Friday, June 12, 2009

Pisces February 20 - March 20

Other sudden changes may occur in your career. It is quite likely that around April you will submit to a completely different career change. Jumping from one field into something unrelated will bring with it a whole new set of challenges and priorities. If this is a plan that's been in the making for a while, now is your chance to grab the opportunity before it flies by. If you haven't been plotting to leave your job, someone may try to steal you away. Venus enters your Sign in May, and you will fall under the spell of romance. You are deeply affected by the love you feel, and you swear that this time it is for real. The second half of 1999 is all about communication. Suddenly, you are in a position where your words affect a lot of people on a daily basis. You are responsible for the medium, the message and the motivation of the reader. Overwhelmed by this feeling of power that you now have, it's important that you consider what you say very carefully, as you are in a unique position to make things happen. In September, work could become hectic, and getting across your ideas and meeting deadlines is more important than ever before. Rise to this challenge, Pisces, and the tension and frustration you encounter will soon subside. The end of the year rings in a new millennium, and Pisces is ready to face the change after a year full of successfully meeting new challenges. December will bring with it a bit of romance, to boot, and hand-in-hand with that someone special, you are facing forward and diving in.

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