Friday, June 12, 2009

Gemini May 21 - June 21

The Twins may be at a crossroads this year, and you could benefit from some sound Astrological advice. Finding yourself ripe with romantic desires, you are more assertive in this department than you've been in a long while. Whatever (or whomever!) you want is yours, and you are riding on the wave of a very assertive, confident, and powerful spell. Getting what you want and being incredibly direct aren't generally common areas for you to excel in, so you are enjoying this time in the driver's seat. Other things to keep in mind this year include not stepping on everyone's fingers and toes on your climb to the top. Remember that it is the people beneath you who are holding up the pyramid, and to shun them brings you closer to your own failure. When planning travel throughout the year, try to maintain as much flexibility as you can. Itineraries may not go exactly to plan every time, and sometimes tangents and back roads can be the most exiting highlight of a trip. Stay in touch with your surroundings, and don't put too much of a burden on yourself. Remain open to odd suggestions and fleeting opportunities. Everything may not always go your way, but it is unlikely that you will get bored. Fluctuations may occur in your day-to-day cast of characters. There may be some great changes made in the roles of the people who are closest to you, either personally or professionally. You may be forced to get along with someone new, or perhaps some long-standing ties will be severed. This is a period of new starts and fresh beginnings for everyone involved. Turning your focus inward and maintaining your own strengths and well-being will prepare you for these new adjustments. In January and February, your friends may become more of a liability than an asset. Other people are demanding more of your time and efforts than you feel comfortable giving. Take these requests in stride and make your feelings known, bluntly but kindly. Time will take care of some situations. Around this same time period you will be experiencing bliss in your career development or current employment status. A raise, a promotion, or increased benefits will fall into your favor. Pat yourself on the back! You deserve it. As the Planets shift around March through June, your perspective on the friends in your life will change. You're feeling more philanthropic in general, and the friends who were once dragging you down are now a great asset to you with their stellar advice and support to help you achieve your goals. April will really be a time for you to shine, so The Twins had better make the most of it. People are listening to what you have to say, so choose your phrasing and your battles carefully. You are at the center of every social instance, and other people are stunned at your charm and your wit. In the game of life, you are winning, and your energy level is about as high as it can be. Partnerships fall center stage again around September and October. This time, everyone is working out a compromise that is comfortable for all those involved. Mutual growth, development and a stronger closeness are everyone's gifts for learning how to get along. In November and throughout the end of the year, you are riding the crest of love and appreciation for love and humanity. Spirits are high, and you are enjoying yourself and life's offerings immensely. Have a good time, and seize a moment or two to be thankful for the wonderful year and the turn of the new millennium. The Twins may be at a crossroads this year, and you could benefit from some sound Astrological advice. Finding yourself ripe with romantic desires, you are more assertive in this department than you've been in a long while. Whatever (or whomever!) you want is yours, and you are riding on the wave of a very assertive, confident, and powerful spell. Getting what you want and being incredibly direct aren't generally common areas for you to excel in, so you are enjoying this time in the driver's seat. Other things to keep in mind this year include not stepping on everyone's fingers and toes on your climb to the top. Remember that it is the people beneath you who are holding up the pyramid, and to shun them brings you closer to your own failure. When planning travel throughout the year, try to maintain as much flexibility as you can. Itineraries may not go exactly to plan every time, and sometimes tangents and back roads can be the most exiting highlight of a trip. Stay in touch with your surroundings, and don't put too much of a burden on yourself. Remain open to odd suggestions and fleeting opportunities. Everything may not always go your way, but it is unlikely that you will get bored. Fluctuations may occur in your day-to-day cast of characters. There may be some great changes made in the roles of the people who are closest to you, either personally or professionally. ou may be forced to get along with someone new, or perhaps some long-standing ties will be severed. This is a period of new starts and fresh beginnings for everyone involved. Turning your focus inward and maintaining your own strengths and well-being will prepare you for these new adjustments. In January and February, your friends may become more of a liability than an asset. Other people are demanding more of your time and efforts than you feel comfortable giving. Take these requests in stride and make your feelings known, bluntly but kindly. Time will take care of some situations. Around this same time period you will be experiencing bliss in your career development or current employment status. A raise, a promotion, or increased benefits will fall into your favor. Pat yourself on the back! You deserve it. As the Planets shift around March through June, your perspective on the friends in your life will change. You're feeling more philanthropic in general, and the friends who were once dragging you down are now a great asset to you with their stellar advice and support to help you achieve your goals.

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