Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Astrological Houses

Here is a picture of a blank chart wheel showing the 12 houses. Imagine a clock face...find the 9 o'clock point. This is where the first house begins. The second house begins at the 8 o'clock point, the third house at 7 o'clock etc. 1st HOUSE The First House is also known as the House of Self as well as the Ascendant or Rising Sign. It describes your outer personality and physical attributes. It is the image we project to the world, our mask and outward behaviour. It represents the head and face and is ruled by the sign Aries and the planet Mars . 2nd HOUSE The Second House is also known as the House of Possessions . It describes your material assets, monetary income, and the potential ways it may be earned. It also indicates what you value throughout life. This is the house of personal finance. It represents the neck, nose and throat and is ruled by the sign Taurus and the planet Venus . 3rd HOUSE The Third House is also known as the House of Communication . It is the way which we express ourselves (through speech, written etc...) and think on an intellectual level. It also describes siblings, neighbors and our local environment as well as early education, mechanical dexterity, and short trips.It represents the hands, shoulders and lungs and is ruled by the sign Gemini and the planet Mercury . 4th HOUSE The Fourth House is also known as the House of Home . It describes your residence, real estate, domestic environment, ancestry, heritage and roots as well as the past. It also indicates one's Mother. It represents the breasts and digestion and is ruled by the sign Cancer and the Moon . 5th HOUSE The Fifth House is also known as the House of Pleasure . It describes romance, creativity, children, fun, talent, gambling, and enjoyment. It also rules the dramatic, and one's artistic ability. It represents the heart and back and is ruled by the sign Leo and the Sun . 6th HOUSE The Sixth House is also known as the House of Health . It is your job, routine, daily responsibilities, diet, employees, pets, and physical fitness. It also describes fulfilling your duty and obligations, and the conscious mind. It represents the stomach and intestines and is ruled by the sign Virgo and the planet Mercury . 7th HOUSE The Seventh House is also known as the House of Partnership . It describes marriage, joint partnership or ventures, and business partnerships. It also rules divorce, legalities, open confrontations, contracts, lawsuits, and negotiations. It represents the kidneys and is ruled by the sign Libra and the planet Venus . 8th HOUSE The Eighth House is also known as the House of Sex . It describes shared resources, inheritance, alimony, taxes, support one receives from others, and surgery. It is also the house of sexual behaviour, procreation, regeneration, death, and reincarnation. It represents the sex organs and is ruled by the sign Scorpio and the planets Mars and Pluto . 9th HOUSE The Ninth House is also known as the House of Philosophy . It describes religion, travel and foreign countries, in-laws, higher education, publishing, import/export and ethics. It represents the hips and thighs and is ruled by the sign Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter . 10th HOUSE The Tenth House is also known as the House of Social Status . It describes one's vocation, career, profession, ambition, reputation, authority, prestige, one's achievements and governmentand. As well as one's father and his influence. It represents the skin, teeth, bones and shins. It is ruled by the sign Capricorn and the planet Saturn . 11th HOUSE The Eleventh House is also known as the House of Friends . It describes friendships and acquaintances, as well as hopes and wishes. It rules groups, organizations, associations, humanitarianism and philanthropic attitudes, and one's originality. It represents the ankles and is ruled by the sign Aquarius and the planets Saturn and Uranus . 12th HOUSE The Twelfth House is also known as the House of the Unconscious . It describes the hidden or unknown, the subconscious mind, the intangible, sleep, dreams, sympathy, karma and spiritual debt. It rules solitude, confinement, fears, sorrow, secrets, hidden enemies, non-reality, drugs, institutions, public welfare and charity. It represents the feet and is ruled by the sign Pisces and the planets Jupiter and Neptune .

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