Saturday, June 6, 2009

Relationship Horoscope August 1997

My name is Andrea Mallis and I'm a professional astrologer practicing in Berkeley, California and the creatrix of Virgo in Service at Your Service Astrological Consulting. Welcome to my monthly astrological column that has a specific relationship focus, since one of my specialities is relationship astrology. I do hope that you enjoy reading this column and that you find the information useful and insightful. If you know your rising sign, please read that too. For further information on my astrological services, you can reach me by email at Aries (Mar21-Apr20) The Full Moon in Aquarius lands in your house of friendship this month so now is a good time to review all your friendships, associates and the relationships you share. Disagreements with partners may feel like the last straw, but don't jump to conclusions, especially with Mercury retrograde. Sports friends are fun to work out with as your Mars ruler enters Scorpio on the 14th. Passion soars and you could be calling the shots before this eventful month is over. Taurus (Apr21-May21) Look for your usually mellow and placid demeanor to change as Mars transits through your 7th house of relationships. With work no longer a major preoccupation, expressing yourself through relationships takes top priority. Yet, you may feel constantly challenged by others, even annoyed. Partnerships are definitely in a state of flux as you hash out new agreements. Remember change usually means progress, even in the midst of turmoil. Gemini (May22-Jun21) Your ruler Mercury goes retrograde on the 17th, be sure and double check all communications and expect last minute delays. Try to prioritize and not scatter your resources. Chances are you will be on the go a lot this month, and quite restless. DonĂ­t do anything rash and impulsive, especially around the Full Moon. Getting back in touch with friends and family can be positive for all. Cancer (Jun22-Jul23) The Full Moon illuminates your financial situation for better or worse. Take advantage of Mercury retrograde and go over your bookkeeping. Be cautious and consider the consequences of overspending. The New Moon on the 3rd may have you feeling extravagant. Choose quality over quantity in all you do. Clarify your needs and feelings as friction at home may appear. Leo (Jul24-Aug22) Happy birthday lions--its your turn to bask in the spotlight and be as dramatic as you wish. The New Moon in your creative sign imbues you with optimism and confidence, yet the Full Moon on the 19th reminds you to be attentive to your partners needs as well. Great time for a spruce up of body, mind and spirit, as admiration pours forth. This is a fresh start for you, your own personal astrological New Year, so go out and make the most of it. Virgo (Aug23-Sep23) Your ruler Mercury begins its thrice yearly tailspin, so be careful to avoid any errors. Mercury is in Virgo also, adding fuel to an already busy fire. Give yourself permission to not be perfect and give others the benefit as well. Mars, now in your solar 3rd house of neighbors, relatives and communications, keeps you at a frenetic pace, just don't burn yourself out and take good care of yourself. Libra (Sep24-Oct23) Venus, goddess of love and beauty in your lovely sign on the 17th has you even more charming and alluring. Creativity radiates form almost everything you come in contact with. A busy month on the social scene is in store for you. With Mars in your 2nd solar house, extra funds may suddenly appear, just don't overspend on luxury items. All in all, a great month for both love and money. Scorpio (Oct24-Nov22) With Mars in your intense sign on the 14th, expect extra energy and determination. You can accomplish any thing you set your mind to. Just avoid getting into power struggles with others who may have a different point of view. Especially with Mercury being retrograde, be mindful of miscommunications among friends which can escalate beyond all reason. Sagittarius (Nov23-Dec21) Strive for clarity in all you do this month and be mindful of overreaching. Lost mail and crossed wires, courtesy of Mercury retrograde may create relationship headaches. Blunt comments can back fire and you may find yourself disappointed in a relationship with a friend, as you discover that you no longer have much in common. Capricorn (Dec22-Jan20) Your serious ruler Saturn goes retrograde leading off this month. A good opportunity to reassess your projects. The New Moon in Leo has love and passion in the air, so give equal time to your not so serious side. Business like Capricorn's may be wise to postpone making new investments, with Mercury being retrograde till September 10th. You may even want to cut back on expenses for a while. Aquarius (Jan21-Feb19) New Moon in your 7th focuses on get-togethers, relationships and for agreeable contracts of all kinds. Plant the seeds for the spirit of cooperation among co-workers and friends. Also, a new and different way of approaching partnerships is revealed to you now. With Mercury retrograde take special heed of financial miscalculations, especially with property divisions and settlements. You may feel especially sensitive around the Full Moon yet this is a good time to talk about your feelings with a partner or good friend. Pisces (Feb20-Mar20) The New Moon in Leo aids in any self improvement programs you may be thinking of starting. Your intuitive powers are strong, go with your first inclinations. Get to the core of your innermost feelings on the Full Moon and rise above the petty issues that seem to bog you down. Mercury retrograding in your opposite sign can leave you feeling confused and overwhelmed, so keep it simple. Be wary of the usual travel and communication mix-ups, and somewhat gullible Pisces, please don't believe everything that you hear.

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