Friday, June 5, 2009

Chapter 7: Growth and Expansion: Areas That You Enjoy

You have the ability to see connections between seemingly unrelated ideas or worlds, and to bring them together. You excel in any field requiring clear intellect, and verbal and communication skills. You have an insatiable curiosity and may read or watch television constantly in order to satisfy your need for mental stimulation. Your mind never stops. Wealth, material well-being, and prosperity are very important to you, and you would never choose a profession that didn't offer you great promise and opportunity for growth (financial and otherwise). You are very generous and sometimes careless with money; you don't want to hold on to it, you want to enjoy it and use it to enrich your life. Whatever you do with your money, you do in a big way - making it, spending it, or blowing it! You may accumulate elegant, high quality things (art, jewelry, etc). Although your vitality may be a bit low, you always have an optimistic outlook and the ability to enjoy the pleasant things in life. In spite of your somewhat weak constitution, you find a way to achieve success with little physical exertion. You are very receptive to beauty and art and have a need to live a comfortable life. You may find great pleasure in illusions and could deem yourself happy in love whether it is real or not. You tend to leave others in doubt about your real inner self. You like to be alone and seem to be happy when you are by yourself. Also very fond of doing things for others, you may sacrifice your own wishes for them, and feel an inner joy knowing that you were able to be of help to someone.

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