Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Using Psychic Advice to Manifest Your True Love

Woman on phone imagining Soulmate Let's face it: The world is quite a depressing place right now. With fallen economies, lost jobs, foreclosed homes, and failed relationships, the future doesn't seem too promising. The future of the physical world, that is. The spiritual world, on the other hand, is a world of limitless possibilities where dreams are born and, with proper guidance and nurturing, come true in the physical world. New jobs, new homes, and exciting new relationships are all possible for those who simply open their minds to the psychic realm, a realm where the dreams that exist in the spiritual world can be made manifest in the physical. Manifesting your future through psychic guidance is an ancient concept that transcends modern thinking, which would confine reality to the here-and-now realm of the physical world. It is the stuff not found on Wall Street or through a financial planner or even a physician, but rather from a person who is in tune with the realm of the spiritual, a person capable of offering the psychic advice necessary to help you move beyond the limited possibilities of the physical realm into the limitless realm of the spiritual. Many individuals laden with burdens of the physical world have begun to seek out psychic advice in their search for higher answers. Such answers exist in the psychic realm of possibility and are otherwise invisible to the physical eye. Consulting a psychic has become for many a means of changing their lives for the better by manifesting their hearts' desires. The psychic practice of manifestation is a concept that combines the Laws of the Universe in order to transcend the physical realm and create intent, or plant a desire, in the spiritual realm. It is essentially sending your desire out into the universe, believing it to already exist and waiting for it to manifest itself in the physical realm. The burdens of day-to-day life and the negative energy they give off act as a spiritual predator to the positive frequency we create when we send our desires (intentions) out into the universe. Any negative thought associated with a positive intention can actually "cancel out" the intention. For example, if our intent is to get a better job but we keep thinking about how we aren't qualified for that job, or that we don't possess the determination necessary to manifest the desire in the physical world, then we've just told ourselves the intent doesn't really exist. We've neutralized the positive vibrations by allowing negative vibrations to interrupt the spiritual frequency. The practice of manifesting your future by envisioning your dreams as reality that already exists is a very powerful concept and one that any true psychic in tune with the spiritual realm is quite familiar with. There are several tools that a psychic can use to help guide you toward understanding where it is you want to be and how you should best go about getting to that place, both in the spiritual and physical realm. Psychics offer advice through various means such as Tarot readings to help pinpoint key factors that appear to be repetitive in the spiritual realm that are in turn affecting the outcome of events in the physical realm. Manifesting your future is essentially synchronizing what you already know (believe without doubt) to exist in the spiritual realm with what is present in the physical realm. It is a harmonizing of the two planes of existence by transcending the physical realm and bringing the mind, body, and spirit into oneness. There are several methods to help reach a psychic plane where you gain control of your mind and spirit to effectively project your intent into the universe. Most psychics agree that meditation is a key method for developing mind control. By entering a meditative state, you can free yourself from burdens and stresses of the physical world and thereby release your psychic energy into the spiritual realm where you will plant your intent. The second step, and perhaps the most important in manifesting your future, is to associate emotions with the intent you have planted. In other words you should focus on the details of what you desire. How will your life be? How will you feel when your dream is realized in the physical realm? Imagine every detail of your dream, including emotions, smells, tastes, sounds. Attach physical sensations to your intention. Really, really pay attention to the details. The emotions you attach to your intent create a frequency. Everything in the universe, both physical and spiritual, vibrates at a certain frequency. When we create our desires in the spiritual realm, we have already placed them into existence. They simply exist at a different frequency from what we see and experience in the physical realm. It's like a radio station: When you are between channels, you can sometimes make out the words that are on the next channel, but they are not clear until you tune them in. It is the same with manifesting. Manifesting your future is simply a matter of "changing the channel" in the spiritual realm so that what you intend in the physical realm becomes clear. Consulting a psychic is something that will open up new possibilities to realms that you may not have known existed. These spiritual realms where dreams come true, where hope abides, are simply a frequency away. The physical world, with all its sorrows and all its burdens, is but a temporary resting place for the human soul, which has the power to transcend the physical world of impossibilities and enter the spiritual world of infinite possibility.

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