Saturday, June 13, 2009

Using the Oracle

The Sabian Symbol Oracle is easily accessed by astrologers and non-astrologers alike. Each symbol has been numbered from 1 to 360 so that you can simply choose a number from your mind or even from something in your surroundings; you can choose a sign and degree; or even open the book at random and see where your eyes fall. The downfall of using these methods is that you can affect the random selection by preferring particular numbers or signs or the book opening to often used pages. The best method by far is the card method. It ensures a randomness that the others do not. Just as you might throw the coins for the I Ching or rummage for a stone in The Runes, the Sabian Symbol needed can be selected by shuffling the deck and choosing a blue card and a red card. The cards are marked with a sign and a number. The end result (e.g. Aquarius 29) is simply looked up in the book and the answer contemplated. The Sabians seem to work most effectively when your question is important to you and your concentration is undisturbed. This is, of course, true of most oracles. The next step is to contemplate the actual symbol before reading the text. When you feel that you have a grasp of the symbol, move on and read the text and this will, hopefully, open any last resistance to the flow of your inner knowledge. An oracle is, after all, not a definitive answer, but a catalyst to open you up to the greater universal wisdom. Although the symbols are in words, it is their visual impact that open up intuitive pathways. Just as pictures and feelings can be conveyed into words, so is the reverse equally effective. The `you' referred to in the wording of the text may refer to you, a friend, the situation you're in -- read the text and bend it to fit the particular situation that you're referring to. You'll find layers of meaning for there is always more to a Sabian Symbol than first meets the eye. You may well see an actual physical representation of the Symbol in the world around you, or you may sense a feeling or even find other images and symbols popping into your mind. This is the intuition at work. The negative aspect of each symbol is there to open your mind up to these possibilities. Your intuition will tell you if the situation of your question is negative. Also the question often has the positive and the negative being expressed by different people or things in the situation. The other use of the negative is that if you follow a negative path then that will be the outcome, if you follow the positive, then the outcome will be positive. Trust your intuition. The greatest difficulty in understanding the symbolism is allowing the mind to switch to the intuitive way of thinking and not let your rational (socially driven) desires colour your interpretation. Spend time and wait until you become aware of an answer that feels right in your heart - even if the answer is difficult. Unfortunately we tend to grow spiritually or emotionally through difficult experiences. The Sabian Symbols are here to give you a guiding hand. The answer is inside you. If you are an astrologer, there is an almost limitless use of the Sabian Symbols in every aspect of astrological enquiry. The symbols add a fresh and vital human or inner depth to current knowledge and interpretation. Natal, mundane, vocational, transits, - everything. It is very important to note that the degree from the chart is taken up to the next whole degree. For example, 0.12' of Aries is in the first degree and the corresponding Sabian will be Aries 1; 12.59' of Libra will be the Sabian, Libra 13. This is because the zodiac starts at 0' and the Sabian Symbols start at 1, therefore the first degree is any part of 0 degree and the 13th degree is any part of 12 degrees. etc. The Oracle was written in response to many people asking for us to do the work of translating the meaning of the Symbols in a language accessible and easy to understand. We hope that the use of the Symbols and this Oracle opens up new pathways of meaning and significance for you.

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