Friday, June 5, 2009

Astrology's Mainstream Acceptance in Western Society: How and When?

About 15 years ago, Ken Negus of NCGR and I were having a conversation about how astrology would re-enter the academic mainstream. We both agreed it had little to do with "proof" of astrology e.g. Gauquelin studies. We concluded: Astrology would re-enter the university when someone endowed a chair for it. We then proceeded to discuss who would get the money: NCGR or NYSA! :) Recently, the Templeton foundation proved our point. "Our [Templeton} program in medical schools. There are 126 four-year graduate schools of medicine in America. One of my foundations paid for a survey two and a half years ago and couldn't find a single medical school offering a course in spiritual healing. By offering small cash awards to the teacher and the school, 30 schools are going to offer a course next year in spiritual healing. I think's absolutely marvelous". Personally, I believe it just PROVES the old saying: "Money talks, nobody walks" So that is one of the main reasons I am a financial astrologer. Astrology will get its mainstream acceptance through the markets. That was the 5 year goal of the Astrology and Stock Marketing Forecasting Conferences in 1993. Progress to date: astrology is rapidly becoming ACCEPTABLE to many money managers and traders. When will Astrology be accepted by the mainstream ? Soon - certainly before 2100 [See our Project 2100 for details], and perhaps as soon as 5/5/2000

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