Saturday, June 6, 2009

Trends of Spiritual Awareness & Fundamentalism.

We the Human Species are mere infants when we look at the passage of our time on this Planet and we are a relatively new species compared with the many others on Planet Earth. When a child is born their world is their mothers arms and their crib. They grow to see their home and neighbourhood as their world and so it goes on as they/we grow to various forms of maturity. The species grows in the same way. On a personal level and a global level we start by coming to terms with our physical self and then our world. We go on to develop the mind and then the Spirit. The physical can be brought into an accommodating line to others of the species through application of mind. The mind can be brought into a more harmonious expression by the infusion of spirit. This can only come to pass through the personal "Willpower = astrological Sun position" of an individual to express their highest qualities. We the species are preparing and have been doing so for about 30 years; a spiritual rebirth of the individual and collective. Self Government is a grass roots development and as there have been many people developing into self actualised individuals over these years we are getting first hand examples of our ability to overcome challenges that were thought of as impossible at earlier times in our history. The self actualised individual is one who instinctively expresses potential in accordance with the potentials usually found in analysis of their Birth Chart. Many in the world who have been 'Self Actualising' over the past 30 years are now finding the need and the challenge to become 'Self articulate'; the 'Ability = power' to 'Walk the talk' and 'Talk the walk'. These individuals are to be found represented in all walks, age groups and nations = collections of tribes. We are living in the most wonder-full and speedy development of the human species as never before seen. Alvin Tofler in the 1990s book 'Power Shift' refers to the period around the mid 1950s through 2024 as being the "Hinge of History". During this time frame the Planet Pluto associated with Regeneration and Change, traverses through half of its 248 year cycle, from Leo to Aquarius. The half way mark was its passage through Scorpio. Pluto was in its own sign Scorpio 1984-1995 - Revelations from areas of society that were previously taboo subjects, culminating in decisions to deal with political, financial, religious and family corruption. We have gone through the darkest hour and are getting ready to come into the light, of ourselves. There is common call from grass roots, for personal 'response-ability to be a governing factor in individuals, families, schools, and local environments, where people gather together; we know this to be essential for the well-being of all societies within the human family. There is always opposition to change from 'neo-phobes' (avers to change) who tend to operate through intransigent fundamentalism. To define a fundamentalist in my book is anyone in any area of life who refuses to develop their response-ability to the constant flow of relevant change in their lives. They are easy to define for they are always focused on some past, future ideal or a present comfort zone. In the last two years we have seen the rise in acts of violence, by minority groups and individual fanatics, upon their own nations. The fundamentalist Japanese group responsible for the Tokyo gas attacks, the Oklahoma bombing by American anti-government individuals and the resurgence of violence between the Irish & British, to name a few of a growing trend. There is however another even greater planetary phenomenon of the time frame referred to earlier, (from mid 1950s - 2024), is that all the outer Transpersonal planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will have visited the Signs, Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio respectively, the sign they are astrologically associated with. This type of phenomena appears only every few thousand years, it certainly has not happened before in this or the previous AGE = 2100 years. As the planets are Transpersonal - associated with the Collective Unconscious of the globe and all upon it; I see this as truly an Awareness paradigm shift as significant as the development of language. 1996 Uranus moved into its own sign of Aquarius associated with the gathering together of people of like mind, idealism, inventiveness and individualism. Uranus will stay in its own sign for the next 7 years. Neptune a planet associated with societies health, spiritual, political institutions and the world of the unconscious; moves into its own sign of Pisces in 2012, the sign associated with the mutation of self into higher self, before re-birth into a new cycle. Over the years of my study & travel I have been fortunate to meet many wise ones. One of these was an old man on a Greek island who showed me that the only way to change the attitude of the human species, was to change my own first and to forgive all who had hurt me in the past for they did not understand the longer term repercussions of their influence or lack of it. Now more than 15 years later I see a world relatively on the brink of forgiving its ancestors ignorance and going forward with a cleansed spirit.

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