembers the last performance, so get up and try again, but this time be more realistic. Be aware that you may be the audience, or your own `audience'. Do you feel that you've let yourself down? Adjustment of expectations. If negative - feeling sorry for one's self because of defeat and frustration. A lot of people left feeling emotionally `wiped-out'. Shattering of illusions. THE MUSIC OF THE SPHERES. It doesn't matter if things are going well or not, you are in tune with the inner voice and this is a time of accord with your path. Savour the lessons and grow in wisdom. Voices bringing messages. This is the symbol of `the Music of the Spheres' which can mean attuning yourself to the messages inherent in astrology. If negative - inflating rational ideas to appear to be inspired thought. Delusion or enlightenment? A DUCK POND AND ITS BROOD. You may feel restricted and bound in by reality, but you also feel safe. Every day cannot be a fantastic adventure. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of the comforting things around us. Nurture family and contentment. Realise limitations. Reliability. The problems and joys inherent in the responsibilities of having a brood to look after. Finding friends or family that enrich one's life. If negative - denying your own needs for those of the brood. Narrow-minded attitudes. Feeling stuck. Not wanting to grow up and take risks in life.

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