Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Syndication Case Studies

Astrology.Net's AstroAffiliates Program services a wide-range of websites, with each affiliate taking a different approach. HomeArts, the online home for all Heart publications such as Cosmo, Redbook and GQ, built an entire astrology section with Astrology.Net content. Match.Com focused on Astrology.Net's relationship-oriented content and readings, and will feature Astrology.Net founder Kelli Fox in a weekly chat. Elle International will publish Astrology.Net horoscopes online and promote them through their new Backweb channel. On the custom content front, CMPnet hired Astrology.Net to create a popular technology-oriented version of the daily horoscopes, now titled 'Netstrology' on CMPnet. "The Internet allows us to move beyond the real-estate limitations of print media, and provides a platform for deeper exploration of proven, popular subjects. Magazines can become more than publishers - they can offer interactive entertainment. The advantage of deeper and more dynamic content to an advertising-based site is clear - more pageviews to sell. When we were interested in building an astrology section online, we leveraged Astrology.Net's affiliate program to obtain excellent content, save production time and cost, and add a new revenue stream." - Edgar Lopez, Editorial Producer, Hearst New Media, Hearst Corp. "At CMPnet, we are working to broaden our audience. We knew how popular horoscopes are, and thought they would be an entertaining way to reach new users. Together, CMPnet and Astrology.Net created Netstrology, a section of our site containing technology-oriented daily horoscopes. By becoming an Astrology.Net affiliate, we were able to provide our regular and new users with unique content that bridges the gap between technology and consumers." - Rob Kelly, Director of Business Development, CMPnet

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