Friday, June 12, 2009

Aries March 21 - April 19

The Ram trudges forward in 1999 with the same straightforward, head first attitude with which you approach everything. You can expect to be working hard, but there will be many rewards to show for your valiant efforts. As a critical voice behind the scenes, Aries will shoulder a lot of responsibility, especially those who are born in the third week of April. Friendship will also take center stage, and many people will need you by their side. Don't let the people who you are close to you fall out of your radar; making the extra effort to keep everyone together will make a difference. Remind those that you're close to to take extra special care with their health and physical well-being. February promises a little break time, and you deserve it! Relax, but don't allow yourself to become comatose. Special needs surrounding financial matters may pop into the forefront, and you've got to be ready to take charge. Take extra caution with other people's money. From March and lingering on until the end of the year, you should put aside some of your assets for a rainy day. Whether or not there's rain, there are increased chances of lightning striking at your heart strings, as the possibility of a serious romance is quite likely. Through June, Jupiter will be passing through your Sign, bringing with it fleeting good luck and good fortune. Take advantage of all great opportunities that roll your way, as it's unusual how quickly all this will pass. From June through August, the Ram is red hot with romance. Heading toward the end of the year from September onward, those financial issues that have been lurking in the shadows suddenly step center stage. The money you don't have suddenly becomes more important than the money you do have. The powers that be may not be as friendly as they could be. Around this time of year, you are also itching to get moving. A kinetic opportunity to do something or to go somewhere else presents itself, and you are tempted. Sincerely consider the sacrifices you'll have to make. Is it an even trade off? In October, issues surrounding coupling and partnership, both personal and professional, will be nagging you. Choose the company you keep carefully, and don't agree to anything without a proper contract. As the end of the year rolls around again, you are thinking of your professional development and your career in November. Moving onward and making plans for the future are a top priority. Rams born toward the end of April will enjoy a double helping of romantic interludes in December. Festive indulgence is key as you are feeling fit and back on your feet.

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