Friday, June 5, 2009

Uranus/Pluto Quadratures

In 1923 Carl G. Jung published his works on Psychological Types and introduced us to the idea of groups of thought or collections of thoughts that we experience on an unconscious level en mass, through archetypes. The collective unconscious contains the inherited or ancestral memories and archetypes that the individual taps into as a reference to the world around him. We carry these ancestral memories and continually build upon them in our ever expanding awareness and perspective. Significance within this reference is the goal of the identity, the implicate order. Pluto is a very small planet at the edge of the solar system with an orbital tilt that allows for a different view or perspective of the rest of the solar system, far removed from the light of our consciousness center (Sun). Much of our perspective is determined by this collective reference as a starting point for transformation of that collective identity. The powerless position of such a small body is reflected in the need for significant impact as the overcompensation to "make itself felt". It arises from the fear of insignificant effect in such an isolated position. This is the psychological key to Pluto and Scorpio. The transformation that is pursued is the attempt to validate the ego within this larger group of like thinkers and is usually felt by that generation as the thing that society lacks and needs. That generation then adds to societal perspective its contribution. In astrology the planet Pluto reflects the generational collective unconscious and acts as the guide to the collective development of this system's (the solar system) ever expanding awareness. The group we are born into by Pluto's sign reference carries with it tremendous change in the sign it is so placed. But curiously this impact is felt as the generation matures. We must first seek to expand the influence of our self (Jupiter) through strategy necessary for physical realization (Saturn), realize these barriers are self created and imposed (Uranus) and dissolve them (Neptune), that leads to this collective transformative recognition, through altered perspectives and attitudes of our place within the universe (Pluto). In the early sixties the generation that was born with Pluto in Leo (1939-57) became the "do your own thing" generation and creative applications were the order of the day. Why? Because the generation that preceded them had their focus on security concerns (Cancer-1914-39) and they needed to expand that perspective, because the previous generation concentrated on dispersing and creating a global community (Gemini) that that one had to secure... Of course this repeats over and over each time at a higher and more expanded level but with different configurations of the planets inside it's orbit and perhaps those outside of its orbit marking a larger frame of reference (Transpluto?). A paradigm is a conceptual framework or set of assumptions under which we make rules, and determine inquiry. In this sense Pluto reflects the current paradigm collectively that we are "agreeing" to be our parameter of interest and development. The issues of the period by sign and aspects are reflected through it. But the individuals born under a certain paradigm manifest that paradigm as the current paradigm when they reach adult age 20 years or so later. That imprint seems to exist then and is brought forward in time. Conjunctions of the outer planets to Pluto reflects the periods when these paradigms shift in focus or content. Since Neptune's orbit and Pluto's orbit cover some of the same space sometimes (because of the off center shape of their orbits) they work together in this dissolution and reformation of global and collective perspective development. The solar system itself is in a state of developmental awareness and consciousness expansion that is reflected in the collective perspective. It is the collective consciousness in material form. Uranus is the planet that reflects the primary energies of dislodging the old paradigm sets so this change can take place. The quadratures between Uranus and Pluto are very significant indicators of these collective shifts. The Pluto in Leo generation therefore was able to take advantage of a paradigm shift with which to express their specific change as the major paradigm during the Uranus/Pluto conjunction of 1965. The last conjunction of Uranus/Pluto was at 29 Aries which preceded the Civil War. This is easily seen by its square to the materialistic position of Pluto in Capricorn in the chart of the US at 27 Capricorn. Here we had a revolution in ego dominance (Aries) of the collective and racial perspective. Uranus rules 10 (the president) and Pluto rules 6 (service and servants, work and the 12th of the public). It was also the time that California became a state. California has always been know for its "conglomeration" populace and weird or strange lifestyles. The seal of California depicts a Grizzly bear as the symbol of the early American struggle for independence. In 1965 the conjunction occurred in Virgo (critical thinking) in the 5th of the US chart (the youth of the nation) and the rebellion against the "establishment" began. Square the US Mars (the military) the protest against military maneuvers and the Viet Nam efforts begins to get serious. Its conjunction to Neptune easily identifies drugs and counterculture activities as being a part of this rebellion. The generation born with Pluto in Virgo (1957-72) pushed for the transformation of perspective with the emphasis on technological service oriented devices, health and fitness issues. This generation found practical uses for the creations of the previous generation. But this generation awakened technological service that will dramatically change future paradigms or systems of belief (Uranus) because of the conjunction of Uranus to this Pluto cycle. And this is the predominating paradigm that will carry until the first square in 2012. The illusory effects of what we do for a living will be where this breakup will occur-does this really reflect me? When this occurs we wake up to the recognition of unlimited choice in our creative prowess. The period immediately preceding this first square will begin to seem oppressive in this "Virgoian"system. The overthrowing of the current paradigm is the effect of the Uranus/Pluto quadratures and this generation made drastic changes through computers, medicine, psychology and the entire service industry. Downsizing and rightsizing of corporations and workplaces and all types of efficiency concerns have been the effect of this Virgoian generational perspective. Making things easier through technology leaves more time for relationship concerns. This is what the next generation will "feel" was missing and begin to promote as its most predominant paradigm. The critical and refining or discriminating and efficiency oriented Virgo perspective will be overthrown and overshadowed by the sudden surge in relationship and identity concerns. Pluto in Libra (1971-84) will be the generation who's perspective and collective orientation will probably be the most influencing and influenced by the next quadrature of Uranus/Pluto which occurs in 2012. This generation's need for social change will dramatically alter the present assumptions about all sorts of commonly accepted beliefs about relationship and interaction. It may have to as we discover new life in space. With the last square around 1932, Pluto itself was discovered and the mobster mentality and world became an issue. As we can see all of these quadratures corresponded to some sort of power struggles within the mass consciousness, usually but not always having to do with race or nationality. The generation that will be right in the middle of the next square will be the Pluto in Libra generation. And as shown by the placement of this square around the US chart, the issues will be again revolving around the status and ego (Aries and Capricorn) a competitive struggle for dominance. The past has shown us that this quadrature brings some sort of reshifting of power within the masses or at least the need to remove power from some group who has usurped it. This power realignment as we will call it, will take place in economic functions and sharing, the death rate or issues of life and death, and the advising segments for the president(8th house). The death of a president while in office would be the entirely possible under such an aspect. The 11th house of the US chart deals with congressional issues and no doubt there will be major power struggles here. The difference in this quadrature as opposed to other historically recent ones is the fact that this one falls within orb of a grand cross with the US radix Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Saturn, this is an extremely difficult time in US history. Economic and political issues will no doubt be powerful. The squares get closer to the US Saturn by 2015 and reflect tremendous difficulties and power struggles as the direction of the country's extension (5th house Saturn) and relationship to other powers is challenged by the Pluto in Libra generation. This also coincides with a Saturn return for the US as well and it appears that the military structures are where power will be taken back from. In the natural horoscope the signs of Scorpio (Pluto) and Aquarius (Uranus) are square each other and reflect the externalized "versions" of Taurus (Venus) and Leo (Sun). Since these two signs reflect our worth and creative extension respectively, their externalized versions are just reflections of our own creations interacting with the apparent other. It is a question of abundance typically-or rather the belief or disbelief in that idea, that is the cause of these power struggles. The only resolution to such difficulties is usually what transpires. A redistribution of power (Pluto) to allow for a greater experience of liberty (Uranus) and justice for all. It is never entirely justice and rarely for all. But this distribution itself is essentially an illusion, because our realities are created by us day in and day out. It is the giving away of power that begins the cycle. Perhaps sometime in the present or the future we can allow for the recognition that we don't need to give it away to begin with. We can create whatever we desire without detracting from someone else. We cannot be responsible for others only to them. This is why Pluto's exaltation in Leo tells us that our greatest power to change the world is through the individual's power to extend themselves. In this way if we take responsibility for our creations day to day, one group or another will not have to be fighting to get it back sometime in the future, and even if they are, it won't be a group we belong to. The paradigm shift of 2012 will be from material or scientific standards of validity, to quality of life and relationship standards, of course this takes power from certain groups that are no longer necessary or fair, the battle of the ego may be great, but as history has shown through these quadratures in the past, transforming has never been the result of mediocre people or events. If there was only one truth, or one basis to form our assumptions about the nature of existence from, obviously paradigms would never shift and discovery would not exist. It is from tiny Pluto's perspective the only way to find significance and meaning in the vast sea of time and space.

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